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the minister for women and accidental PM, turdy abbutt, suggest that his party should be less blokey... but demands merit.
Tony Abbott is urging the Liberal party to preselect more women to boost their numbers in the federal parliament. The prime minister said the party must become less “blokey” and, while not imposing a quota, it must aim at increasing the number of women in the parliament and the ministry. “If we don’t get the percentage of women up, we will be letting ourselves down,” Abbott told a Liberal function in Adelaide on Saturday. He said merit must remain the driving factor in choosing candidates, but the party had to give a fair go to politically interested and able women if it is to be the best it can be. “If even the Australian army can become less blokey, then so must we,” he said.
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are you PM fit?...
The Sunday Terrorgraph (or the Turdograph aka the Telecrap) of 16 August 2015 is asking a stupid question in order to promote yet again a "good" story about Turdy.
As "anything political" has now vanished down the gurgler for Turdy, the only thing left to promote his good looks is to harp on, yet again, on his "fitness" and his ability to pedal for big pharmaceutical sponsors... But why would the DT choose a picture of Turdy smiling like an idiot? We want to see sweat and tears !
Now if you are a student (or a professional like me) of advertising, you would notice one thing to the left: a woman who is not attached in any way to the news of Turdy doing push ups for "brekkie", but about a "princess" who is no princess at all, only the wife of a loosing cricketer.
This front cover association is telling: a woman has been straddling across the banner for Turdy... The boffins at the DT may not know what they are doing and not do it deliberately, but in "my days" I used this trick quite often to link seemingly unrelated concepts into a subconscious attraction. Here, "women are not forgotten" despite trashing the "Princess Kyly" in a double page spread (12-13...). What a waste of ink and paper...!
I better return the DT paper to my next door neighbour before he rings the newsagent about his newspaper having been stolen once more...
Owh... And the big story is that Councils are refusing to "amalgamate" voluntarily... The Turdograph headline in 2,458 point-size (my old copper type-gauge tells me it's really 144 points — sorry, I tend to exaggerate) is "SACK THEM ALL" possibly as an advice to the NSW State Government, both annoyed with too many "lefty councils"...
the bloke with the not bad looking daughters...
Sarah Hanson-Young described Tony Abbott/s action as ‘creepy’.
On being told that Wilson private security made claims that employees at the Australian-run immigration detention centre had spied on South Australian Greens senator Senator Hanson-Young during recent her visit to Nauru. Hanson-Young was followed without her being aware of it. Asked about this, Tony Abbott said “I don’t accept that characterisation. I believe she was being, in fact, looked after while she was there.”
Senator Hanson-Young responded that Tony Abbott did not understand that “women don’t like to be watched and it is just creepy, frankly”.
Google tells me that creepy means “causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease”.
So, just how creepy is Tony Abbott? Let’s get the opinion of someone who knows Tony Abbott very well – himself.
Tony Abbott says:
If we’re honest, most of us would accept that a bad boss is a little bit like a bad father or a bad husband … you find that he tends to do more good than harm. He might be a bad boss but at least he’s employing someone while he is in fact a boss.
Tony Abbott says:
I was probably one of those guilty parents who did chastise the children – with pretty gentle smacks, I’ve got to say… I think that we’ve got to treat our kids well, but I don’t think we ought to say that there’s no place ever for a smack. …I think all parents know that occasionally the best thing that we can give a kid is a smack, but it can never be something that hurts them.
Tony Abbott says:
I won’t be rushing out to get my daughters vaccinated, maybe that’s because I’m a cruel, callow, callous, heartless bastard but, look, I won’t be.
Tony Abbott says:
I think there does need to be give and take on both sides, and this idea that sex is kind of a woman’s right to absolutely withhold, just as the idea that sex is a man’s right to demand I think they are both they both need to be moderated, so to speak.
Tony Abbott says:
Are you suggesting to me that when it comes from Julia [Gillard],’no’ doesn’t mean ‘no’.
Tony Abbott says:
Jesus knew that there was a place for everything and it’s not necessarily everyone’s place to come to Australia.
Tony Abbott says:
I think it’s inevitable and I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all that we always have, say, more women doing things like physiotherapy and an enormous number of women simply doing housework.
Tony Abbott says:
I think I would say to my daughters if they were to ask me this question… it [their virginity] is the greatest gift that you can give someone, the ultimate gift of giving and don’t give it to someone lightly, that’s what I would say.
Tony Abbott says:
If you want to know who to vote for, I’m the guy with the not bad-looking daughters.
read plenty more Abbottisms:
Some people with inside information assured one of my mates that while at the seminary, Abbott led a protest against a woman who was invited to talk at the seminary about social issues, especially about women. The idea of the protest was to tell women who were their future bosses. It is rumoured that since he was a child, his parents had big hopes for him. Either he would become pope or Prime Minister of Australia despite holding two nationalities.
But the telling rumour is that despite being in bed with Opus Dei, the Jesuits and other seriously conservative religious organisations, Tony is not a Christian. He is creepy and shifty like Judas but at at least Judas Iscariot had the decency to kill himself.
The next rumour is that seminarians were (are they still?) made to believe that their role as priests, bishop, cardinals and popes was demanding them to become superior to other humans beings. Hence Tony developed this enormous sense of superiority over anyone else — especially women. It's possibly more subconscious that he himself realises. Seminarians were also taught on how to use other people weaknesses to turn these people into submissive penitents... That is into inferior being who have sinned. This is the "power" used by sex-offending priests. Some people have suggested that there could have been some "buggery" going on at the seminary. All I know is there was more chance of "bullying" there. I knew one of the teaching priests at the Cardinal's Palace, Manly (North Shore), He drove a sports car and drank expensive red wines.
Tony Abbott would have made a lousy priest, but possibly not as lousy as the turdy Prime Minister he is and who got in by default. I guess Uncle Rupe made a bet with himself that by crook or by hook, he would turn this unelectable dope into the Chief of this nation. Well, you've won, Rupert. Now start to be serious for a minute and don't try to represent your chosen dope at the next election.
I know your minions have dabbed with the idea of Julie Bishop when Turdy was in trouble from backbenchers but you are a bit shy of the female folk, yourself. And you hate Malcolm. So you've created this scary turdy monster with no-one game enough to show brightness about political ideas. Shorten is not liked very much around the populace and you're not prepared to give him a go because, let's face it, he has not made the approach to sleep in your bed, yet.
joining the dracula party in canning...
The Federal Government has attacked two West Australian Labor MPs for retweeting jokes referring to Liberal candidate Andrew Hastie, a former Special Air Service (SAS) soldier.
The Liberal candidate for Canning commanded troops who were investigated for removing the hands of dead Taliban fighters.
While one soldier is still under investigation, Mr Hastie — who has spoken openly about the matter — was cleared of any wrongdoing.
Now I don't really care about bad jokes and whether the Liberal (CONservative) candidate, Mr Hastie, is excellent soldier or officer material with his hands on his heart dedicated to defend Australia. What I am concerned about is why such a dedicated person has joined the "Dracula Party"? The Liberal (CONservative) Party is appalling. The Liberal (CONservative) Party is the pits of lies, porkies, myths, deceptions, dishonesty, forgery, falsehood and the list of cunning and misrepresentation is long.
Is it to give the impression that the Liberal (CONseevative) Party is gilding its withered deceitful political lilly with military precision that did not solve anything so far in an absurd theatre of war?
Is Mr Hastie really happy to join the party of lies, porkies, myths, deceptions, dishonesty, forgery, falsehood and complete economic mismanagement?... The party that still tries to give benefits to the rich and bleed the poor? Or does he feel he can help change this state of affairs?
Well, Mr Hastie, you are totally in the wrong party... After having taken this country down the economic gurgler, once more Joe Hockey (he is not an economist) is throwing burley and a fishing line with disastrous "tax cuts" at the end to catch more grubby swinging voters, destroying some more the economic standing of this country which was reasonably managed by Wayne Swan, despite the contrary views of the merde-och press...
Dream on Mr Hastie. The lies, porkies, myths, deceptions, dishonesty, forgery, falsehood of the Liberal (CONservative) party won't go away, even if you have far more integrity than the rest of us.
Your high moral military ground, should this be your real asset, is used as a decent front door by the grubby dirty despicable party machination of the Liberals (CONservatives). Beware. Resign.