Sunday 9th of March 2025

and the orchestra was playing waltzing matilda...

and the orchestra

Here we are... Gus is about to blow his chance to work for the public service, though he has long passed retirement age... If my informants in the APS are correct, the deck chairs are being moved from here to there...

You know idiotic things are afoot when previously well-working public service departments are being merged with others and a new head of administration is being parachuted from god-knows where... All this independently from government directives... Hard to know the purpose but I could have a few guesses and be wrong. The public service is apolitical... Let me rephrase it. The public Service should be politic-free, but in there, in the mist of administrative lodges, offices, churches and cabals, some of the performers are fiercely though discreetly engaged. 

We all remember the Sir Humphrey skits of "Yes, Minister"... a show that Maggie herself was fond of, possibly because it gave her an insight into the workings of Public Service and its inertia, thus she could bulldozed the last bunkers or resistance... 
There are sneakier means to make changes other than a full-on assault alla Thatcher...
When there is political turmoil afoot (mostly created by a stirring ultra right-wing media), the public service comes to realise that the sun shines on the other side of the world and it's going to be a long long long night...
For example, when Gambling Bazza was elected Chief Brigand in New South Wales, he immediately merged the Maritime Services with the Roads and Traffic Authority... For what purpose you may ask?... I guessed Bazza did not like the heads of departments... Boom. Stupid idea if you ask me, since a year down the track, the former RTA still had no clue as to what its new umbrella was and its ticket machines were still giving RTA stamped counter-numbers. A cheque to the new merged outfit would be gazed upon by tellers as if coming from Mars. 
I had nightmares actually: I had this vision of the Titanic sailing down George Street, Sydney... I still can see the seagulls, the ibises and the pelicans accompanying the ship in that image. Any time I see one of these birds flying above the traffic in the city, it gives me an eerie feeling... I look left and right for the big boat about to come in from a cross street...
But I digress... My informants tell me that new INCOMPETENT managers are being placed in charged of their department or newly agglomerated departments. WOW! I believe, merit is not the name of the game here... It's a bit confusing really so I have a couple of scenarios.
Either the public service wants to become highly inefficient — like the Admiral of the French Fleet in Toulon, basically sabotaging the bilges before the Liberal (conservative) nazis take over — either the public service honchos are already placing stooges with a strong Liberal (conservative) nazi leaning — ready to wield a swift axe as soon as Tony and his gang of loonies take over the government with the help of Mr Murdoch — the swine.
Yes, I think that's it... The latter explanation seems to me the way things are being done here... 
Tony wants to slash about 20,000 public service jobs. So how best to do this quickly? Get your devious mates (presently secretly working against Julia's government) at the highest echelons of the public service to innocuously move the deck chairs IN ADVANCE. 
The Public service is an organisation with a hierarchy like that of a FAMILY... People who enter the public service become friends (some are enemies like in some families) but in general the public service functions reasonably well because people within trust each other, despite a few sibling niggles from time to time....
So when crunch-time comes along for sacking people, some long time managers might become a bit queazy... Doing so would be akin to killing their own children... These days there are few Abrahams ready to sacrifice kiddies to please an angry god... So to circumnavigate this sticky problem, the honchos high-up are parachuting ruthless INCOMPETENT bastards who have no idea about the work people do in the public service, but this is not their concerns... They don't really care and that's their purpose: not care. They are only placed in there to wield the axe at the required time and not a minute later...
I could be wrong of course and my informants may be quaking in their boots for nothing... 
But Tony has promised to cut the public service ruthlessly in the name of "efficiency"... It would be more efficient for Australia if Tony vanished himself, but unfortunately he would not have a bar of that... End of story... So it's your job that's on the line...
Though the public service has grown less in size than the rest of employment in this country — which has grown steadily by quite more than one million job in the last five years under labor... Thus in reality, the public service has already SHRUNK comparatively.
But trust Tony to make promises that are Dorothy Dixers. The "natural" job growth in this country is one million jobs every five years — mostly regardless of politics. But wait, there is more! Tony promises to grow the number of jobs in this country by — you guessed it — one million jobs in the next five years, as if if was a feat that only he and his moronic midgets could provide...
An idiot taking us for idiots...
And what's the best way to provide employment in Tony's mind? Queensland's Newman solution... You sack people first and then make them beg for a job at half the salary... With the other half of the money you can employ another slave you provide for "small business" with no job security. Piece of cake, as the entitlements and working rights of workers are shot to pieces as well... all is swell... 
At present, "small business" is rallying the troops to go and tell Canberra where Small Business is placed in regard to the new federal election... Though a mostly "apolitical movement" the "Invitation to fight for Small Business" is organised like an Alan Jones truckie blockade. Small business organisations, run by small capitalists, are ready to die in trench warfare in support of Tony's industrial relations fiddles... Actually they want him to bring back the Work Choices policies with more enslaving clauses and especially more floggings ... And Tony, magnanimously, would oblige...
If you have a job, cherish the moment... Should Tony and his vandals take over your towns, pray to the god of mercy...
Trust me, I know what I am talking about... though I could be wrong...
Your friend, as always. Gus Leonisky 

the first job to go should be abbott's...

The Commonwealth public sector, which had grown under the Labor government, would be trimmed, Mr Abbott said on Friday.

''There's 20,000 more in the Commonwealth public sector than there were five years ago and there hasn't been a commensurate increase in service delivery or efficiency,'' he said.

But Public Service Minister Gary Gray said Mr Abbott was wrong to suggest the Australian Public service had grown by 20,000.

The APS had grown by about 13,000 places from June 2007 to June 2012, going from 155,424 to 168,580,'' Mr Gray said on Friday. ''Tony Abbott has no public service policy but slash and burn. Today he said there were 20,000 too many people working in the Commonwealth public sector.

''Last week he said he would send public sector workers north, away from the cities and towns across Australia in which they operate.''

Mr Gray said the OECD's Value for Money report last year showed the size of general government employment including states and territories was very low in Australia compared with other countries.

Read more:

be afraid, Sir Humphrey...


Senior public servants may desire recognition of their experience, but the bureaucracy has neither the authority nor the legitimacy to publicly call for what it thinks a government should do, writes Chris Berg.

Terry Moran wants senior public servants to be liberated to "talk sensibly" in public about "long-term and self-evident truths" without being seen as betraying their political masters.

That is, Moran wants to revive the public service mandarin, updated for the media-centric demands of the 21st century.

Moran was recently the head of the Prime Minister's Department. You can read his argument in the Australian Journal of Public Administration here.

It's an important piece. It reveals, subtly but distinctly, what Australia's bureaucracy wants, and what it fears.

Our ideas of the public service waver uncomfortably between two largely incompatible doctrines.




The conservatives (Liberals) are coming with their big boots full of mierda and their baggage full of ignorance... At the forefront, the IPA and Chris Berg with their list of demands. Your life is going to be crap should these morons come in... You have been warned. 



a bonus to kick you in the arse...


The Federal Coalition says, if elected, it would pay bonuses to senior public servants who could identify economic savings and cut red tape.

The performance pay scheme used by the Howard government has been wound back under Labor, which says the practice prompts bureaucrats to only give advice ministers want to hear.

The Howard government was also criticised for keeping details of bonuses paid a secret.

But chairman of the Coalition's deregulation taskforce Senator Arthur Sinodinos says an Abbott government would favour a transparent system of using financial rewards to get the best from staff.

"It's something that would be reflected in people's duty statements, mission statements," he said.


Obviously, if you work in the public service,  your superior will be given a lovely pair of boots to kick you in your transparent arse... 


the coalition — no understanding of service...

In 2012, Joe Hockey unashamedly stated that in the first years of an Abbott Government 12,000 public servants would be sacked.

IT’S A THANKLESS TASK, serving the public.

Day in and day out, public servants are subject to abuse and ridicule from the media and politicians, not to mention the very public they serve.

As the federal election nears, this will only intensify.

The Coalition is boasting about how many public servants they will assign to the scrap heap of unemployment. The Murdoch press are reporting – unchallenged – that the public service is ‘bloated’ and ‘wasteful’.

If people in the private sector lose their jobs, Coalition MPs shed tears and demand compensation. However, when people in the public service lose their jobs, Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey gloats about it.

The reason for this is simple. The Coalition don’t understand that public servants are human beings worthy of respect, just like every other Australian. To them, they are “faceless bureaucrats” pushing paper in a grey office in Canberra. Making life more difficult for “hard-working” Australians.

They are not understood as people with families and mortgages. People with the same hopes and fears as everyone else. To them, they are the heartless purveyors of red-tape, looking to strangle small business.

This is why The Daily Telegraph makes absurd claims about public servants with impunity. They call a public servant on $92,000 a year a bureaucratic ‘fat cat’, and in the next sentence describe a family earning $250,000 a year as ‘struggling’.

See toon and article at top

our moron in chief does not like science...



Almost a quarter of scientists, researchers and workers at Australia's premier science institution will lose their jobs under the federal government's present public service jobs freeze.

The blanket staff freeze across the public service threatens the jobs of 1400 "non-ongoing" workers at the CSIRO and could paralyse some of the organisation's premier research projects, with a ban on hiring, extending or renewing short-term contracts effective immediately.

The impact of the freeze on the CSIRO follows fears expressed in the scientific community about the Abbott government's failure to nominate a dedicated science minister out of his cabinet or ministerial team. The concerns have been heightened by subsequent decisions, including the closure of the global warming advisory body the Climate Change Commission, and revelations on Thursday that Australia will not be sending its Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, or any ministerial stand-in to international climate change negotiations starting on Monday in Warsaw.

The freeze is part of the Abbott government's plan to cut 12,000 jobs from the public service.

On Friday, the government will also announce the immediate dismantling of a raft of government advisory bodies, expert panels and national steering committees, covering diverse areas including ageing, legal affairs, ethics and animal welfare. Federal cabinet this week signed off on the changes, which will see a dozen "non-statutory" bodies axed altogether, and several more amalgamated with other bodies or absorbed into existing departmental functions.

The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, repeatedly promised before the election that a Coalition government would dramatically reduce the size of the bureaucracy and would do away with thousands of regulations said to be clogging the economy.

Read more:

Tony Abbott is a fool, a jerk, a nitwit, a stupid twit, a blockhead, a bonehead, a cretin, a dimwit, a dork, a dumbbell, a dunce, an ignoramus imbecile, a muttonhead, a nincompoop, a simpleton... (I've used the word "idiot" so much that it's starting to look like a legendary cliché: Tony Abbott is an Idiot.)
And so are all the Liberal (CONservative) ministers too for following this little shit...
And these garbage munchers rely on your servile docility and general torpor, to do the most arrogant, the most outrageous and stupid things in front of your nose...
Of course the toon at top was a no-brainer...



just for showing up...


As the federal public service plans mass redundancies, one government department is preparing to pay hundreds of bureaucrats up to $130,000 a year "just for showing up''.

Health Department insiders warn that its new "Business Services Centre" will be a place to park up to 200 Canberra-based officials who have lost their jobs.

They have been told their jobs are "unfunded," instructed not to use the word "excess" and that they will move to the new Business Services Centre from December 1 with no idea what their duties will be or even if there is work for them to do.

In internal documents, obtained by Fairfax Media, the departmental hierarchy says the BSC is meant to undertake tasks in the future for other divisions of the cash-strapped department, but could not point to one project assigned to the unit.

Many of the public servants, who find themselves still employed by the government but with no jobs to do, are executives earning up to $130,000 a year.

One departmental insider said the workers and managers would be parked in the new division applying for jobs in the Health Department and the broader public service while waiting for a project to work on.

The Health Department refused to answer questions about the new unit and departmental chief Jane Halton has declined to be interviewed on the job losses.
In response to questions, a departmental spokeswoman continued to deny there was a "spill and fill" process under way.

Read more:

See toon and story at top...