Sunday 9th of March 2025

victory goes south...


victory going south
Southerners deserve better from candidatesBy 

Having lived in South Carolina for most of the past 25 years, I’ve often averred that the state Chamber of Commerce keeps a stable of “rednecks” to release when the national media come to town.

You know the ones — the folks who drive trucks, hunt deer (and even varmints, if they’re in the mood for a little chicken-fried squirrel) and, yes, put cheese in their grits. The latter is hardly a redneck pursuit these days, however, as grits have become the side dish du jour in the swankiest restaurants.

Mainly, the locals captured on camera are often unsophisticated, probably undereducated, and unaccustomed to editing their thoughts for public consumption. The accent common to many folks in the region — or as outsiders prefer, “them thar parts” — long ago has been identified by the motion picture industry as belonging to less-intelligent humans. Rare exceptions — the brilliant country lawyer who merely pretends to be dumber’n a box of rocks — prove the rule.

Thus, when members of the national media come to town every four years, they’re on the lookout for the stereotype they’ve memorized from afar. And, in a quirky gesture of reverse public relations, the Chamber obliges. Or so I’ve always figured, given that I know few people who actually talk that way. It isn’t inconceivable that these characters play up their role just a bit for the cameras. What else would one expect, anyway, when the candidates themselves fall into a weird sort of “Southern Tourette’s,” delivering inanities apparently gleaned from the visitor’s guide to “redneck” tropes?


going southy...

Former senator Rick Santorum (Pa.) pulled out narrow wins in the Alabama and Mississippi presidential primaries Tuesday, bolstering his claim to being the conservative alternative to Republican front-runner Mitt Romney.

“We did it again,” Santorum told cheering supporters in Lafayette, La.; that state will hold its primary March 24. “Who would have thought . . . that ordinary folks from across this country can defy the odds day in and day out?”

are you smarter than a southerner?...

(As in ... "You might be a redneck if you think 'loading the dishwasher' means getting your wife drunk.")

Foxworthy is also host of Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

The two hit the hustings together at about the time contender Newt Gingrich welcomed his endorsement by Bass Angler Sportsman Society founder, Ray Scott, the godfather of modern bass fishing.

Gingrich had already won the support of former Miss America Heather Whitestone McCallum.

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