Monday 10th of March 2025

rubbish, stupidity, narcissism...


The legend of Icarus is a weirdo. 

Similar stories appear in most societies, including in China and India, and if there is a cautionary tale in them, it is that one should pay attention to the whatever. But it is a bit more stupid or more complex than that... a Modern psychologist, Henry Murray, does not refrain from telling us that, in the Icarus complex, one can apparently find symptoms particularly "in mania where a person is fond of heights, fascinated by both fire and water, narcissistic and observed with fantastical or farfetch´d-imaginary cognition".

Hum... I would call the Icarus complex a simple 'stupidity" including that of his dad... But then I'm not a psychologist.

One thing that drives fantastical cognition is learning about fantastical cognition... Since we're born, we're fed with bullshit and we regurgitate bullshit. We learn how to lie. From a young age we learn about the Icarus adventure and other bullshit. The kid thinks he can do whatever, but falls flat on his face, ending up dead in the drink. We think we're better than him. We dream about beating the odds and of the lovely rescue by a team of nymphs. Flying to the moon, sure...

But the tale is full of allegorical symbols that don't fit. From a hard-nosed scientific perspective the kid in feathers would have frozen to death as he elevated towards the sun. We know that. The higher we lift, the thinner the air, the more he would have had to flap and the colder the atmosphere. The ancients should have known about the "snow on top of mountains" but they still bullshitted about Icarus.. 

We always try to be smarter than reality. 

This is the case with global warming. Talk about avoiding listening to the signs. The signs are clear. We're stuffing up the planet with CO2 and it ain't going to be pretty in the long run. Like Icarus wing-flapping, Turdy Abbott's direct action is fraught with wax wanting to be melted, though as the con trick soars higher and higher in the bullshitosphere, it's likely that the cold wind will freeze the process to death and we'll all fall flat on our face. 

Global warming has its scientific observable scales in regard to altitude and latitude. Ignoring those turn us into rotten turnips who can't fly. On a hot day like today, when Autumn is waning towards winter in Sydney, the wax would actually melt at ground level and one could never soar off. Global warming is telling us something... Actually, the planet tells us nothing. it just is — and changes in regard to various parameters that are reactive matter/energy in space. We need to observe because we are part of the system.

But the imagery of an Icarus enchants our idiocy. We misunderstand the message. Not only we know that human powered-flight requires some better engineering than waxing a few feathers on our arse for steering and arms for power, on average we're too heavy for lifting our station in life. We've indulged in fast-food from convenient outlets and we're paying the price: we've lost the ability to flap since fast-feeding makes us inconveniently lazy — and we're about twice as much overweight as we should be. We look in the mirror and we see Adonis when the reflection shows us Homer Simpson... The mirror of our imagination lies. 

The problem would be containable, if this was only on a singular individualistic narcissistic level. But the illusion is a whole society's construct, designed to make an entire stupid group of loopy individuals feel secure inside the walls of inanity. We glorify defeats.

Time to go and watch mindless TV... 

We're afraid of who we are. We need to dull our senses to feel secure and forget our lack of intelligence by indulging in it some more delusive crap — especially beliefs. 

Most of the imagery of the bible and of the "classic myths" have also been used by many famous artists to bypass the pornographic sensors. The exquisite renditions of the feminine flesh in godly themes make for great sexual intimations. Tastefully, of course, these sensuous drawings, paintings and sculptures could be designed to give priests and kings a discreet hard on, while not sinning.

Icarus does not escape the treatment except for a few paintings where the idiot-son falls in the faint background into the golden sea, with a foreground of a hard-working farmer who could not care less, or where the maze constructed by Icarus' father to contain the Minotaur is a very feeble representation of being lost in fear. 

Modern movies can give a more powerful insight by increasing the sauce of glorious uncertainty with gates falling on your face as you try to escape... If you are the hero, you survive the ordeal while the other plebs die like crushed dominoes. As one eats a bucket of popcorn, the illusion completes our view that we are not a fat deluded slob who drinks coke in the safety of a darken room where the flicker is entertaining. 

We're morons. 

And we don't care much. We might reject the social order in our own mind but our revolution is lame. We don't really want to rock the boat. Our comfort/debt equation is shutting us up... 

We cannot wake up. Our moronic politicians use dust of bullshit like a truckload of sandmen...

We are thus amused. 

Meanwhile what we call "civilisation" has many corners, most of which resemble a dump.

Time for a clean up. Time to tell Abbott and his loonies to go away. Time to pay attention to the scientific signs of global warming.

Our senses lie to us.


elevating rubbish...


he spoketh the wrong thingy... with good intentions...


The diverse human influences on the climate system are large and growing, with burning fossil fuels the single biggest one. The risks to people, places and ecosystems posed by extreme weather and through more systemic changes in physical processes will therefore increase.

But what these bald scientific facts mean is another question. Climate change is a relative risk, to be judged against many others. Like political theorist Hannah Arendt, I believe that before we can act politically we each have to pass judgment on the facts, as I have done previously (pdf).

The fossil fuel divestment campaign and the Guardian have also passed their judgment on the facts. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, for example, said: “People of conscience need to break their ties with corporations financing the injustice of climate change.”

But I believe that this singular focus on fossil fuel divestment as the pre-eminent strategy, tactic or policy tool to deal with the risks of climate change is misguided.



This is the pits of flying high with Icarus... Sure do all the thingies that can take care of the poor countries but PLEASE, REDUCE THE OVERALL EXTRA EMISSION OF CO2 TO ZERO. There is enough EXTRA in the atmosphere to raise the temperature by more than 6 degrees by 2150... The equation of population/energy demands and the extra CO2 is frightfully close to catastrophic. The need for population number control is also self-evident. 


electronic rubbish mountain...

A record amount of electrical and electronic waste was discarded around the world in 2014, with the biggest per-capita tallies in countries that pride themselves on environmental consciousness, a report said.

Last year, 41.8m tonnes of so-called e-waste – mostly fridges, washing machines and other domestic appliances at the end of their life – was dumped, the UN report said.

That’s the equivalent of 1.15m heavy trucks, forming a line 23,000km (14,300 miles) long, according to the report, compiled by the United Nations University, the UN’s educational and research branch.

Less than one-sixth of all e-waste was properly recycled, it said.

In 2013, the e-waste total was 39.8m tonnes – and on present trends, the 50-million-tonne mark could be reached in 2018.

Topping the list for per-capita waste last year was Norway, with 28.4kg (62.5lbs) per inhabitant.

It was followed by Switzerland (26.3kg), Iceland (26.1kg), Denmark (24.0kg), Britain (23.5kg), the Netherlands (23.4kg), Sweden (22.3kg), France (22.2kg) and the United States and Austria (22.1kg).

The region with the lowest amount of e-waste per inhabitant was Africa, with 1.7kg per person. It generated a total of 1.9m tonnes of waste.

In volume terms, the most waste was generated in the United States and China, which together accounted for 32% of the world’s total, followed by Japan, Germany and India.

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