Friday 7th of March 2025

long live the republic...



Prime Minister Tony Abbott says Treasurer Joe Hockey did not consult him before leading a new push for Australia to become a republic.

Mr Hockey angered some of his Federal Cabinet colleagues with the announcement he will lead a parliamentary friendship group on the issue.

Mr Abbott, a monarchist, said Australia is doing well without being a republic.

"No, we didn't talk about this because we've got bigger things on our minds most of the time, but there are lots of parliamentary friendship groups and this is just one of them," he told Channel Nine.

"I think one of the problems with the republican push is it seems to feel compelled in the way you just have to suggest that there's some lack of maturity, some lack of independence in our system."

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yes turdy, there is a lack of maturity...


Wrong, Turdy...

The Australian government system that is dependent of the Queen of Pommyland is immature and lacks independence. The GG should sack you, Turdy, for having lied many many many times over. You are only kept in your position only by default: a) Mr Murdoch has anointed you and b) the present system cannot get rid of you until the next election, unless your mates kick you in the butt as they should... BUT you should sack yourself for holding TWO NATIONALITIES contrary to the laws of this parliament. End of transmission.

kick some arses, pete...

The essential problem with the republican movement is not that it is "too earnest" as the new head of the movement says, but that it's too timid and exclusionary, writes Chris O'Regan.

As newly chosen head of the Australian Republican movement, Peter FitzSimons says advocating for a republic could be a "wonderfully fun" thing to do and that controversy in debate on a republic would be dreary.

He wants a debate that is more "gentle" than the previous one, as if we republicans can simply expect opponents of change to give up at some point, while at the same time stressing that the idea of an "inevitable" republic is wrong.

It is this dangerously muddled thinking that helped lead to the failure in the republican referendum of 1999.

FitzSimons explicitly makes comparisons to the recent Irish referendum on same-sex marriage. He talked about the Irish "phone your granny" campaign and going "house-by-house, door-by-door, street-by-street" to canvass for change.

On this point FitzSimons is right: building a cause for change must clearly rely on community support, engaging people one-on-one, on building the strength that comes from a genuine popular movement. He is right when he says that an Australian republic relies on "the critical mass of engaged Australians ... to make it happen and make it a political imperative".

today the queen...

In the Sunday Turdograph today, Miranda Devine, the Catholic, lauds the Anglican Queen with a double spread of pictures. One does not know what goes on between Miranda's ears. Is this a swan song for a "good woman", the Queen, or is Miranda trying to tell us that the Republic of Australia is a bad idea?

I know that her big boss in Yamerika, Uncle Rupert, a former Aussiebloke, is split on the subject. Well, I think he believes in the Republic of Aussieland BUT he knows that the Royals sell more of his crappy magazines and newspapers than would an Aussie Head of State. So his head is in the right place but his hip-pocket is in a grocer's till kashing mode. Ha, the dilemma of publishing delicious crap for the masses !

Without the tits, bums, fat rolls and diet of celebs, many magazines "for women" would bite the dust... And the Royals are the best celebs of all (with a bit more decorum, the "emperor has clothes"), making little girls dream of becoming little princesses... while little boys dream of becoming Attila the Hun...


See also: a nice little wicket if you can get it... but you won't... you need to be hemophiliac and blue blooded...