Sunday 12th of January 2025

your democracy...


What is the point in saving the planet from climate change at the cost of sacrificing democracy? A mandate doesn't give politicians the right to rule against the people's will with the excuse of reducing pollution. It is not worth saving a world where we are governed as slaves without freedom to decide our future.

We must not put climate change or anything before democracy, because liberty is the most precious value of humankind.

Juan Del Solar Mascot    For a critic of this view please read more...

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Gus: I believe, albeit possibly mistakenly that Juan del Solar is a satirist... His not so subtle view expressed here is too diabolical to be real... Yep, fellows. let's burn the place down in the name of democracy!!! As if the place belonged to us, humans!!! We've appropriated the planet, sure, but there are other species living on the damned thing. We owe it and them a bit of ethical care, don't we?

One of the major problem with democracy is that it is more and more ruled by the tits and bums media and general ignorance. We become addict of our own self importance (angels without wings) after having misunderstood the value of the general good.

Global warming is happening but according to Juan we should let the baby burn... Yep... drill baby drill...

public debate has deteriorated...

Former Labor prime minister Paul Keating has given a full-throated endorsement of Julia Gillard's carbon tax, saying it is the only way to take the Australian economy into the future.

Mr Keating last night made his first comments on the issue since the full package was announced by the Government on Sunday.

Ms Gillard has compared her carbon tax to the Hawke-Keating era reforms like floating the dollar.

Mr Keating was more than happy with that analysis.

"It's in that league, it's part of the Labor tradition of change," he told Lateline last night.

He said putting a price on carbon was vital for encouraging a shift to clean energy and rubbished Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's direct action plan to pay companies to reduce their pollution.

"You know what Tony Abbott's policy is? If you don't give me the job I'll wreck the place and we say, 'Well Tony, you better have it'. Tony's got to have the political judo chop.

"Do you think Ford and GM would be giving us cars they are giving us today if we hadn't taken the effective subsidy away, if we had just handed them money to do better, as Tony Abbott is suggesting we do with pollution?

"You'd still have the handles falling off, the old creaky doors, the low quality."

As harsh as Mr Keating's comment were towards Mr Abbott, his fiercest criticisms were for News Limited.

And he echoed Ms Gillard's attacks on the media, saying public debate has deteriorated.