Friday 7th of March 2025

an extra gift for the bonused...


an extra gift for the bonuses .....

There’s still more than a few of us struggling to climb out of financial holes so deep we’re being tickled by the tendrils of redwood roots, but we’re not that difficult to shop for. Dollar coins. Discount clothing. Used food. Lint covered gum and pennies. Roadkill wrapped in the Sunday Funnies. We are the re- giftable.

It’s the other end of the spectrum that concerns me. The least needy of us. Wall Street is shoveling out record bonuses. Again. What to get the person who can buy anything? Perhaps the gifts you’ve lined up for your investment banker friends won’t be considered up to snuff. Well, I’m here to convince you to let those worries go. After all, it’s the thought that counts. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

No, seriously. To ease your stress, we here at Durstco have come up with a catalog of prospective Christmas Gifts that any Wall Street Tycoon would be honored to find under their holiday shrubbery. And who knows, maybe in appreciation, he or she will slide you insider status on the newest IPOs. Probably not, but what the hell, here we go with the TOP TEN CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR YOUR WALL STREET BROKER BUDDIES.

10. A peacock. Provides the double benefit of being both the ultimate symbol of excessive extravagance and extremely difficult to care for.

9. A copy of George W Bush’s autobiography because, during the holidays, everyone can use a good laugh.

8. A kidney in an ice chest. Purchased from a poor person. Always good to have one lying around just in case.

7. A Lexus. According to TV, that’s what rich people give each other for the holidays. Don’t forget the big red bow.

6. A get out of jail free card. No, a real Get Out of Jail Free Card. You must know somebody who knows somebody.

5. A Faberge Egg. Only 42 are known to have survived. Go for it. Check out eBay. Or call Meg Whitman direct.

breaking the banks...

"Will Cantona break the bank?” asks La Tribune: the former football star has called on Europeans to pull their money out of their bank accounts tomorrow, 7 December. In a video shot in early October by the Nantes newspaper Presse Océan, Eric Cantona explains this is the “only way he sees for them to express their discontent, seeing as strikes and marches are pointless”. It seems to the business daily that there is “little risk of seeing long queues forming in front of the banks”. However, “the success of this call for action again shows how low the banks’ image has sunk and how urgently they need to build it back up again”. In Madrid, El País likewise predicts that Cantona’s initiative, which has gone viral under Operation StopBanque, will have a hard time garnering the requisite critical mass to bring the banks to their knees, now that the EU and individual states have put safeguards in place to provide against the “remote” possibility of a run on the banks.

Gusnote: I took the picture of the Fab egg in 1990... it's a bit fuzzy... I added the banknote in the window...