Tuesday 21st of January 2025

whose side are you on ....

whose side are you on .....

When Tony Abbott called for heads to roll at the ABC, he invokes the “death cult” rhetoric he supposedly deplores, writes Lyn Bender.

Tony Jones draped himself across a nearby chair and watched the ABC makeup artist prepare me for the cameras and an appearance on ABC Lateline. It was 2002 and me and my two colleagues – all us having had worked at Woomera Detention Centre – were about to reveal the abusive environment we had witnessed.

Tony was not observing my cosmetic transformation. He was sussing out my motivation.

He explained that his wife was wondering, whether I had gone to Woomera with the intent of exposing it? I answered that there had been no intent formed until I experienced Woomera. I had signed on, naively, to do a job.

Jones, the consummate journalist, checked out my intent. Then he and the ABC gave my conscience a voice.

Woomera set me against all the myriad, punitive, politically motivated, refugee “solutions” — from Pacific, to Nauruan, to Manus, to Malaysian, to Cambodian, to boat push backs, to alleged “pay a smuggler” deals.

Woomera was a camp of horrors, but its regrettable history is currently being repeated, as revealed in accounts of the torturous conditions in Camp Nauru.

Enraged Abbott called the 2014 Human Rights Commission report on children in detention “a transparent stitch up and said the “Commission ought to be ashamed of itself".

Ten years earlier, in 2004, the Human Rights Commission tabled another report on children in detention. Unlike Gillian Triggs, Commissioner Sev Ozdowski was not attacked for his report. Although he said to me that he was criticised by some as a Polish outsider who should mind his own business.

Then Prime Minister John Howard also complained about the ABC coverage and was reported to have said:

"There is a strong campaign being run against the Government. I have the impression the ABC has now become an advocate, a participant in the debate, rather than a reporter of the debate."

Defence Department publicist Jenny McKenry reported in ABC News that Howard instructed her

“... that there was to be nothing in the public forum which would humanise these people.”

So, the question must be asked: how far have we come since the Howard years of persecution of asylum seekers? The answer is: simply further down the slippery moral slope.

The Abbott Government’s answer to the problem of revelations of abuse is

  1. To make disclosures by workers at detention centres illegal.

  2. Create a class of political dissidents who can now be gaoled for up to two years. 

  3. Call immigration a security matter, thus conflating it with terrorism.

  4. Threaten the ABC and Tony Jones for disturbing tendencies towards broadcast unpalatable truths.

Of course, Tony Abbott applauds media coverage that suits his political purposes. He profusely thanked the ABC for the documentary on the ALP leadership conflict: The Killing Season.

But, after the now notorious ABC Q&A program featuring Zaky Mallah, an angry Abbott declared he would see heads roll. He was offended. Like a true despot, he called for beheadings of  “dissidents”. It’s a metaphor that invokes Abbott’s “death cult” rhetoric.

What will be the impact of the legislation? The abuser has his way by merely raising a fist. Fear and submission may follow. The Border Force Bill 2015 says no matter what crimes you observe in detention, you will be criminalised if you speak out.

Even if under your code of ethics and duty of care and legally, you are required in all other circumstances and throughout Australia, to notify abuse, you will be prosecuted.

Doctors and health staff have responded defiantly, challenging the Government to prosecute them under the new laws.

What will this mean for tweeters, broadcasters and journalists who publish this information? Despite reassurances of whistleblower protection – "don't worry, they won’t prosecute you sweetie" –  legal experts are alarmed. Julian Burnside has already pledged pro bono legal representation to any who are prosecuted.

But the legally empowered fist can be raised and smashed against any bleeding heart conscience. The wrath of the government will be unleashed, so beware.

A Tale of Two Tonys: Whose side are you on?


tony's broadcasting corporation ....

So, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) is about to join Team Australia & become Tony’s Broadcasting Corporation..

Another giant step toward mediocrity, that’s bound to make Rupert happy, as well as give added meaning to that old label, “His Master’s Voice”.



yes john...

The ABC is now to become the Anthony Broadcasting Corporation... The little shit.