Saturday 1st of March 2025

Bite his hand?

Bite his hand?

Does this make it right?

"We profoundly regret what has happened in some cases. We are intensely conscious that our day to day business affects the lives of people and it is distressing, and unacceptable, that our actions have in respects fallen so short of what we would want, and the Australian people expect. We are deeply sorry about that."

A medal for dishing misery?

Politicians and refugee advocates say the head of the Immigration Department, Bill Farmer, should not accept the Queen's birthday honour he has received today.

intrinsic value ...

Hi Gus.

Farmer's award says everything about the mindset of the recipient, those who recommended it & those who bestowed it - thereby neatly confirming its intrinsic value.

Blogger Bites Dog at Bankstown ;-)

Dog Fight at Bankstown unleashes a great synopsis of Bark and Bite Analogy: How to Create Watchful Culture ; Jozef Virtual Reference

A right Royal rogering

The gong to Mr Douglas Neville DAFT, United States of America, for "... commitment to corporate social responsibility ..." is perhaps more in keeping with the supine position of Oz in 2005, if that's the Daft of Coca-Cola. Next year's list, or perhaps the Australia Day list, might have a couple of manufacturers of landmines or rubber bullets, or maybe a mogul from the crowd-control business. 'Corporate social responsibility' - yeah, I like that. It has a nice ring, and can, no doubt, be measured by the size of the donation to the ruling political party.

Cultural change

Has Gerard Henderson undergone a metamorphosis?

Visa decisions called into question

The Department of Immigration, Multiculturalism and Indigenous Affairs is completely deauthorised. Consequently, all its existing decisions should be open to review by an independent source.

Or is he just being ironic?

His ears are burning...

No, Gerard Henderson has not undergone a metamorphosis... He's just preparing the ground to exonerate Johnnee from any involvement in these sorry affairs and squarely blame the Department... Piece of cake... It makes himself look "reasonable" at the same time...and keep the high ground of "morality"...

Shedding light

First time I have ever agreed with Gerald Henderson's. Even thought he may have found some moral fibre (must admit am only half way through my first coffee for the day). Then low and behold you shed light on the intentions behind it. Well done

Right to be wrong

[|Gerard Henderson] is at it again ... pontificating about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... Still not understanding the fact that Bush and co. lied massively to con everyone, including opposition leaders in the US, the UK and Aussieland... In Europe by contrast, most leaders — and opposition leaders — and up to 90 per cent of the people opposed the war in Iraq... But that does not count in Gerard's diatribe... He must be right because he says so... Yes, his drivel is ultra right... but so wrong... May the Howard-haters hater see the light one day... But then he might get blinded and still carry on the wrong track.