Tuesday 11th of February 2025

stuuuuperman .....

‘When we last left off, our gallant crusaders, Bush Wayne and his trusted confidant, Dick Grayson-Cheney - oil executives by day, freedom fighters by night - had earned yet another significant victory in their divinely inspired war on terror. 

Another “corner was turned” as our heroes sent on a one-way trip to paradise that diabolic villain, the elusive, brilliant mastermind of the evil Iraqi insurgency, the once-invisible man known only to us mortals as al-Zarqawi: the (unelected) leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. 

Zarqawi, who had escaped more often than the Road Runner (beep beep), taunted and eluded the boys for years with his wizardry, cunning and speed. But “al” made a dreadful error recently when he agreed to sign a multi-year endorsement contract with New Balance running shoes.

After Nike dropped out of the bidding - the slogan “Just Do It” violates Islamic law -Zarqawi signed on with New Balance, agreed to remove his trademark jihadist mask and donned a rather pricey pair of New Balance model 1222 running shoes.’

The Caped Crusaders In A Comic Book War (Volume 3)

Stuporman values test toobes...

From the New York Times

In First Veto, Bush Blocks Stem Cell Bill

Published: July 19, 2006
WASHINGTON, July 19 — President Bush vetoed a bill for the first time today, using his constitutional power to reject legislation passed by Congress that would expand federal research on embryonic stem cells, a step he said would be crossing a “moral line.”

“This bill would support the taking of innocent human life,” Mr. Bush said at the White House, surrounded by scores of children born as a result of an embryo-adoption program and their parents.

“Each of these human embryos is a unique human life with inherent dignity and matchless value,” Mr. Bush said. Looking at the children around him, he said to loud applause, “These boys and girls are not spare parts.”

The president said his own position on stem cell research, articulated in 2001, already allowed research “without sanctioning the practices that violate the dignity of human life.”

Five years ago, Mr. Bush said he would allow federal research money to be used only on a limited number of stem-cell colonies, or lines — those that were already in existence before Aug. 9, 2001. He said his administration had made more than $90 million available for research on those lines.

read more wherever...

Yes the great Stuporman Himself saves 200 embryos in test toobes, while letting more than 20,000 die from lack of stem cell research...

Before this stupor-effort in stoopidity, at the stroke of a pen, he'd killed 150,000 Eeraqees and uncounted others around the good ol' flat earth — all decreed unfit to live under the magic umbrella of "moral lines" that his god enlightens him with about a 3 o' clock every morning... as he may be watching Pat Robertson's sermons on the box.

As if Congress — one hopes a beeg house of more intelligent people that Stuporman Himself — got it wrong... but then one wonders since these congress-people gave the Stupor-bloke the power to electroquewte them in return with veeto-cream, and can be easily bought with a few pieces of silver...

Yes. Da Stupor world is a weird place... Wonderful, if yoo're a yet unsexed embryo on the prowl...

Meanwhile, the great Zionic Man performs surgery on hiz Bollabrother — with the help of Stuporman — but makes a mess of it in someone else's kitchen.

Ah... I can see a pair of crocs, shedding tears — our grocer and our clowner just missed the boat..

Krumble Kookie anyone?

hezbollah .....