Sunday 12th of January 2025

green with envy...


If Saint Patrick's Day was designed to bring out the blarney, then Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd last night laid it on thick.

For the second year, Mr Abbott and Mr Rudd spoke at a Brisbane Saint Patrick's eve dinner, a good-humoured affair where the political anecdotes were taken with a pinch of salt - or a pint of guinness.

In his own words, Mr Abbott said he was often described as the love child of John Howard and Bronwyn Bishop.

"They assure me that it was an immaculate conception," Mr Abbott said.

Mr Rudd reflected on his career trajectory - how he started as a desk officer for China in the Department of Foreign Affairs before becoming a senior bureaucrat, an MP, Leader of the Opposition, Prime Minister and now Foreign Minister.

"Very soon I'll be desk officer for China in the Department of Foreign Affairs," he said to a guffawing crowd of Irish-Australians.

Mr Abbott spoke of his namesake, Saint Anthony Abbott, a merchant who forswore his riches to live a frugal life.

"The devil fought with Saint Anthony by afflicting him with boredom, laziness and fantasies of women," he said.

"Apparently this is what happens when you try to live with the lowest possible carbon footprint."

Never one to leave a Chinese anecdote at home, Mr Rudd described how he was being interviewed for Chinese television in Beijing recently and was greeted with the question: "Kevin - you're still alive are you?"

trying to be greener...

JULIA GILLARD has declared this year the last chance to price carbon as she positioned her government between the two extremes of the Coalition and the Greens in the climate change debate.

Delivering the annual Don Dunstan address in Adelaide last night, the Prime Minister acknowledged she was ''taking a few knocks'' but said, ''I chose action over inaction because of this simple truth: if Australia does not adopt a carbon price in 2011, we probably never will.''

Ms Gillard said only Labor could price carbon while simultaneously protecting existing jobs and creating new ones.

"Neither of the extremes in Australian politics can deliver this reform,''' she said.

"The Coalition has surrendered itself to fearmongering and denying the power of markets.

Climate adviser Professor Ross Garnaut has recommended a start-up carbon tax of between $20 and $30 a tonne.

His proposed initial compensation for trade-exposed industries is almost as generous as the former government's emissions trading scheme.

Compensation for households would be delivered through the sweeping tax cuts recommended by former Treasury secretary Dr Ken Henry.

The updated Garnaut review is likely to be highly influential in negotiations over a carbon price between Labor, the Greens and the crossbench independents and makes recommendations that could bridge the competing agendas of the parties.

The linking of climate change policy with Dr Henry's ambitious plans for the tax and welfare systems ties together two major reform agendas and could provide strong compensation to households for the impact of a carbon price.

from the flea plantation .....

It was what the kids call "too much information".

When Tony Abbott went on radio yesterday and made mention of his "love rug", the nation gasped in horror.

He was referring to his chest hair, which is apparently quite dense.

Politicians already inflict so much upon us. Disturbing mental images of their own nudity are surely a bridge too far.

To be fair, the Opposition Leader was entrapped, or at the very least enabled, by the local commercial radio host.

"Seriously," she began (and it's always ominous when someone starts a sentence that way), "so, the only question I want to know is were you thinking of having a chest wax any time soon?"

Abbott was aghast.

"What, to get rid of my love rug?"

It is not the first time he has made reference to his "love rug". He previously pulled out the irksome phrase in December 2009, also during an FM radio interview, when he said he was tired of being ribbed about his Speedos.

Abbott Talks About His Hairy Chest On Radio