Thursday 26th of December 2024

Angry Outsiders' are Not Happy, John! ()

Michelle Grattan writes in today's Age newspaper about the upcoming political campaigns of former Liberal Party President and John Howard confidante, John Valder, Andrew Wilkie and Brian Deegan.

Deegan and Wilkie will be running as independents in Mayo and Bennelong respectively, and Valder will be working to unseat Howard in Bennelong.

All three men come from vastly different backgrounds, but fundamentally believe that Howard, especially through the Iraq war, has made Australia a more dangerous place.

Deegan: 'We've become more of a terrorist target because of the war. I lost one child [in the Bali bombing]. I have three children - I intend to protect them as best I can.'

Valder lauched the Not Happy, John campaign last weekend, and Grattan mentions his inspiration as MK's book.

It's an encouraging sign that an increasing number of individuals ('angry outsiders', writes Grattan) are lining up against the dangerous ideology espoused by Howard, Blair and Bush cabal. We should all offer them our warmest support.

In other news, and suggesting that Australia's good name is being increasingly dragged through the regional mud, protests occurred in the Phillipines today. Our flag was set alight, Alexander Downer and John Howard were criticised. All because our government believes, and has said aggressively and publicly, that the Phillipines was incorrect in pulling out their troops from Iraq.

Our government has the delicacy of a wayward American missile at an Iraqi wedding party. Perhaps Howard and Downer got some invaluable lessons in diplomacy from the Bush administration?