Saturday 1st of March 2025

A great IR masterpiss in the making

A great IR masterpiss in the making

Masters and Slaves

Johnnee is to use his spruik at a major Liberal policy forum today to CON-vince party members of the "benefits" (depending on where you fit in the ladder of Dr Nelson's privileges) of his changes to Industrial Retaliations.

Industrial retaliations restructuring has prompted delegates to the Federal Council meeting in Canberra, to pass a motion to protect the current federalist system (May be they should abandon it forthwith and start a new one before King Johnnee the first becomes Emperor Canberanical the Despot...)

So Johnnee is sticking to his window pane like a fly trying to get into the sunlight and, with a Senate majority less than a week away, has told the Council he will proceed with his IR changes NO MATTER WHAT. So get stuffed... Right?

Not cocky

The Prime Minister says the Government will not be cocky or exuberant when it gains a majority in the Senate next month.

Howard to use Senate power 'soberly and wisely'

And, according to Dilbert, there is a flaw in the IR plan.

Comic for 26 Jun 2005

A lot of more fun, seriously...

From the ABC

Workers urged to chase reduced hours under IR laws

Australia's chief law reform officer says people should use the Federal Government's industrial laws to create more leisure time and reverse a long term trend of working harder and longer.
The president of the Australian Law Reform Commission, Professor David Weisbrot, [|is concerned] a reduction in leisure time is leading to increased stress, mental illness and family breakdown.
He says there are opportunities within the new industrial laws to reduce working hours.
"The idea is that there'll be more flexibility between worker and employer, so we hope that people will start looking at not just the dangers there but also the opportunities to try to carve out different kinds of working weeks and more flexible arrangements," he said.
"Maybe more work from home using electronic tools, stacking more hours into individual days and trying to have days off and that sort of thing.
"On any rational view we really need to be taking leisure and relaxation and family and fun a lot more seriously.
"And it's time to start just building those things into the way we negotiate our workplace agreements, to the way we actually play out our week, to the way we acquire goods, to the way we use or not use our leave entitlements."

Gus: Sure... let's pay our mortgages and hideous petrol prices with a more fun and leisure.
And please laugh when you get flogged by the cartoon above...

more stick dipped in sugar...

From our ABC

Andrews flags more WorkChoices 'finetuning'
The Federal Government says it could make more changes to the industrial relations (IR) legislation before the next election.

The Government has unveiled regulations that it says will ensure people will not lose pay for taking sick leave and can not be forced to cash out annual leave.

Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews says the Government is listening to the community.

"We will continue to monitor the legislation and its operation. It's only sensible and indeed responsible for Government, if there is a need for finetuning, to do that and we don't rule out any further finetuning," he said.

The Opposition and the union movement are campaigning against the WorkChoices legislation, saying it strips away pay and conditions.

Labor's Stephen Smith says it is only a pinprick against a mountain of legislation.

"Australians shouldn't be fooled, this just is just John Howard trying to be politically clever," he said.

Labor says the Government has not made changes to the key issues of unfair dismissal and minimum standards.

Sorry, It's a stick dipped in artificial sweetener

From our trusted ABC

Govt denies softening IR laws
The Federal Government is denying that it has been forced to soften its WorkChoices legislation.

Changes are being made through regulations to try and ensure workers are not forced to cash out their holidays or have their pay docked if they are sick.

The Opposition's industrial relations spokesman, Stephen Smith, has dismissed the amendments as minor. But he says they prove the Opposition's campaign against the legislation is effective.

"Certainly there is no doubt the Government has been pushed into these changes," he said.

However, Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews says the laws have not been softened.

"No, it's simply a clarification. This was what our policy intention was all along," he said.

Mr Andrews says WorkChoices has helped create thousands of new job since it was introduced in March.

Window dressing
Meanwhile, ACTU president Sharan Burrow says the Federal Government's amendments to its industrial relations laws are just window dressing.

"This does not change a thing for those workers who have or will be sacked unfairly," she said.

"It does not prevent employers from stripping away take home pay when they destroy penalty rates, fail to protect public holidays or insist that people work shifts or weekends with no extra pay."

Ms Burrow says the changes do nothing for working families.

"It does not change the fundamental attack on working people and their families of these laws," she said.

"Kevin Andrews knows that.

"It's all about window dressing, not about the fact that the Government has turned its back on working people."