Sunday 22nd of December 2024

a media stir-fry...


A LABOR MP has declared the troops are "sick of the soap opera" between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd and urged their supporters to pull their heads in over the Christmas break.

The Prime Minister's supporters said yesterday she had been through "the gates of hell" this year and had no plans to quit before the next election, reported the Herald Sun.

But Labor MPs maintain the ABK faction - Anyone But Kevin - is preparing Plan C if the Prime Minister's leadership happens to falter: Bill Shorten.

One of the biggest winners from the Prime Minister's cabinet reshuffle that saw Victoria's Kim Carr dumped from cabinet, Mr Shorten is again emerging as a potential successor - but only if the she steps down first.

Read more:

As the Murdoch press is the main reason for a "government media inquiry", the culprit — here represented by Murdoch himself, though he's often hidden in the dark belly of his spruiking outlets — is still stirring the pot whichever way it can... Plan C is far fetched at the moment, though it might not be impossible, say, in 10 years time...

to each their own foe...

Paul Keating foe was John Howard... John Howard foe was Kevin Rudd... Kevin Rudd foe was Tony Abbott, though Kev did not see it that way and would be prepared to blame Julia... Tony Abbott foe is Julia Gillard... Julia Gillard foe is the media — a media full of commentariat fools who support Tony Abbott and keep stirring falsities into illusive prophesies that could try to turn up on a dark and windy night...

the mediatators...

Common sense decrees that sticking with Gillard is the only sensible course. Any move to topple her could destroy the Government. Another change of leader would make the ALP a laughing stock. Acceptance of inevitable defeat could make for a government squarely focused on getting runs on the board before losing office. Who knows, they might even score some electoral kudos.

More likely, though, Rudd will strike.

Faced with a choice of doing nothing or something, hope and desperation will favour something and Caucus members will weigh Rudd against the alternatives Gillard positioned at the Cabinet table this week.


Another stupid "mediatator" who is more interested in the soap opera than the running of government which for all things considered is not doing a bad job... Rudd would have to be a vengeful idiot to try to topple Julia... Would that fit with his catholic beliefs? Sure...

beating the Drums of dumb...


From the Drum..

A made-up story has passed for news in much of the nation's supposedly "quality" media for days now: the looming leadership challenge against Julia Gillard by Kevin Rudd.

In case you hadn't noticed, there hasn't been a spill. There wasn't one yesterday, there hasn't been one so far today, and there almost certainly won't be one tomorrow. Not only has no leadership challenge occurred, but all the politicians involved publicly maintain that there won't be. A large number of Labor MPs are also saying privately that no leadership challenge is imminent.

The only people who are saying that a leadership challenge is on the cards are a small number of "Rudd supporters", none of whom have had the guts to go on the record with their real names, and a bunch of journalists who would probably fail a first-year journalism subject if they submitted the sort of articles that have been published in abundance in recent days.
The ABC should sack Nikki Savva from the Insiders — or altogether.... She's not a journalist bootlace, just a crappy commentariatoresss...