Thursday 2nd of January 2025

bert, the happy clean fly...


Not all flies are dirty or carry diseases

Dr Lambkin says it is a misconception that flies spread disease, are bad for your health, or need to be killed and removed from the environment.

"Yes, flies, the house fly and the bush fly can actually carry germs on their bodies," she said.

But she says "there is no evidence of them transmitting disease."

"In comparison to another fly ... we know mosquitoes are vectors of very, very bad parasites, things like malaria," Dr Lambkin said.

"Some flies are good. The majority of flies are good. Some flies are bad."

read more:


Flies, like bees, pollinate flowers. It is most likely that your "pesticide" is more dangerous to you than a fly. (picture at top by Gus).


I, claudius...

The Aussie salute, also known as the Barcoo salute (after the Barcoo River)[1] or Bush salute is the waving of one's hand in front of the face at regular intervals in order to prevent bush flies from landing on it, or entering one's nose or mouth. 


Hygiene is necessary. But this does not mean using potent poisons that kills bugs, microbes, bacteria, insects and us in the long run. We know that many pesticides can lower the "sperm count" and some products like DDT and agent orange are "dangerous". The relentless usage of potent poisons eventually leads to resistance to such poisons — say like bacteria now resistant to penicillin.

Flies do play an important part in the pollination of plants. Spiders play a part in limiting the amount of flies in your garden. Spider wasps play a part in keeping the number of spiders in check. And nature balances out. Most bacteria are beneficial, so why kill 99.9 per cent of them?

So how to go about personal hygiene?... 

Let thy fingers be clean.

Thou must not put thy fingers into thine ears,

Or thy hand on thy head.

The man who is eating must not be cleaning

By scraping with his finger at any foul part.

Fra Bonvicino (13th century)

This is sound advice from Italy.

Back in Roman times, Emperor Claudius is reported by Suetonius (in De Vita Caesarum) "to have had some thoughts of making a decree that it might be lawful for any man to break wind at the table, being told of a person whose modest retention had like to have cost him his life"

Flies? In them Roman times, fleas and hordes of Visigoths might have been the major problem...

other readings:,_Claudius

the art of not telling the truth and bullshiting by omission...


It is the question that Scott Morrison has repeatedly refused to answer. 

Which is the religious organisation that qualifies children for an exemption from vaccination? 

The Social Services Minister has said there was only one registered organisation that could be exempted for religious grounds, but would not say who. 

An online guide produced by Mr Morrison's own department clearly states that the exempt organisation is Church of Christ, Scientist - more generally known as the Christian Scientist

"I'm not about to advertise it for fear of it having a lot of new followers on a fairly unfair basis," he said at the weekend, after announcing other loopholes would be tightened to stop parents claiming childcare and family benefits if they refused to vaccinate their children.




Christian Science
 is a set of beliefs and practices belonging to the metaphysical family of new religious movements.[3] It was developed in 19th-century New Englandby Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910), who argued in her book Science and Health(1875) that sickness is an illusion that can be corrected by prayer alone. The book became Christian Science's central text, along with the King James Bible, and by 2001 had sold over nine million copies.[4]



Eddy and 26 followers were granted a charter in 1879 to found the Church of Christ, Scientist, and in 1894 the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, was built in Boston, Massachusetts.[5] In the early 20th century Christian Science became the fastest growing religion in the United States, with nearly 270,000 members there by 1936, a figure that had declined by 1990 to just over 100,000.[6] The church is known for its newspaper, the Christian Science Monitor, which won seven Pulitzer Prizes between 1950 and 2002, and for its Reading Rooms, which are open to the public in around 1,200 cities.[7]

Eddy described Christian Science as a return to "primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing."[8] There are key differences between Christian Science theology and that of orthodox Christianity.[9] In particular, adherents subscribe to a radical form of philosophical idealism, believing that reality is purely spiritual and the material world an illusion.[10] This includes the view that disease is a mental error rather than physical disorder, and that the sick should be treated, not by medicine, but by a form of prayer that seeks to correct the beliefs responsible for the illusion of ill health.[11]

The church does not require that Christian Scientists avoid all medical care – adherents use dentists, optometrists, obstetricians, physicians for broken bones, and vaccination when required by law  – but maintains that Christian Science prayer is most effective when not combined with medicine.

read more:


Bold emphasis by Gus



Meanwhile at christianity's own crusading defence minister in orstralya...:


Defence Minister Kevin Andrews has declined to name the head of Islamic State [IS] during an interview with the ABC, citing "operational matters".

The US has placed a $10 million bounty on the head of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, also known as Abu Du'a, calling him "the senior leader" of IS and a "specially designated global terrorist".

Now I don't care if people choose to vaccinate or not... I would recommend they do, though. But all they do is placing their own kids at risk. There are known diseases to be efficiently kept at bay with vaccination. The more people get kids vaccinated the less the spread of the diseases, but one can be an objector on whatever reason, including natural reason. Having less kids vaccinated can be a worrying trend.

One's will to survive could have an effect on some infection. Our bodies are the defender of itself. Doing the right thing like having a positive attitude, a healthy diet and maintaining a level of activity will help. A bit of help from medicine won't go astray either, though sometimes medicine goofs.

Other people's prayers isn't going to cut it though.

And our religious minister of modern crusades is silly. I guess he cannot pronounce the name of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, for operational dither.


Meanwhile our glorious Louie the Fly is proving hard to kill. Despite having been hit by billions of killer spray, Louie always comes back to fill our TV screens as the "polls" in regard to advertising the product came back with an astonishing support for Louie... Go figure.