Sunday 12th of January 2025

... and we elect these idiots...

birdies and barnaby...

On the news tonight, Barnaby was seen defending his denialist stance of global warming by referring to little birds breathing and exhaling CO2, as if this process was comparable to our industrial CO2 and as unimportant... And he was not joking about it... He was SERIOUS. In what is obviously his midget mind, this represented the extend of his scientific understanding of the subject — and possibly that of all sciences.

And we elect these idiots...

and now for the creationist in him...

Blah blah blah...

To all three, I thank you for the work you have done to maintain this nation as one that believes in the principles of our lord and saviour, and you have never hidden behind that. So, when you are leaving, remember that we will look upon you with fond memories.

Barnaby Joyce...


Gus: Now the whole lot makes sense... God made the world and there is no mention of carbon dioxide in the bible, nor any mention of global warming... thus none of this exists.

Sorry Barnaby baby, my apologies... I only take notice of serious scientific papers and sometimes read religious diatribe for a laugh. I'm weird that way....

one and a half day to go...

Greens leader Bob Brown has guaranteed carbon price legislation will not be repealed despite promises from Opposition Leader Tony Abbott that he would "oppose it in opposition and rescind it in government".

Senator Brown predicts an agreement on a climate legislation is only about two weeks away - but says it is not going to be a "green outcome".

The Greens will have the balance of power in the Senate from Friday and Senator Brown says his party will not support any rescission motion - even if the Coalition is in government.

"I can give you a rolled gold guarantee that when and if this package, after all this work on behalf of the Australian people passes our parliament, we will be giving it every guarantee for the future," Senator Brown told the National Press Club.

"Of course we won't be supporting a rescission motion by Tony Abbott. This is, of course, central to the Greens.

"While ever we are drawing breath in the Senate we will defend the outcome - unless it can be improved."


see toon everywhere on this site...