Sunday 9th of March 2025

come the day .....

come the day .....

Scott Morrison, the Liberal frontbencher who this week distinguished himself as the greatest grub in the federal Parliament, is the classic case of the politician who is so immersed in the game of politics that he has lost touch with the real world outside it.

This week it was race. Morrison decided to see if he could win some political points by inflaming racism and resentment. More specifically, he zeroed in on some of the most vulnerable people in the country for political advantage. Indeed, is there anyone more vulnerable than a traumatised, orphaned child unable to speak English, held in detention on a remote island?

Morrison publicly raised objections to the government's decision to pay for air fares for some of the survivors of the Christmas Island boat wreck to travel to Sydney for the funerals of their relatives.

Some were Christian funerals, others were Muslim. But all of them were foreigners, all of them were boat people, all of them were dark-skinned, and to Morrison that made them all fair game. Unable to tell the difference between the Coalition mantra of "we will stop the boats" and his emerging position that "we will vindictively pursue boat people suffering tragedy" he went on radio.

As the survivors were gathering to mourn their dead, Morrison said that with the government paying for the 22 air fares, "I don't think it is reasonable. The government had the option of having these services on Christmas Island. If relatives of those who were involved wanted to go to Christmas Island, like any other Australian who wanted to attend a funeral service in another part of the country, they would have made their own arrangements to be there."

Again, for Morrison it's just a tricky game of politics and clever lines. A former director of the NSW Liberal Party, he inhabits a world where consequences for himself and his political party are all that matter. There is no other reality. He didn't care about the boat people, and - being as charitable to him as possible - he mightn't even have stopped to think about the consequences.

Ugly Game of Race Baiting

but I'll leave it to Mike Carlton to put Morrison in the ground .....

Bruce Baird did 20 years as a Liberal MP, in Macquarie Street then Canberra. In 2007 he retired as the member for the federal seat of Cook, which takes in Cronulla and much of what the locals like to call The Shire. People will remember him as the NSW minister in charge of Sydney's 2000 Olympic bid.

Baird was a voice of decency in the Liberal Party, one of the so-called gang of four (the others were Petro Georgiou, Russell Broadbent and Judy Moylan) who had the guts to take on John Howard in 2005 in the hope of moderating the cruelty of his asylum-seeker policies.

That did him no good. His successful ministerial career in Macquarie Street cut no ice with Howard, who viewed him as a trouble-making Costello supporter and kept him in the outer darkness of the backbench. Come the 2007 federal election, Baird found that Liberal Party branches in Cook had been stacked against him, with a sudden influx of 400 new members. He saw the writing on the wall and at the age of 65 finally pulled the pin.

What a shame that his successor in the seat has plunged into the sewer. Scott Morrison, Tony Abbott's feverishly ambitious spokesman on immigration, is the man who disgraced himself and his party this week by whipping up that furore on the cost of the asylum-seeker funerals.

It was filthy politics, initially supported by his leader, of course, although public disgust eventually forced the two into a backdown for going, in Abbott's weasel words, '' a little bit too far''.

But the stench lingers. As the Herald's national affairs correspondent, Lenore Taylor, revealed on Thursday, Morrison was pushing the Coalition shadow cabinet to adopt an anti-Islam line as long ago as December. And he has no shortage of support. Abbott's recent proposal to cut $448 million in funding to Islamic schools in Indonesia was another blast of racist dog-whistling.

Kevin Andrews, the dolt who brought you the Mohammed Haneef fiasco, was bleating the other day about ''ethnic enclaves'' in Australia. Last week the ACT Liberal senator Gary Humphries tabled a petition in Parliament calling for a 10-year moratorium on Muslim migration to Australia.

Then there is the South Australian Liberal senator Cory Bernardi, a persistent Muslim-baiter, with his demands to ban the burqa and a recent tirade against the halal slaughter of animals. ''I, for one, don't want to eat meat butchered in the name of an ideology that is mired in sixth century brutality and is anathema to my own values,'' he said. (Bernardi will get a shock if he is ever invited to a bar mitzvah, where the kosher meats will have been prepared in exactly the same way.)

This is One Nation stuff with a Liberal Party blue ribbon wrapped around it. As Bruce Baird said when I called him on Thursday: ''There's no doubt the party has shifted to the right. It seems like One Nation is calling the tune. They are going for the blue-collar, right-wing vote. Moderate views in the federal party have largely disappeared.''

Not quite. Joe Hockey spoke up for decency on the asylum-seeker funerals but then, for his pains, found himself under savage attack from a blog run by a Bernardi staffer. Baird rang me back to assure me that Julie Bishop, too, is on the side of the angels. But that's about it. We now have a federal opposition so shamelessly unprincipled that it will play the card of racist fear and hatred to claw its way back to power.

to dream of a lucky country .....

If you were watching the news on television, reading the papers and listening to the radio last week then perhaps you've ended up asking yourself a question that so many people have been pondering.

Many people? I'm talking about mainstream Liberal and Labor supporters, and the odd middle-of-the-road punter who has flirted with the Greens because they have (correctly) perceived a desperate paucity of soul in mainstream politics. I'm also talking about Liberal politicians and Labor politicians, and the people who work for them.

And right now they are saying the same thing: Australian politics has not only lost its soul - but also its heart.

Last week the level of political debate (no, more than that - it was actually our nation's moral thermometer) flat-lined below zero. The issue was ostensibly the financial cost of sending mainly Muslim asylum seekers from detention on the other side of the country to Sydney for the funerals of their loved ones who died when their boat disintegrated on the rocks at Christmas Island in a storm last December.

Australians see themselves largely as an egalitarian, honest, friendly, laid-back and tolerant bunch. But politicians know a vein of ugly sentiment and emotion - not least xenophobia and its kindred resentments, and an irrational fear of the "other" brought about by our geographic isolation - runs close to the surface.

Despair for our lost soul

the usual suspect .....

The controversial Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has been labelled Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's ''attack dog'' by a senior colleague as internal tensions over the Coalition's stance on immigration threaten to boil over in Canberra.

After a turbulent two weeks for the opposition in which senior leadership tensions, factional infighting, shadow cabinet leaks and an ideological split on immigration policy have dominated the headlines, MPs and senators will come face to face at a party room meeting on Tuesday.

Mr Abbott has distanced himself from remarks made on radio by Senator Bernardi, who is his parliamentary secretary, that censured Islam as a ''totalitarian, political and religious ideology''.

But a senior Liberal MP told The Sun-Herald that the comments were ''a disgraceful and low way of reigniting the race debate''.

''This is a man who acts regularly as Abbott's attack dog, and he clearly needs to be kept on a short leash instead of being sent out into the community as a harbinger of fear,'' the source said.

Tony Abbott's 'attack dog' Cory Bernardi under fire

home truths .....

home truths .....

Scientists used to think that chimpanzees - our close relatives - were a gentle, peace-loving species, until they observed their behaviour in the wild and found they could be quite murderous towards other chimps. What caused them to become vicious was the arrival in their territory of chimps from a different troop.

I remembered this one day after failing to persuade a friend, who took a dim view of asylum seekers, that her objections were unfounded. Whenever I knocked down one argument she'd just switch to another.

Our evolutionary history has left us with an instinctive fear of outsiders - people who are different, people who invade our territory to steal our food and our women or, in the contemporary context, to jump the queue and steal our jobs, overcrowd our schools (and win most of the prizes), overwhelm our culture, push up house prices and add to congestion on the roads.

You can call it racism or religious intolerance - the nation that invented the White Australia policy can hardly object to that charge, except to say we're no worse than most nationalities and better than some. But I think it's best thought of as xenophobia - a fear of foreigners, people who are different, who aren't one of us.

And it's so deeply ingrained, so visceral, that it's not susceptible to rational argument. It would be nice if a greater effort by the media to expose the many myths surrounding attitudes towards asylum seekers could dispel the fear and resentment, but it would make little difference.

A crack in the wall of xenophobia


liberal erectus .....

The shadow attorney-general, George Brandis, has joined the condemnation of those preaching division against Muslims, saying politicians of all persuasions, conservatives included, had a duty to resist intemperate voices.

Senator Brandis, a leading Liberal moderate, described those targeting Muslims as akin to the bullies he witnessed beating up Italian children when he was at school in the 1960s.

''It was from that experience that I formed my lifelong detestation of bullies who pick on a vulnerable minority just because they are different,'' he said.

Senator Brandis's comments, made in a pointed article - Politicians Must Defend The Multicultural Project - written for today's Herald, came as the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, was forced to spell out at yesterday's joint party room meeting that the Coalition's immigration policy was non-discriminatory and the party's support for multiculturalism still stood.

''We will never say to perfectly good Australians that they are not fully valued in their own country,'' he said.

Senior Liberal condemns anti-Muslim 'bullies'

and then one stood up ....

Independent member of Parliament Andrew Wilkie has called on Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to sack his shadow immigration minister Scott Morrison and his parliamentary secretary Senator Cory Bernardi, accusing the MPs of peddling racial hatred.

In a speech to Parliament this afternoon, Mr Wilkie said the two MPs were "a disgrace to the high office you hold and the people you represent".

He was referring to Mr Morrison's questioning of the cost of flying mourning relatives to the funerals of asylum seekers who died in last year's shipwreck on Christmas Island and Senator Bernardi's "rants whipping up fear of Islam".

Mr Abbott forced Senator Bernardi to retract a statement made in a recent interview that Islam was a problem.

Mr Morrison conceded he might have gone too far in suggesting taxpayers should not have paid for the funerals.

But Mr Wilkie said Mr Abbott had not done enough to stamp out the "racism that eats at the Liberal Party".

"I say to Mr Abbott, you must lance this boil once and for all. It is not good enough to dismiss the hate inhabiting the dark corners of the Liberal Party ... by just noting that your most senior operatives merely go a little too far," Mr Wilkie said.

"What you should have done is sack such people immediately from the shadow ministry and read the whole lot the riot act."

"You must also look afresh at your party's policies, determined to address the way hate corrupts your party's approach to public policy," he said.

Wilkie tells Abbott to sack senior Libs for peddling racial hatred

dogs sniffing butts...
