Sunday 9th of March 2025

advertising capers...

advertising muhammad

photographic mischief by Gus...

PROCLAIMING Jesus to be ''a prophet of Islam'' on billboards is a statement of belief and does not discriminate against or vilify Christians, the Advertising Standards Bureau has found.

The billboard, one of several in an awareness campaign by Islamic group MyPeace, was the subject of a series of complaints to the bureau on the grounds that the statement was insulting to those who believed Jesus to be the son of God.

Other complaints included the charge that Jesus ''must not be associated with such [an] aggressive religion'' and another claiming the advertisement was upsetting to children.

''What [my child] knows of Islam she has learnt from watching mainstream news broadcasts and to have her saviour identified as being part of this malicious cult was very traumatic!'' one complaint stated.

But the bureau found that while some members of the community would be offended by the statement, which would be inconsistent with Christian beliefs, ''such a statement does not, of itself, discriminate against or vilify people who hold different beliefs'' and was not a breach of the Advertiser Code of Ethics.

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original poster....

original poster...

here we go...

MUSLIMS in Australia were urged yesterday to join the uprisings that have toppled regimes across the Middle East, to renounce moderate forms of the religion and to reject democracy, during a day-long conference sponsored by a radical Islamic organisation.

Hizb ut-Tahrir, a fundamentalist group that calls for the establishment of a caliphate stretching from the Middle East to Indonesia, hosted the event at Lidcombe, which drew about 1000 people.

Talks included ''The Muslim World in the 20th century: totalitarian Western oppression'' and ''Western endeavours to frustrate the Islamic revival''.

The group maintains a stance against violence, but says Muslims are obliged to engage in armed resistance against Israel and against the presence of foreign troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. ''If it [the land] is occupied, they [Muslims] have a right and a duty to resist that occupation,'' its spokesman, Uthman Badar, said.

Asked if that meant the targeting of Australian troops, Mr Badar said, ''I would not go beyond saying that a military occupation is rightly resisted militarily.''

''The role of the Australian government has … been intrusive and exploitative.''

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please, have a bit of respect...

Today, the Muslims are proselytising in the main street of Newtown... Ugly. They sorta claim that you can discover Jesus through Islam... that's crap... we've been through that before... Come on, fellas, give this up now, please... I'm not going into your mosques to push Atheism down your throat, am I?... Newtown is a place of drinking, caffeing, weirdnessing and enjoying life as it is — not as you think it should be. Spruiking gods and prophets is a capital sin in this temple of life — even that ancient little church that's stuck between a restaurant and a flower shop does not make noises about its humble existence.... But now, like Jehovah Witnesses, the bearded Muslim men with a white cap on their head are loud and excited, touting falsities in a forceful manner to gullible young girls... Go away, please. Have a bit of respect for the place.

See picture at top...