Tuesday 7th of January 2025

the law in their hands...


union bashing
Union royal commission 'a farce'

Dyson Heydon's guest speaker booking at a Liberal party fundraiser shows he is 'conflicted and biased' says Labor's Tony Burke.

The former judge charged with overseeing the royal commission into union corruption has been billed as guest speaker at a Liberal Party fundraiser.

The revelation could discredit the royal commission, which Labor has decried as a political witch hunt from the outset.

Justice Dyson Heydon is listed as the keynote speaker at the Sir Garfield Barwick Address on August 26 at the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel in Sydney.

An invitation written on a Liberal Party letterhead obtained by Fairfax Media says the $80 cost should be made to the Liberal Party of Australia's NSW division. It also calls for donations if people are unable to attend.

"All proceeds from this event will be applied to state election campaigning," the invitation's fine print notes.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/union-corruption-royal-commissioner-dyson-heydon-billed-as-star-of-liberal-party-fundraiser-20150812-giy1rr.html#ixzz3ielD6EFJ 
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Former high court justice Dyson Heydon, the man overseeing the royal commission into trade union corruption, has been listed as the keynote speaker at a Liberal party fundraiser, casting doubts on his impartiality.

The revelations sparked uproar in federal parliament, with Labor seeking to suspend normal business to move a motion declaring Heydon could no longer conduct the royal commission.

“He is conflicted, he is biased, the royal commission is a farce,” the manager of opposition business, Tony Burke, told parliament.

Heydon was slated to deliver the Sir Garfield Barwick address on 26 August, an $80-a-head fundraiser for the the lawyers and legal policy branches of the Liberal party of New South Wales.

But on Thursday morning, the royal commission released a statement saying that Heydon had pulled out.

“The commissioner Dyson Heydon will not be delivering the Sir Garfield Barwick address,” the statement said.

“As early as 9.23 this morning (and prior to any media enquiry being received) he advised the organisers that “If there was any possibility that the event could be described as a Liberal party event he will be unable to give the address, at least whilst he is in the position of royal commissioner.”

Heydon had been listed as the keynote speaker as early as April.

read more: http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/aug/13/trade-union-royal-commisisoner-dyson-heydon-billed-speak-at-liberal-party-fundraiser


conflicts of interests...

Too late... The damage is done... The colour of the judge is tainted. He has to resign from the commission.

failure of the MMMMM...

IA's managing editor, Dave Donovan, calls out the MSM over its failure to demand the resignation of Judge Dyson Heydon with TURC now seen as a complete turkey.

THERE ARE some things that are so apparent that you don’t expect to need to say them. Issues that are so plain and clear that it is astounding that people employed to point out the bleeding obvious don’t do just that. I am talking, in the present instance, of course, about the need for Trade Union Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon to resign and the Canberra Press Gallery pundits' failure to call out loudly for that immediately.

The Canberra Press Gallery. That’s right. Them again.

The same geniuses that failed to see Julia Gillard’s Misogyny Speech for the sheer brilliance it was and who vilified her (a competent leader, imagine that) relentlessly.

The same clowns whose lack of scrutiny of Tony Abbott delivered this village idiot the prime ministership in 2013.

The same hopelessly compromised and politically captured Insiders we watch on the ABC on Sundays spouting their half-baked opinions and almost inevitably inaccurate predictions.

The same bunch of cronies, lackies, dimwits, halfwits and sock puppets who shut IA out of the Press Gallery before the last election for utterly spurious reasons, because we were telling the truth and showing up their incompetence and corruption. (We’ll be applying again soon, by the way, and it will be interesting what they come up with to deny us next time).

read more: https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/dyson-heydon-and-the-msm,8054


Of course according to the Daily Turdograph, it leads the MMMM (the mediocre mass media de mierda) as the MMMMM (Murdoch Mediocre Mass Media de Mierda) and presents the news for others to follow. Thus what Uncle Rupe says goes...

from the saturday paper...

saturday paper


Should you want to know more about the Quadrant, please read: 

the battle with conservative denialism...

Few figures in the pantheon


Few figures in the pantheon of the NSW barristers’ trade union are more saintly than Sir Garfield Barwick. Dyson Heydon qualifies as a modern day hero in the same mould - brilliance at the law, steadfast adherence to conservative values, rising to dizzying heights in the service of the nation.

Why wouldn’t Heydon want to sing the praises of Barwick at a Liberal party event? Barwick, the man who, as chief justice of the high court, secretly advised Sir John Kerr on how to dismiss the Whitlam government and who steadfastly crafted the most artificial interpretations of the Tax Act for the benefit of the big end of town.

This is no mere saint; Barwick is a deity, up there with Zeus.

George Brandis, the attorney general, has done his best to recast this week’s invitation affair: it was not a fundraising event to which Heydon had been invited and it was scarcely a Liberal party event at all.

The attorney general said this in the face of an invitation to Liberal lawyers emblazoned with the Liberal party logo and a message saying that “all proceeds from this event will be applied to State election campaigning”.

The organisers even notified Heydon of its Liberalness: “As you know, although nominally under the auspices of the Liberal Party lawyer’s professional branches, this is not a fundraiser.”

Tony Jones, on Lateline, made much of the “as you know”. But Brandis was having none of it: “Look Tony I’m not going to parse email exchanges between individuals ...” 

Lawyers are fond of saying things like, “justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done,” which doesn’t leave much room for wondering how the work of the trade union royal commission might now be seen.


Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/14/the-sometimes-enjoyable-mind-of-dyson-heydon


I must say that since Sir Garfield Barwick's do-do-es, we, the older public at large with one foot in the grave, we can spot the trickeries of the law at the highest CONservative level...

And I love the comparison with Zeus — a fictional god (like all gods mind you) in Greek mythology...


a scholarship in a brown paper bag...

Dyson Heydon accused of political bias over fundraiser

The Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption is under scrutiny as Commissioner Dyson Heydon is revealed as the guest speaker at a forthcoming Liberal Party dinner.

Dyson Heydon, the royal commissioner under mounting pressure to quit over his links to the Liberal Party, was on a panel that awarded a young Tony Abbott a life-changing scholarship to Oxford University.

Mr Heydon was part of the seven-member Rhodes Trust selection committee in NSW that in 1980 handed the prestigious Rhodes scholarship to the future prime minister, then a 23 year-old student politician at Sydney University.

read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/dyson-heydon-was-on-panel-that-awarded-tony-abbott-his-prized-rhodes-scholarship-20150817-gj0o8o.html


And all Turdy learned there was to become a superior devious little shit...

reasonable perception of bias...

Trade union royal commissioner Dyson Heydon has given the ACTU until Thursday afternoon to decide whether they will apply to have him disqualified for bias.

Submissions have to be filed by 2:00pm on Thursday, and if the ACTU decides to proceed, the application will be heard on Friday morning.

Earlier today, Justicer Heydon released documents relating to him agreeing to speak at a Liberal Party fundraiser.

Justice Heydon was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the Sir Garfield Barwick Address in Sydney later this month, but he has since withdrawn from the event.

Justice Heydon read out the documents requested by lawyers for the ACTU, who are considering applying for the commissioner to be disqualified on the basis of bias or reasonable perception of bias.

The documents produced included those relating to the initial invitation to attend the event and copies of all drafts of his speech, among others.

read more: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-17/dyson-heydon-releases-documents-on-liberal-party-fundraiser/6702418

what was bad for that goose is also bad for this goose...


Heydon released a number of email exchanges between himself and the organisers of the lecture, including some that clearly spelled out the connection between the Liberal party and the event organiser, but said he “overlooked the connection” when he received a reminder email about one year later.

However, in his own interim report released in 2014 Heydon criticised union witnesses for giving similar reasons.

On one incident involving the former Australian Workers Union official Ralph Blewitt, Heydon wrote: “Ralph Blewitt claimed that he did not read the rules before lodging them. That could well be true. But even if it is true, it is no defence.”

read more: http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/aug/17/dyson-heydon-overlooked-liberal-link-but-gave-commission-witnesses-less-leeway


Heydon has to resign. Asking the unions for an opinion on this legal matter is like asking a real estate agent to do brain surgery... Everyone acts in accordance with their own expertise. Heydon goofed. He has to resign by himself and for himself. 

See also: 


thinking outside the square...

Justice Heydon should do two things:

A) resign from the Royal Commission and

B) do the speech to the Liberal Party function to his heart's content.

