Tuesday 11th of February 2025

no longer my ABC .....

Dear ABCTV ….. 

Just a quick note to let you know
that, after tonight, we will no longer be watching ABCTV News.

We’re no longer sure where you
“source” your News Reports, but the absence of journalistic content &
balance has become all too evident for our liking. 

For example, tonight we were
treated to a hysterical piece, reporting action by the United States in warning
North Korea against conducting a scheduled test firing of a long-range
ballistic missile: claiming that the United States would view the test as a
“provocative act”.

The ABC report included the US
Secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice (accompanied by film footage), asserting
that the proposed North Korean test “was a very serious matter” & that it
had been raised with the UN Security Council. Australia was also said to have
“cautioned” North Korea against conducting the test. 

Well done ABC …..

Another shrill effort in
promoting the “fear meme” assiduously spun by the governments of the United
States & Australia. 

But a one-sided effort, free of
balance & free of news value.

What would have been of greater
interest would be a report from ABCTV News that highlighted the hypocrisy of
the United States & Australian government’s actions in condemning the North
Korean plans. 

To that point, why didn’t ABCTV
News report that the United States itself performed an exactly similar test
last Wednesday, when it fired a minuteman missile from Vandenberg Airforce Base
to Kwajelien Atholl in the pacific?

Of course, the US firing was
described by the US as 'routine', given that it conducts such tests on a
continuing basis. 

In not reporting the missile
tests conducted by the United States, ABCTV News is not providing a news
service that accurately informs viewers on world events & issues, but
rather relegates itself to the status of “mouthpiece” for the hypocritical
& warmongering Bush administration & its Australian government

To add insult to injury, ABCTV
News broadcast another item showing President George Bush stating: “If Iran's
leaders want peace, and prosperity, and a more hopeful future for their people,
they should accept our offer, abandon any ambitions to obtain nuclear weapons,
and come into compliance with their international obligations." 

Well ABCTV News, how about a bit
of journalistic rigor on this issue?

Why not investigate the issue,
rather than just “parroting” the propaganda published by the White House? 

How about checking on the legal
status of Iran’s activities, rather than just accepting claims by the United
States government that they are “illegal”?

And while you’re at it, maybe you
might just query how it is that President Bush thinks that it is within his
remit to speak on behalf of the UN Security Council? 

To quote your report from the
“great decider”: "If Iran's leaders reject our offer, it will result in
action before the (UN) Security Council, further isolation from the world, and
progressively stronger political and economic sanctions." 

Maybe, just maybe, other members
of the UN Security Council might have different ideas? But heck, who cares, who
notices, why even bother to ask ….. as long as the glassy-eyed punters are kept

ABCTV News used to mean something
to viewers. 

It used to be held up as offering
the very best in television journalism. 

The “journalism” has gone &
your “News” now has as much value as the advertising on the back of a Kellogs
Cornflakes packet. 

Time to switch-off “my” ABC …..

Nuz is spreading

Yes John, Nuz is spreading like wildfire... The real news has been buried with no fanfare in the back paddock... The Punch and Judy show has taken over proper analysis and circumspect viewpoints... The fast food of Nuz is here, even at the AbeeCee... And the saddest part is that the news-reader, the news editor and the news reporter may think they might have done a good job of it...

Kids in nappies...


more amerikan hypocrisy .....

The Editor,
Sydney Morning Herald.

So, the US is thinking of
shooting down any long-range test missiles launched by North Korea (‘US defence
system ‘may aim’ at N Korea missiles’, Herald, June 21). 

On that basis, I suppose we
shouldn't be surprised if North Korea felt that it was within its rights to
shoot down US long-range minuteman missiles, regularly fired from Vandenberg
Airforce Base to Kwajelien in the Pacific, in what are described by the US as
‘routine’ tests?