Friday 14th of February 2025

another crappy brew .....

From the ABC ….. 

Labor got it wrong on AWAs: Howard 

Prime Minister John Howard has
stepped up his criticism of Labor's pledge to abolish individual workplace
contracts, after an opinion poll revealed it has not impressed voters.

The AC Nielsen poll shows support for the ALP has dropped 3 percentage
points since the Labor Leader, Kim Beazley, pledged to do away with
Australian Workplace Agreements (AWA). 

The poll still has Labor leading
the Government 51 to 49 per cent on a two party preferred basis. 

Mr Howard says the Opposition has
got it wrong. 

"Mr Beazley made a huge
mistake in pledging to get rid of AWAs." he said. 

"It was seen by the
Australian public as Mr Beazley being bullied by the unions, people don't
want their political leaders bullied by the unions." 

read more at the ABC …..

a step too far .....

a crappy brew indeed Gus .....

Our little prime shonk wheels out the old "have you stopped beating your wife" routine to spook the aussie flock.

Of course awstraylens would rather have a prime meanster who betrays their rights & interests, in the service of his business sponsors, any day of the week.

The great liberal phoney talks to the electorate like the spinmeisters for lotto, faking his concern for their "aspirational prosperity", whilst ensuring that their tickets are clipped at every opportunity.

The great "fear meme" continues to be the rodent's greatest stock in trade when it comes to bamboozling the voters. But methinks the prime meansterial spin is starting to wear a bit thin, given that the sharp teeth of  "nochoices" are biting them more & more where it hurts.

Just what is the "value" of "aspirational prosperity" when it removes job security, protection against victimisation & the right to share in the wealth that one's effort helps create?

It's one thing for little johhnie to promote continuous shonks, like the "war on terra" & wmds, that don't directly impact on a sleepy electorate, but altogether another to destroy working conditions & condemn a substantial portion of the populace to perpetual penury.

No wonder little johnnie is so keen to revive the old trade union bogie of "faceless men" to discredit Beazley & Labor .... he knows his attack on working men & women has been taken a step too far .... as surely as they do.