Sunday 9th of March 2025

remembrance day .....

remembrance day ......

Prime Minister Julia Gillard used a surprise appearance at today's Remembrance Day service at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra to defend Australia's ongoing involvement in the war in Afghanistan.

Veterans' Affairs Minister Warren Snowdon, who had been scheduled to represent the Prime Minister today, said she had ''become available'' earlier in this week.

It is understood Australian War Memorial Officials did not learn of the changes until last night.

"Our nation, and especially the young people of our nation, have always accepted the cost and burden of war, as seen in Afghanistan this very day," Ms Gillard told the crowd of 4000 gathered under threatening Canberra skies.

"If we pay that price willingly, we never pay it lightly. War is a profound responsibility for any nation to undertake.''

Ms Gillard's remarks follow a horror 10 days in Afghanistan.

Three Australian soldiers, Captain Bryce Duffy, Corporal Ashley Birt and Lance Corporal Luke Gavin, were shot and killed by a renegade member of the Afghan National Army on Saturday, October 29.

Corporal Birt's funeral was held at Gympie this morning and Captain Duffy's funeral is to be held in Brisbane on Monday.

Three more Australian soldiers were shot and wounded on Tuesday by an ANA soldier armed with an automatic weapon and a grenade launcher.

Today's Remembrance Day Service was strongly attended. Seated to the right of the Prime Minister and the Governor General were more than 80 family members, friends and comrades of the 11 Australians who have died in Afghanistan since February.

Widows, partners and girlfriends were quietly dignified in mourning black while at least 11 very fit young men sporting medal bars, deployment readiness badges and, in many cases, dark sunglasses were present.

A private ceremony had earlier been held at the Afghan war memorial in the cloisters around the Pool Of Remembrance for the unveiling of the latest names on the roll of honour.

Dignitaries present at the public ceremony included Governor-General Quentin Bryce, Mr Snowdon, Afghanistan Victoria Cross recipient Corporal Mark Donaldson, Chief of Defence Force General David Hurley, Chief of Navy Vice Admiral Ray Griggs and former chief of defence force Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston (retired).

In my opinion, Gillard is a liar & a fraud.

For the Prime Minister of this country to claim that "Our nation, and especially the young people of our nation, have always accepted the cost and burden of war ..." is an out and out fabrication of history.

Anyone who is old enough to remember the Vietnam War & conscription will also remember that Australians were "drafted" into serving through a lottery, which was visited on them before they were old enough to vote. That war cost the lives of 500 young Australians and our involvement only ended as a result of the Australian public's outrage at the unnecessary sacrifice being made by our nation's young people. The treatment of returning Vietnam Veterans by both the Australian people & the Australian government is a matter of lasting shame for this country.

All opinion polls currently confirm that the majority of Australians are opposed to our ongoing involvement in Afghanistan, in particular in our disgusting role as an obsequious lackey to US imperial interests.

The fact that the only thing that Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott & the majority of our cowardly politicians agree on is maintaining our country's continuing involvement in Afghanistan is evidence enough for me that they are all prepared to betray this country & its young people in a cynical race to curry the favour of the US.

"If we pay that price willingly, we never pay it lightly." opined the hypocrite Gillard.

What price has she or any politician ever paid for their cynical & treacherous betrayal of the people they allegedly represent?

A disgusting & cowardly display!

Lest we forget indeed!

Above all, they wanted an end to war...

From Robert Fisk


I've had my share of wars and often return to the ancient Western Front. Three years ago, I was honoured to be invited to give the annual Armistice Day Western Front memorial speech at the rebuilt Cloth Hall in Ypres. The ghost of my long-dead 2nd Lieutenant Dad was, of course, in the audience. I quoted all my favourite Great War writers, along with the last words of Nurse Edith Cavell, and received, shortly afterwards, a wonderful and eloquent letter from the daughter of that fine Great War soldier Edmund Blunden.

But I didn't wear a poppy. And I declined to lay a wreath at the Menin Gate. This was something of which I was not worthy. Instead, while they played the Last Post, I looked at the gravestones on the city walls.

As a young boy, I also went to Ypres with my Dad, stayed at the 'Old Tom Hotel' and met many other 'old soldiers', all now dead. I remember that they wanted to remember their dead comrades. Above all, they wanted an end to war.

But now I see these pathetic creatures with their little sandpit poppies - I notice that our masters in the House of Commons do the same - and I despise them.

Heaven be thanked that the soldiers of the Great War cannot return today to discover how their sacrifice has been turned into a fashion appendage.

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for julia & tonocchio .....

Remembering those millions of young men whose lives were cruelly taken away from them by the imperialist warmongers who waged the First World War.

The song is The Band Played Waltzing Matilda by Shane McGowan