Monday 6th of January 2025

opening the gates of hell... The COALition of australia, blind to the obvious, scientifically ignorant, devious as can be...


real evil

Not every evildoer is an evil person, but if you commit enough despicable acts you might just qualify as the real deal. How else can you explain serial killers or war criminals? There are, however, some provisos, writes Luke Russell.

‘He’s not merely a bad person, he's evil!’ This, surely, is a contentious judgment. When Prime Minister Tony Abbott says that people smugglers are evil, or that the leaders of ISIS are evil, some members of the commentariat mock his use of what they take to be outdated, Biblical language.

It’s easy to see where this kind of scepticism about evil comes from. If we focus on uses of the word in ‘evil’ in horror movies, in fantasy fiction, or in fire-and-brimstone preaching, we may end up thinking that ‘evil’ always refers to the devil or to other malevolent supernatural beings. But is this really what ‘evil’ means?

Evil is the destruction of the Liverpool Plains to mine coal...

Evil is to forbid the development of renewable energies...

Evil is to be a deliberate ignorant of science, in this day and age...

Evil is to be devious, shifty, dangerously dishonest, for power.

The Liberal COALition fits all these criteria under Tony Abbott

Evil is the Murdoch media that supports the Liberal COALition.

no redemptio... for his many peccata...


Similarly, there is a difference between judging that someone said something racist on one occasion and judging that someone is a deeply racist person. I think that a distinction like this applies in the case of evil as well. Not every evildoer is an evil person. Some people who perform terribly wrong actions are nonetheless capable of moral reform, and hence should not be written off.

Dr Luke Russell is lecturer in philosophy at the University of Sydney and the author of Evil: A Philosophical Investigation.


I could be proven wrong, but Tony Abbott is not capable of moral and scientific reform, hence he should be written off...


the taxpayer to pay for their mates' choochoo...


Treasurer Joe Hockey has given the strongest hint yet that the federal government could consider a taxpayer-funded loan for a rail line to Australia's largest proposed coal mine.

Mr Hockey says the government has been in talks with Queensland Treasurer Curtis Pitt about Adani's Carmichael coal mine, which recently had its federal environmental approval set aside.

Read more:
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Now why should the government (taxpayers) pay for a (loan — wink wink) railway for a mine that is going to (or should) generate huge profits for a PRIVATE company?  
This would be far more crooked than a Bronwyn chopper trip ten times around the planet... but then that's the Liberals (CONservatives) for you... Always ready to give their mates a hand with some of the cash they pickpocket from your social entitlements. It's (giving) lending the rich money stolen from the poor... Nothing new. And it won't generate more than 1500 jobs while destroying the heart of Australia. Go away... The only way the railway can remain financially viable is not to build it and leave the coal in the ground. Enjoy the fresh air...