Tuesday 18th of February 2025

Out with the parties


You know well that there is a widespread disillusion with democracy as a successful fixall for theproblems of society, business, the environment, and the growing tensions in the world.

Take parliament. Respect is at a low ebb. Party politics has only willing supporters amongst those who benefit by party government policies, which overlook many of the harder problems. And if we have a change of government the other half of the politically influential are neither happy or able to help with the significant problems which are now causing widespread angst. We have only a least-worst choice when it comes to elections, with the parties concentrating their PR on a  few policies which might appeal to,  and differentiate  their appeal between the various selfish interests in the community. Social unity is at a discount.

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Take Islam. Loud protests by Muslims, occuring throughout the West, are threaatening the freedom of the press in many countries, and rousing antagonism of Jewish interests. What can confused and weak government do? Where is Solomon?

Take these pages. The constant theme is concern (and anger) over the unsatisfactory performance of our 'democratic' government.

Now, it has been said that you can't have democracy without parties. But the conflicting parties are the cause of the problem. First the ongoing ideological, or just plain 'political' standoff,  ruled by ambition, and  the resulting corruption, then the delusion of the public, and effective exclusion of the people from any significant involvement in the many decisions  which concern them.  Lastly the representatives who are supposed to represent us, don't. Even the occasional independent will finish up representing limited special interests and be quite ineffective, or far more powerful than is right.

I there then any solution? There is.

We can change the way democracy works in our parliaments and associated society. We need to  disconnect all representatives from the parties (and the special interests they represent)  and reconnect each and every one of them to the people of their own electorates. That is the nub of the problem and the answer. We, the people, must must have a greater role in determining the style of  government by which we are governed.

It can be done. It must be.  Make no mistake this is serious.

Radical, yes. Simple yes.

The answer is ballots in parliament to settle every ministerial appointment, and each and every debate in parliament. For that advance to a true democracy, with genuine representation and a new  power of the people to have a realistic democratic role in government, we will need a referendum.

That is the simple, sole policy of the newly  formed  Secret Ballot Party (secretballotparty.fastmail.fm)

Basil Smith, Founder.