Saturday 1st of March 2025

Baseball bat to Aussie IR

Baseball bat to Aussie IR

Batting US style

Unions have called for the Western Australian Government to drop annual leave laws that allow workers to cash in some leave entitlements, after the Federal Government cited them as a precedent for national implementation. The Western Australian laws were brought in by the previous Liberal state government, but amended in 2001 when the Geoff Gallop-led Labor Government took power. State secretary of Unions WA, Dave Robinson says the Gallop Government should overturn the leave provisions. "Ultimately we would like to see this all restored, that is four weeks leave a year restored and that there isn't a cashing in provision," he said. "It sends all the wrong messages about work and family balance. It's certainly our view that annual leave is sacrosanct, that people need the time off to spend with their family. "We would prefer if it was removed altogether and certainly the Federal Government shouldn't proceed with this." Federal Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews indicates workers across the country should be hit with the same baseball bat as those in the Opposition leader Kim Beazley's home state.