Tuesday 7th of January 2025

turdy needs terrorism threats to bolster his gung-ho demolition of the australian democracy and its economy...


history is not repeating itself...

Malcolm Turnbull has warned against over-hyping the threat posed by Islamic State, arguing it is important not to lend any credibility or currency to the grandiose “delusions” of the jihadists.

The communications minister used a speech delivered at the Sydney Institute on Tuesday night to make a plea for civility, calm and proportionality in Australia’s national security debate.

Tony Abbott has recently delivered an explicit warning that the Daesh death cult is “coming for us”, however, Turnbull argued it was important not to get sucked into the Isis strategy “and ourselves become amplifiers of their wickedness and significance”.

The foreign minister, Julie Bishop, has previously made a direct comparison between the rise of Isis and the rise of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, but Turnbull reasoned Daesh was “not Hitler’s Germany, Tojo’s Japan or Stalin’s Russia”.

Turnbull said on Tuesday night it was vital not to underestimate the security threat posed by Isis, but it was important also to preserve a sense of perspective given the organisation’s resorting to Hollywood techniques to “amplify its significance”.

“Its leaders dream that they, like the Arab armies of the seventh and eighth century, will sweep across the Middle East into Europe itself,” the communications minister said on Tuesday night.

read more: http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/jul/07/malcolm-turnbull-we-must-not-amplify-threat-of-isis

a polite flare up with panache...



Malcolm Turnbull does a seethe with some panache.

Ever so politely, his barrister's voice purring, he finds a carotid or a jugular and gives it a bit of a nick. Oops.

Mr Turnbull was at it again this week.

His leader - or to put it more particularly, Tony Abbott, the Prime Minister of Team Australia who replaced the former Liberal leader, to wit, Malcolm Turnbull - has been at some pains recently to raise public awareness of the threat posed by Islamic terrorism.

They're "coming after us" Mr Abbott has been bellowing, adding helpfully that they're coming "for every person and every government".

It sounds spookily similar to posters plastered by the Curtin government around Australia in a time of incontestable national peril. "He's Coming Down," screamed the posters above an illustration of a Japanese soldier stomping from South-East Asia to Australia in 1942. Could we really be in such dreadful danger in 2015?

Mr Turnbull thought it worth putting things in context.

Islamic State wasn't quite "Hitler's Germany, Tojo's Japan or Stalin's Russia", he purred, whatever aspirations it might have to world domination.

"We should be careful not to say or do things which can be seen to add credibility to those delusions," he declared.



read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-opinion/malcolm-turnbull-seethes-with-style-nicking-abbotts-artery-by-mistake-of-course-20150708-gi7m4f.html

ABC fact-checker gets it wrong again..


The verdict

Mr Wilkie claimed that Australia's air strikes are illegal because governments can't bomb a sovereign state like Syria, which poses no threat to other countries.

Experts Fact Check spoke to said the International Court of Justice in a 2004 case had interpreted the UN charter as only allowing states to attack other states.

But they said that since then, international law was evolving and changing in favour of making air strikes in Syria legal.

Mr Wilkie's claim is doubtful.

read more: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-18/is-bombing-in-syria-illegal-fact-check/6765386


Bollocks ! Fact Check is no more an expert on this question than my garbologist is on a view point regarding Einstein quantum relativity... Actually the garbolofgist is more of an expert than this self-inflated fact-checker at the ABC. 
One can only bomb in Syria if one is asked to by the still legitimate government of this country. At present, the West is trying to implement a regime change which as seen before is TOTALLY ILLEGAL and leads to crap. ( Iraq, Libya, etc).