Sunday 9th of March 2025



Many good people tread softly, trying to mitigate the influence of global warming on the "present weather systems", while still "believing in global warming"... I am convince they are wrong, wrong, wrong... We need to be more ruthless and bloody in order to be accurate...

I am firmly convinced that new computer program models will soon show that the frequency and intensity of recent storms in the last 20 years can be attributed to a quick warming earth. And we could go as far as 50 years to study and compare the damage since 1800. Or since the big biblical floods — 6000 years ago according to the creationists but really 14-10,000 years ago (the end of the last ice age) if you are a scientist.

We're in real big trouble.

The problem is that the effects of global warming are not constantly "increasing"... There are times of respite when we could have a breather and thus we get soft in the head: "see, it's not as bad as we though"... It's a bit like clowns ganged up on an ex-centric one-wheeler going uphill... There are times it feels like going downhill... We fart around, then the hard crunch comes along... and we fall over. We get hit for six by our own idiocy.... laughter follows...

Except we can't laugh at the damage and the numbers of dead people —DESPITE THE WARNINGS of storm incoming. Should we have had no warning, the number of dead in The Philippines could have toped one million. 

In this country, we cannot let Abbott and Hunt keep clowning around... They're idiots with the gift of the spruik — and these are the most dangerous sort...

I know of big massive storms in the 17th and 18th centuries (see illustrative representation above), including that that sunk the Spanish Armada, but none that destroyed with such violence as the recent one in The Philippines, especially after having had 25 typhoons during the year and the biggest one as late as mid-NOVEMBER... I know of about 10 far bigger storms in the last twenty years than the few in the middle ages.

Now we are facing "incremental" magnitude of storms and general weather imbalance, with moments of respite on the steep incline... It should become clear these moments will become shorter and extreme weather conditions will prevail, including severe drought — such as the one gripping the west of eastern states of Australia. As we climb on our crooked clown unicycle, we're approaching the rooftop of the circus... The higher we go, the more painful the fall.

That's the weather computerised model predictions for the near future, for crissake — 2047 is the massive climatic turnover for the planet, 2038 is the big fall for Sydney. We need to start to understand the meaning of this... I know some scientists are not up on speed with this prognosis but I have been on it since 1994 (I think?) and my estimate falls in 2032. From now on, every massive storm has to be treated as if they were expanded by global warming... If we don't, we live in a deluded glass-house. Storms themselves cannot be attributed to global warming, but a percentage in the increments of their parameters should definitely be... Even the tiny-weeny storms...

But few decent scientists are prepared YET to place their neck on the altar of martyrdom as a sacrificial lamb to the god of fossil fuels, unless they are absolutely sure of the incrementation with measurements... One should know that scientists are never sure of anything... This is the crux of science. Being sure of anything is relative to facts and facts can be relative to interpretations. The great battle here is between the study of facts and forging proper understandings versus crooked opinions. 

Let's be clear here, the study of facts should sink the denialists' opinions right to the bottom of the sea in a jiffy — but the media and the fossil fuel advocates give these opinions huge floaties in the form of doubt, and, as these floaties keep being deflated by more alarming precise facts, the mediocre mass media keeps pumping air into these floats to satisfy the idiots in charge — those who want us to consume more fossil fuels for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

We're nuts and we know it, but we don't want to know. 

We are at a stage when dithering is not going to allay the pain but it will delay proper solutions to reduce the impact — the main solution of which is to REDUCE our usage of fossil fuel dramatically... 50 per cent overnight and to 100 per cent within two days' time. Capiche? Too much? Not enough. Never enough...

So why don't we start to accept that the weather is influenced by global warming in a small (bigger that we would like to admit) but non-negligible proportion? And stop being piss-weak in our thinking. Silly me, we don't want to bite the carbon hand that make us "comfortable" until we realise it's a foot that's kicking us up the arse big time and eventually will send us flying like a corrugated sheet in the air.

It's likely that by 2015, some quite disturbing weather events will shake our boots — in Australia and around the world. Why? After having been asleep for the last decade or so (11-13 years), the sun has awakened, not as strong as in previous sun cycle mind you, but enough to give a boost to the already global-warming-energy-charged atmosphere. This is likely to happen soon after the sun activity reaches its maximum, but it could happen sooner or a bit later — but IT WILL HAPPEN. Comprende?

We're sitting on a time bomb and we keep adding dynamite to the pile, while the fuse was lit 150 years ago... Bonkers, we are!... The fuse has only twenty years max to go... That's what the more recent computer models are telling us... So what are we waiting for? Father Christmas? Fairies?

Waiting for the idiots to become enlightened? That will never happen. They might become shifty and craftily turdy, but enlightened? No way. We need to piss them off in a hurry and whether parliament this or parliament that, we need to act URGENTLY. 

Today, Clive Palmer was pontificating with patronising eloquence at the Press Club in Canberra — a club of generally petty ideas full of political scribing cliques and where the beer is exclusive but crap... There, at the headquarters for dung beetles, Palmer was telling us about "innovations" and "new idea" stuff that unfortunately always carried the need to consume more fossil fuels in order for these oversized egos to fill their pockets with cash. 

I would say that I have not seen any great innovation for the last 20 year. Most of what has been invented is fiddle-plus-around-entertaining (distracting) ideas with little to create a sustainable universe — a sustainable universe we urgently need. Most of these "innovations" still rely on burning more and more fossil fuels, apart from the modern windmills which are a step-up on a 15th century invention, themselves a step up from an invention in the first century AD...

The proper way is to stop burning fossil fuel. Point blank... And we need to find better ways to manage our affairs better without burning something else (including fissile bizos)... But it's bloody hard when one is human and addicted to fire and educated by nuns on the fear and fascination of brimstone. But we'll have to do it... No more pussyfooting, no more fiddles, no more excuses...

We do not need to be afraid. We need to be soberly realistic about the planet we live on — that pebble that gave us life and that we're destroying gleefully. Idiots.

Yours Truly

Gus Leonisky.


even smaller storms can have a devastating impact...

The chief meteorologist for the Weather Channel in the US, Paul Walsh, asked to summarise the effect of climate change on Haiyan, told CNBC: ''I wouldn't say that climate change is a direct contributor to this. That's something that's still being discussed.

''But one of the things that makes these storms, particularly for the US east coast, more potentially damaging is that sea levels are rising and continuing to rise and even smaller storms can have a devastating impact.''

In other words, climate change is working to make ordinary weather patterns more dangerous. It doesn't seem to be happening through any direct causal link to cyclones. But it doesn't need to. A rising sea level will intensify the power of cyclonic winds to create bigger storm surges, according to the IPCC.

Man-made climate change is real and dangerous. Is it causing more or bigger cyclones? There's no evidence that it is. But, again, it's a distinction without a difference. Because it's making normal cyclones more damaging. Rising sea levels will supercharge them.

There is no need for exaggeration and there is no excuse for inaction.

Read more:

they need to read gus' columns...


Tony Abbott has confirmed that his government has abandoned its longstanding policy to reduce Australia's emissions by between 5% and 25% of 2000 levels by 2020 – a crucial and internationally scrutinised goal that had retained bipartisan support since 2009, throughout Australia's tumultuous political debate over climate policy.

Asked whether the Coalition still supported the target range as UN climate talks began in Warsaw without any political representation from Australia, the prime minister told journalists: “Australia will meet our 5% emissions reduction target, but this government has made no commitments to go further than that. We certainly are in no way looking to make further binding commitments in the absence of very serious like binding commitments from other countries, and there is no evidence of that.”

In fact, Abbott and the environment minister, Greg Hunt, have regularly repeated a Coalition commitment to increasing Australia's emissions reduction target to up to 25% under a specific set of conditions for global action set down in 2009 and accepted by both major parties.


Gus:  the idiots are in charge of the nuthouse... May Tony's house burn down in the next bushfires...


urgency and hunger strike...


Super-typhoon Haiyan has cast a dark shadow over the emotional opening of the latest round of UN climate talks in Warsaw, as delegates consider the almost unbearable cost brought upon the Philippines. Paul Brown from the Climate News Network reports.

IN AN EMOTIONAL OPENING to the new round of climate talks in the Polish capital ‒ the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP 19) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ‒ Yeb Saňo, the chief of the Philippines delegation, with tears rolling down his cheeks, said he would not eat before the end of the two weeks of negotiations until a substantial deal had been done to help countries deal with the effects of climate change.

His appeal to the Climate Change Convention’s 19th meeting came after the conference had already stood in silence to pay its respects to the victims of super-typhoon Haiyan. He described how his brother had lived through the disaster and helped carry bodies from shacks wrecked by the wind.

“In solidarity with my countrymen who are struggling to find food back home and with my brother who has not had food for the last three days, I will now commence a voluntary fasting for the climate. This means I will voluntarily refrain from eating food during this COP until a meaningful outcome is in sight.”

After his pledge, Saňo received an unprecedented standing ovation from the representatives of the 195 countries at the opening ceremony.,5885


Meanwhile the egomaniac climate-change-ignoramuses dinosaurs of the retrograde reactionary rabid right took possession of the throne of power in Hogwarts:


During the nomination process, Labor backbencher Graham Perrett criticised Mrs Bishop over the way she "treated the sisterhood" by standing alongside protesters holding placards calling Julia Gillard a "witch" and "Bob Brown's bitch".

"There is a saying that the head slave whips the hardest," he said.

"Let's look at how the Member for McKellar has treated the sisterhood when given the opportunity.

"Did she apologise for that? Never. Never apologised for that."

In response, the new Speaker - the first woman from Coalition ranks to hold the position - repeated her stance that women should be appointed on merit.

"I have never, ever put myself forward other than to say I am the best person for the job," she said.


Mr Abbott's admiration for the Member for Mackellar is longstanding; he once described himself as the "ideological love-child of John Howard and Bronwyn Bishop".... ABORT! ABORT!!!



save our souls...


The UN has launched an appeal for $301m (£190m) to help relief efforts in typhoon-hit areas of the Philippines.

Thousands of people are feared to have been killed by Typhoon Haiyan, which struck the central Philippines on Friday.

The UN says more than 11 million people are believed to have been affected by the storm, and some 673,000 displaced.

The relief operation is being stepped up, but food, water and shelter are still badly needed aid officials say.

Several countries have deployed ships and aircraft to help, but the damage to transport links and bad weather are hindering aid distribution.

Tacloban - a city of 220,000 on Leyte island - is particularly badly affected.

The BBC's Jonathan Head described how the main road from the airport to the city was clogged with refugees and debris, with residents becoming angry at the lack of progress and increasing breakdown in security.

Bodies remain uncollected, local government has been wiped out, and central government, which is meant to have taken over, is almost invisible, our correspondent says. 



One cannot blame central government in cases such as this. The scale of the devastation would be overwhelming and by the time rescue efforts are placed in motion, people are desperate. We are looking at massive disaster in many islands over an area which is 150 km wide by 450 km long... which is about the size of Belgium and half The Netherlands combined... Just imagine... as if all the seaside counties from Cornwall to Kent had been flattened — and Portsmouth destroyed — in England...

meanwhile — a cyclone in somalia...

As The Philippines were reeling under  a massive cyclone a smaller one was doing damage unheard in Somalia...

Somalia's government has declared the north-eastern region of Puntland hit by a tropical cyclone at the weekend a disaster area.

The number of people killed by the cyclone has risen from about 100 to 300, unconfirmed reports say.

Thousands of livestock had also died and hundreds of homes had been destroyed by the cyclone, known as 03A.

More floods were expected during the next 48 hours, Somalia's Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon said.

Puntland is a semi-autonomous region within Somalia, where many people are poor.

'Entire villages destroyed'

The cyclone had swept through the Eyl, Beyla, Dangorayo and Hafun districts along the eastern coast and across to Alula at the tip of the Horn of Africa.

Declaring a disaster, Somalia's Interior Minister Abdikarim Hussein Guled said the central government pledged $1m (£628,000) to help communities devastated by the cyclone.


meanwhile — a drought in nsw...

The New South Wales Farmers Association says dry conditions are expanding across the state making the need for immediate financial assistance more urgent.

The Farmers Association President Fiona Simson says areas including Glenn Innes, Tamworth, the Upper Hunter, Orange and Dubbo have all deteriorated in recent months.

She says Bourke, Brewarrina and Walgett in the state's north west have been in drought for months and farmers need low interest loans and transport subsidies now, with conditions expected to deteriorate.

Ms Simson says those areas would have triggered the old drought declarations but there is no current drought policy in place.

"Now whilst we continue those discussions and we don't have drought declarations or any of those processes or systems in place what we need the state government to do is to step up and provide that assistance," she said.

Ms Simson says many farmers have already lowered the stock on their land and are having to use stored fodder as the conditions deteriorate.

"The people up in that north west corner of the state in particular are feeling very left out and neglected at the moment they do need some support and we do need to have some assistance measures in there straight away to help them out."

The NSW Government says it is considering further drought assistance for farmers struggling under dry conditions in the north west of NSW.


one year on...


Typhoon Hagupit is gathering strength in the western Pacific and could bring damaging winds and flooding to the Philippines over the weekend.

People in the Philippines are braced for the arrival of Typhoon Hagupit, expected to hit land on Saturday.

Hagupit, which is building strength over the Pacific, is slowly bearing down on the region devastated by Typhoon Haiyan a year ago.

Hagupit has gusts of up to 170km/h (105mph) and is expected to be a category 4 storm by Saturday.

Thousands of people, many still living in temporary shelters, have been told to go to evacuation centres.



Typhoon Hagupit being quite late in the season may not punch as much damage as typhoon Haiyan... But if the marine weather charts are correct, it will hem the coast in a northerly direction rather than cross towards the China Sea. This in itself, may lead to damage over a much greater coastal area than the massive damage done by Haiyan...

Meanwhile a storm off the coast of Russia in the Pacific is likely to become a powerful storm on the coast of California by mid next week.... 80 per cent chances.

hagupit has been classified as a super typhoon...


Typhoon Hagupit, known locally as Ruby, strengthened overnight as it tracked towards the same area which was devastated by Typhoon Haiyan last year.

Weather forecasters warned Hagupit would continue to intensify as it swept in from the Pacific Ocean, and likely hit eastern islands on Saturday.

The Hawaii-based Joint Typhoon Warning Centre has classified Hagupit as a super typhoon, with winds reaching 240 kilometres per hour.

Mr Aquino has ordered local governments to hasten residential evacuations and the trade department to send more food supplies to provinces at risk amid reports of panic buying of basic supplies.

"Let's prepare for everything," he told a nationally televised meeting of disaster agency chiefs.

"I will not be very patient with excuses after this event. Failure on the priorities is unforgivable."

Read article at top...


revised forecast...

As Hagupit weakened to a category four typhoon and crossed The Philippines (instead of hugging the coast as predicted by former forecast: see above) it is predicted to reconstruct in the China sea. But there is another typhoon birthing in the same place as Hagupit did (and the one last year) which could hit northern Philippines in about 5 to 6 days... But by then, according to marine weather charts, another typhoon will be birthing in the same place (usually around Palau)... 

Keeping a keen eye on general forecasts, usually accurate about 50/50 seven days and 75/25 three days. The marine forecasts are more accurate: like 70/30 seven days and 90/10 three days. Gus Leonisky.