Monday 20th of May 2024

We aren't all Zionists (Mannie De Saxe)

The last three editions of the Australian Jewish News (AJN) have six letters attacking Antony Loewenstein for his article in the AJN (9 July 2004) and his chapter in Margo Kingston's book, 'Not Happy, John'. One wrote that Loewenstein's sole defender in the AJN is his girl friend!

No letters in the AJN have been published supporting the Loewenstein arguments. All the attacking letters have Australian addresses. Israel is desperately attempting to get Diaspora Jews to 'fight the good fight' there, especially from France because of the rise in anti-Semitism.

How do people like Rubenstein and Danby know how many of the 100,000 Jews in Australia are Zionists? They do not speak for all of us.

If the AJN was truly the Australian Jewish News, it would give those Jews who are Jewish and not self-hating - as some Zionists call us - space in its letters columns to agree with Antony Loewenstein and express our views on Israel/Palestine, anti- Semitism and the Ashrawi affair

Otherwise censorship and apartheid are alive and well.

Mannie De Saxe

Jews Against Oppression and Occupation