Friday 27th of December 2024

relentlessly going down towards the sewers...

digging shit

tony is a fake...

Today's effort by Janet Albrechtsen — in The Australian newspaper created by (and now despised by) Ken Cowley) is tragic though funny. She is trying to convince us that "The Prime Minister's got a good story, but it needs to be told more effectively"...

Look Janet. Tony is a fake, full of airy-fluff like fairy floss, but made with shit rather than "shugar". Let's be real here. Tony Abbott lied to get into government. He even told us he was not to be trusted on several occasions. Tony is a dishonest person. NO DISHONEST PERSON HAS A GOOD STORY TO TELL that ends well. 

YES, as Janet tells us in the heading of her piece: "The Real Tony struggles to come across"... Blimey. The real Tony Abbott never was. Tony is no more than an annoying puffy chimera with a lying core.


Then Janet goes for the water cooler, highlighted in purple: "It's the early sign of the Gillard disease where stifling caution is wringing out the best of the PM's personality" Now is she talking about Tony or Julia's personality?... No ... No, it's only because Tony is her guy. Gillard did not suffer from stifling caution and Janet hated her guts. 

Tony does not have stifling caution. TO THE CONTRARY! He has bowled the alley with cannon balls intead of bowls... What does he expect? Flowers? Hurrahs from those he is trying to shaft? "More pain, Mr Abbott, Please!" shouted the masses of masochists... Are WE living on the same planet, Janet?

e-vo-lu-tion is a crock...

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is completely wrong. There are far too many idiots in the human species for the process of natural selection to work. We may have passed a natural critical mass of idiocy and god, of course, is to be blamed for it. Due to the proportional progression towards encouraging passive idiocy, by the business of consumerism, we tend to elect idiots more and more as leaders of government — compounding the defeat of natural selection.