Saturday 1st of March 2025

Hyperventilating on Freedom

Hyperventilating on Freedom

Jail bird...and Ronald

This from the BBC... "Guard reveals Saddam's jail life Saddam Hussein still believes he is president of Iraq, is obsessed with cleanliness, makes bad coffee and loves Doritos, an ex-guard has revealed. The deposed leader, set to face trial for massacres and killings during his time in power, also washes his clothes and cares for birds in his prison yard. US National Guardsman Sean O'Shea, 20, gave GQ magazine in the US a unique look into Saddam Hussein's daily life. The former president was captured near the city of Tikrit in December 2003. Despite officially being in Iraqi custody, Saddam Hussein is guarded by US troops at a secret location. Specialist O'Shea, who joined the Pennsylvania National Guard a year before the US-led invasion of Iraq, was one of five guards who told GQ their memories of guarding the world's most famous prisoner. Spartan regime Spc O'Shea gave the magazine a detailed portrait of the monotony of life in jail." "...He went quiet when Spc O'Shea told him that former US President Ronald Reagan - who used to sell Iraq planes and helicopters, he remembered - had died...."

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For whatever reason in the back of my mind, there is a little voice that tells me that all the info coming out of Iraq in regard to Saddam has an ulterior motive.... Don't know the direction though... According to the common sense rule book of the CIA or other spooks orgs: It seems to me that Saddam might a) have an unfortunate heart attack despite being as well as expected b) escape custody through a daring terrorist attack that would kill no one... c) get shot while attempting escape d) be declared insane since he still believes he's the "president" e) get electrocuted while washing his underwear in an old machine f) never see a "proper" court case...?