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the non-deal makers...Providers of ethics classes in NSW primary schools have responded with outrage to a change to the school enrolment form which removes a clear choice between ethics and scripture. Bruce Hogan, the chairman of the charity and ethics class provider Primary Ethics, was angered by the change, saying it was a "profound step back". "We are really disappointed," he said. "This has deliberately eliminated the option for parents to tell the school they would like their child to attend ethics lessons. "In my view, the Christian lobby group has successfully lobbied Premier Mike Baird. His own personal beliefs and his need to keep Fred Nile on side for the next four years has overridden the rights of parents."
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Petitioning NSW Premier Mike Baird
Don't change the school enrolment form. Give parents all the information they need to decide if they want to send their kids to religion, ethics or "supervised" activities in NSW public schools.