Sunday 9th of March 2025

bugger ....

bugger ....

So, Tony Abbott will become Australia's 28th prime minister because he never really buggered it up like many thought he would; whilst Labor buggered it up at almost every step.

In other words, we now have a Prime Minister & government elected by default or, as others might put it, “the lesser of two evils”.

Either way, the only thing that is certain is that politics in this country continues to put appearance ahead of substance … that 20% of the primary vote didn’t go to either of the major parties surely speaks to that truth & the lamentable health of our so-called democratic system.

Just like the old story of the two butcher shops, the big end of town owns & runs both major parties, who offer the same steak knives, but regularly change the packaging & pricing to keep the punters busy running up & down between them, in the vain hope that they might one day get a better deal!!

“Australia open for business” indeed.


poetic justice ....

Tony Abbott won a decisive victory.

He proved himself a lethal opposition leader.

But the less dramatic than expected margin & the ingredients that went into the victory, will not only embolden Labor & the minor parties to challenge his mandate, but highlight the policy caution to which he has committed himself.

Winning margin won't cow Labor, Senate

(Also: Abbott's own balance-of-power nightmare - Annabel Crabb, ABC)