Sunday 9th of March 2025

poisoned ink....

murdoch and kev

A senior ALP faction leader branded Rupert Murdoch's News Limited "a threat to democracy" today as the feud between the newspaper group and the Government intensified.

Left faction convenor Doug Cameron's extraordinary outburst was sparked by a story in News Limited's Daily Telegraph reporting that former PM Kevin Rudd is being urged by his backers to challenge Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Senator Cameron said he would take a motion to Labor caucus seeking to widen the existing inquiry into the media to look specifically at News Limited's "absolute hatred" of Labor.

"The inquiry we are having into the media - we should widen it to make sure we get a decent press in this country," he told reporters at Parliament House.

News Limited and the Daily Telegraph are not the only publications to report on a Rudd challenge, but Senator Cameron singled out the newspaper as "reprehensible".

"The Murdoch press are an absolute disgrace, they are a threat to democracy in this country and we should absolutely be having a look at them.

"They run unsubstantiated stories. I'm saying it's a fabrication. They run unsubstantiated stories in relation to the leadership of the party."

Senator Cameron said the Labor caucus was "completely in support of the leader" and said the Daily Telegraph story was "lies and nonsense".

"We should not be diverted by the Murdoch press and their attempt to destabilise this government. This is a good government. It doesn't suit Rupert Murdoch and his minions and we are prepared to take that on.

uncle rupe and his annoying minions...

Uncle Rupe works the room and, as usual, decides who should be king... In fact Uncle Rupe desperately wants Abbott, a giddy puppet with a nose as long as the harbour bridge, to rule the Australian roost for five seconds, then be replaced by one of the hard core Liberal (conservatives) ritewingnutter under Uncle Rupe's thumbs... But Julia is a harder than usual cookie to crumb between his aged fingers. She's pushing on with the NBN that Rupe hates. She's planning to tax his mates, the miners, and Rupe hates that beyond hate. She's planning to make his mates, the death-smoke merchants, become less and less visible... Of all incredible things, Julia has done a somersault and has been fighting successfully in parliament against his deliberately cultivated ignorance of global warming peddled in his papers, by bringing in a carbon tax... The bitch!... He has tried and tried again to tarnish her image and he has basically succeeded across much of the stupid public's mind, but still this is not soon enough... He can't wait for the next elections... So he stirs the possum: Qantas? the government's fault, Alan Joyce is an angel... Anything that Julia does is deemed incompetent by Uncle Rupe and his minions... Not an ounce of recognition... If Tony Abbott is the king of NO, Uncle Rupe is the emperor of negativity to the power of square.

Uncle Rupe does not like Kev any more than Julia but, by sneakily tooting Kev in his rags, he tries to destabilise Julia and, in his own devious mind, Labor bites the dust before Christmas... That's the plan. Hopefully, he won't succeed, but it's annoying me to the hilt. He's consistently placing wedges between the fragile Labor factions and hope something is going to crack... Kev would be a ningnong to take the bait...

Yes Uncle Rupe is a threat to democracy — nothing new here...

poisoned ink in Noo zuland...

Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd is reportedly being urged to challenge Julia Gillard for the leadership this month.

Senior Labor figures are pushing for Mr Rudd to move to take back the top job as early as the second last week of November, News Limited reported today.

Senior sources within the party's NSW right claim support is leaking away from Ms Gillard, who is in France for the G20 leaders' meeting.

"There are three things that are certain: there is a leadership challenge under way, Rudd doesn't have a majority yet but has enough numbers to be a contender, and they are strategising about how to get it done," a senior NSW right-wing source was quoted as saying.


Of course the cousins, across the Tasman sea, get their news of Australia via the Murdoch channel... But should there be a Labor challenge, Rudd would have to be off the planet to be part of it...

The whole froth is engineered by Murdoch media to get rid of Labor and install his conservative mates at the helm of SS Yobboland....

Uncle Rupe is a threat to democracy — nothing new here...

Abbott playing with himself...

Mr Abbott said the government was paralysed while the "faceless men" of the Labor Party decided who would be the next prime minister.

"People expect their government to get on with solving our country's problems rather than engage in these endless bouts on introspection," he told reporters in Canberra.

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Hello!? Hello?... The Labor "introspections" are coming from the media, Graham Richardson — himself a Labor Judas — and Tony Abbott who is playing with himself while waiting for the time he can destroy everything good in this country...

buried, deaded, cremated, shot, killed, hanged, murdered...


The leadership speculation, which may well be baseless, at the very least served as something distractingly shiny for the opposition to focus on, after the tide of the Qantas debate started to swing against them this week.

The more industrial relations was discussed, the more it highlighted the fact the Coalition has no industrial relations policy. They'll need one at the election, whoever the PM turns out to be.


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Don't worry, Jacqueline, Tony has got a policy but he is hiding it from view... It's the same one that he has buried, deaded, cremated, shot, killed, hanged, murdered, de-fleshed, etc, you know what I mean, but it's the same one that his mate Peter Reith is preparing the ground for a Lazarus-style resurrection of the said policy that shall remain nameless but still called Work Choices — and the destruction of unionised labour, of course with increase benefits for the CEOs... Nothing new here...

relentless snide attack on julia...

LEAD MY FREE WORLD ANY TIME: The G20 pic that reveals a very special relationship

SHE may be losing friends fast within her own party, but Julia Gillard can still count on a friend who counts - Barack Obama.



No, Julia is not loosing friends within her own party.... Buzz off, Murdoch gutter press!

Uncle Rupe is a threat to democracy — nothing new here...

in the murdoch interest...

Rupert Murdoch's Australian newspapers are biased against the Gillard Government and would attack the Prime Minister at any opportunity, a major inquiry into the nation's media has heard.

Dr Martin Hirst, associate professor at Deakin University’s School of Communication, told the independent inquiry he was "blown away’’ by newspaper coverage of federal politics, particularly in News Ltd’s broadsheet, The Australian.
He told the inquiry’s first public hearing in Melbourne today that he agreed with those who said News Ltd held an anti-Labor bias.

"Every (News Ltd) story about federal politics is slanting in a way that’s against (the government),’’ he said.

"If they can find a way of attacking (Prime Minister) Julia Gillard ... they will do so.’’

Dr Hirst also argued the mainstream media in Australia lacked a diversity of views, and opinion writers were predominantly held centre-Right views.

He said the Australian media often made excuses for questionable behaviour by claiming it was in the public interest.

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