Sunday 22nd of December 2024

poetry of the twits...


The O'Farrell government's whip in the upper house has become a minor sensation on Twitter this afternoon, attacking other users, telling one to "go fuck yourself" and declaring himself the "Marieke Hardy" of the Right.

Peter Phelps, a member of the hard right of the NSW Liberal Party, who notably once described traffic lights as a "Bolshevist menace", joined the social networking site less than a month ago with some trepidation.

Dr Phelps quickly responded: "go fuck yourself, commie! And you can't complain because I put in smiley ;-)".

A number of Twitter users criticised him for the response, which only elicited further strong reactions from the politician.

Read more:

stealing identity...

"Does anyone seriously think I give a continental if the Left hates me? I'm the Marieke Hardy of the Right!" he declared in another, referring to the popular screenwriter, blogger and prolific Twitter user.

twitter, hitler, ritewingnutter, not shy...

the problem with roundabouts...

Six green plastic sheep on a West Sussex roundabout have been put behind bright yellow safety barriers to stop drivers thinking they are real.

The fake flock was installed at the junction on the A283 in Shoreham at the end of November to reflect the South Downs National Park status.

West Sussex County Council said the sheep had also been painted green to stop drivers thinking they were real.

But it said it was working with the sponsor on a long-term solution.


A spokeswoman for West Sussex County Council said: "The County Council has a scheme where companies can sponsor a roundabout by paying for maintenance and improvements.

Apart from green sheep, roundabouts have a few problems when compared to Bolshevik traffic lights (see NSW Liberal Whip comments at top)... : one major problem is PEDESTRIANS. Install pedestrian crossings at roundabouts and they don't work very well. There are many places where crossing of roads is too narrow to have a "roundabout"... Sometimes the traffic in one direction is too heavy to let other cars come in from another direction... Thus we need the Bolshevik traffic lights at some intersections...

We all know that, except the minister for twits... and some plastic sheep.