Saturday 11th of January 2025

say cheese...

say cheese

say cheese

five months in the cooler...

An Israeli soldier was sentenced to five months behind bars after he was caught on camera pointing his gun at a handcuffed Palestinian prisoner, military sources said on Monday.

The sentence was handed down by a military court on Sunday after it found "Corporal S" guilty of abuse and behaviour unbecoming of a soldier.

The soldier was initially arrested on suspicion of taking drugs and the images were found on his mobile phone, the Israel Hayom newspaper said.

Other pictures on his phone showed two other soldiers in similar poses, both of whom are also on trial facing similar charges, said the daily.

Over the last few months, an increasing number of photographs have come to light of Israeli soldiers posing with detainees in a phenomenon which rights groups say is widespread and indicative of an attitude which regards Palestinians as objects rather than human beings.

Such images have provoked widespread condemnation, including from the Israeli military.

A Class War in Australia suits the Zionist Protocols neatly.

Hiding Truth Behind Euphemisms, Omissions, Slanders And Lies: A Reply To Rupert Murdoch

By William A. Cook

29 October, 2010  (My selective one minor adjustment.  EWG)

“I keep reading between the lies”
(Goodman Ace)

Rupert Murdoch’s recent speech before the ADL gathering at their dinner gala opened with this flattering observation, “You have championed equal treatment for all races and creeds.” What he omitted from that statement is the ADL’s treatment of the Palestinian people under Abraham Foxman, its national director, who “…uses high-mindedness and unfounded anti-Semitism hysteria as cover for backing Jewish supremacy and the right of Israelis over Arabs, including by occupation and belligerently enforced apartheid” (Steven Lendman, Socio-Economic History Blog). Murdoch omits a needed clause at the end of that statement: “except for the Palestinian people and their beliefs and their rights under international law.” Indeed, Lendman’s article refutes virtually every one of Murdoch’s claims, laying bare the truth behind Murdoch’s talk: see nothing, hear nothing, speak nothing against Israel or suffer the condemnation that comes with the label “Anti-Semite.”

“We live in a world where there is an ongoing war against the Jews,” intones Murdoch as he castigates all peoples as inherently discriminating against Jews everywhere. “Ongoing war against Jews” not “a rising tide of valid criticism against the Zionist controlled state of Israel with its current government’s defiance of the United Nations’ reports on crimes against humanity as published by the Goldstone Report, Amnesty International, the International Red Cross, the HRC report on the attack on the Marmara in May, and most recently the UNHRC by Dr. Richard Falk, the UN Representative for the Palestinian people.” No, Murdoch euphemistically conjures up a “war” against Jews, a suffering, weak, victimized people at the mercy of the world’s hate.

But there is no war; there is criticism, valid, righteous criticism that decries the wanton havoc inflicted on the Lebanese with Israel’s invasion of that nation in the fall of 2006; valid, righteous criticism that watched in horror the devastation of the defenseless people of Gaza at Christmastime in 2008/9 as their homes, schools, mosques, food, water, and gas supplies lay devastated under the bombs and missiles dropped upon them from the skies; valid, righteous, humane criticism that lamented the deaths of children and mothers and the old and infirm who had no place to run or hide encircled as they were by the Israeli war machine; valid, righteous, and incredulous criticism of the brutal attack against the humanitarian aid workers on board the Marmara as it made its way to help these very people yet found themselves guilty of interfering somehow with Israeli security as they brought a modicum of relief to a blasted people. None of these people hated the Jews; indeed, Jews joined those criticizing the government’s overbearing slaughter of the innocent including those who joined with me in the aborted ‘Boat Brigade” that was to follow the Marmara to Gaza in June. How convenient to stamp “hate” on all, that by that condemnation they must be silenced.

Not content with such slander against innocent people indignant at the unconscionable brutality of the Israeli war machine, Murdoch chooses to slide silently by the horrific massacres inflicted on the people of Palestine during the Nakba, insisting that Israel suffered decades of “straightforward” military force by those attempting to “overrun Israel.” He should read the reality of those days as described by Dr. Ilan Pappe in his work, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. This was the beginning of the genocide against the Palestinians as recorded in The Plight of the Palestinians recently published by Palgrave Macmillan that continues to this day.

“Then came phase two: terrorism. Terrorists targeted Israelis both home and abroad—from the massacre of Israeli athletes at Munich to the second intifada,” continues Murdoch, forgetting to mention Israel’s terrorism against its neighbor Jordan that elicited this response by the UN: “The United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 228 unanimously deploring "the loss of life and heavy damage to property resulting from the action of the Government of Israel on 13 November 1966", censuring "Israel for this large-scale military action in violation of the United Nations Charter and of the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan" and emphasizing "to Israel that actions of military reprisal cannot be tolerated and that, if they are repeated, the Security Council will have to consider further and more effective steps as envisaged in the Charter to ensure against the repetition of such acts"(Six Day War, Wikipedia); nor did he mention the terrorism Israel perpetrated against the Palestinians in Beirut in 1982 where they watched the unfolding massacre of 3000 as their personally equipped allies, the Phalanges, mauled and raped and killed the abandoned Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, enjoying the slaughter so much they kept the skies alight throughout the night so their savage friends might not interrupt their savage servility. Instead of providing actions taken by Israel against its neighbors that gave rise to retaliatory actions, Murdoch decries how the world has risen to attack innocent Israel as though none suffer at the hands of Israel’s ruthless war machine.

Listen to Murdoch’s rant against the world: “the war has entered a new phase…a soft war to delegitimize Israel…the battleground is everywhere…to make Israel a pariah.” All media, all multinational organizations, all NGOs have joined forces as armies of terrorists to inflict WW III on Israel that stands alone against the forces of evil. Why? To rid the middle east of Israel. How? By spreading anti-Semitism throughout the world. Who? Polite society in the form of “progressive intellectual communities.” Indeed, Murdoch bemoans “…anti-Semitism today enjoys support at both the highest and lowest reaches of European society—from its most elite politicians to its largely Muslim ghettoes.” Where is this obvious? In Norway where the government forbids a German shipbuilder from using its waters to test a submarine being built for Israel; In Britain and Spain who boycott an OECD tourism meeting in Jerusalem; In the Netherlands where there is a reported increase in anti-Semitic incidents; and in the European poll that listed Israel ahead of Iran and North Korea as the greatest threats to world peace.

Given the veto power of the United States in the UN, a veto that has prevented any action on any resolution that has condemned Israel’s illegal and/or inhumane policies and military actions against Palestinians and its neighbors over a period of 63 years, the actions listed by Murdoch by European nations are but modest reflections of the frustration that exists throughout the world about the impunity this rogue state enjoys precisely because America “stands united in full support of Israel” regardless of its merciless behavior toward its neighbors in the mid-east. Yet Murdoch is afraid that the United States might be weakening in that support, one of the prime reasons for giving this talk before the ADL. “Some believe that if America wants to gain credibility in the Muslim world and advance the cause of peace, Washington needs to put some distance between itself and Israel. My view is the opposite.” For some totally unexplainable reason, Murdoch seems to think that a continuation of 63 years of force—of land confiscation, of theft of Palestinian aquifers, of home demolitions, of imprisonment of thousands without due rights, of abolition of civil rights, of humiliation and disrespect that comes with hundreds of checkpoints, soldiers who mock and deride civilians, who are indifferent to the suffering of a mother about to give birth as she is prevented from getting to a hospital, of the psychological pain a child endures, a pain that lasts a lifetime, when the soldiers break down the door and force the father to the wall incapable of protecting his family from such ruthlessness, of life lived behind a wall, a wall that testifies to the fear that Murdoch expresses in his talk to the ADL, a pathological fear imbedded in his very soul, and a wall that imprisons the youth of Palestine who grow to manhood locked behind concrete and steel and watch towers and guns—such is the view that Murdoch brings to Americans if peace is to be achieved in Israel.

One cannot but think that something is amiss here. Murdoch sees only through his own eyes, and he sees fear, a fear that has infected his entire being, a toxic residue of hate against the world brought on by ingesting every day another dose of Abraham Foxman’s diatribes against the world. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to look through the eyes of the world that Murdoch condemns. Norman Finklestein makes the point in his book, This Time We’ve Gone too Far: he cites the yearly resolutions of the UNGA that have condemned Israel for not returning to a legal position regarding its neighbor, Palestine.

Yearly, the US and Israel stand alone against the world as the people of the world view the catastrophe that is the occupied territories; recently, the world condemned Israel for its wanton destruction of Lebanon, and again only the US and Israel saw this action as justified yet Israel suffered no consequences for this illegal invasion of its neighbor; following the Christmas invasion of Gaza, the world rose against Israel’s inhumane behavior and only Israel and the US stood in support of that merciless destruction condemning the Goldstone Report and preventing justice form being exercised; then came the flotilla of mercy to Gaza and Israel and the United States alone in all the world refused to comply with the UNHRC recommendations or permit international investigations from determining truth. And so it goes.

COMMENT: The all consuming pity the Zionists feel for themselves proves beyond any doubt that they are at war with the world, always have been and always will be.  It only remains for the world to realize this and to act accordingly.  Unfortunately the corruption that the Zionists depend on is still rampant in Europe but, it is to be hoped that the European Union will survive and prosper.  In the meantime, Australia is feeling the political pain of Howard's Media "Honour" system and the IOU's that his Party has built up for us to pay for.  NE OUBLIE.


Are the Zionist policies commensurate with the Protocols?

I would say so.  Some time ago I was taken aback at the similarities of the Zionist actions in occupied Palestine; Gaza; Gollan Heights; Syria; Libya; Lebanon et al - that I called up the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and found them to be enormously comprehensive and so well organized that it could be a blue print for taking over the world.

Vaguely, I remember reading that the Hebrew tribes conquered Canaan but significantly, negotiated with the Elders of Zion.  So one could reasonably come to the conclusion that the Elders of Zion had an enormous influence on the Hebrew/Canaanites and may well have instilled in them the belief in a superior race?  This along with a religion so perfect that to break with its doctrine would be classed as treason.  A much stronger punishment than the Roman Catholic ex-communication.

Ever since the Zionists have prosecuted the Nazi atrocities plus, the horrors of this illegal evil force has become almost transparent in all respects.

The belief in their invincibility is even more pronounced than that which created the extreme war machine that was Germany in the 1930’s.  It is interesting to note that the Jewish Congress in the US actually declared war on the German people in 1933 when the latter were still trying to survive the massive depression caused by WW I. 

The objective was to prevent Germany from accessing any needed imports to support its recovery.  Germany retaliated with similar trade sanctions and the pot boiled on.

I am still of the opinion that the Zionists are the warmongers and are  vicious enforcers of their believed superiority.

Nevertheless, with all of their crimes against humanity, the Zionists continue to flaunt all international laws without pity or conscience.

IF as Murdoch claims, the world is at war with the Zionists – how the hell did he become so rich and powerful?  He currently has almost succeeded in changing the Australian government – of bastardising the British Government – and being a major player in the anti-Obama campaign in the US which, even now, seems to be going the Zionists’ way.

“Well might he say”… the world is at war with the Zionists’ because…?





Murdoch is the example of the warnings of the Protocols.

IF it is acceptable for Murdoch to print absolutely biased opinions, without regulation, then it is equally fair game to criticise his unbelievable tirades against the world's peoples that have made him wealthy and infamous.  To have a person so endowed with riches, from whatever source, to claim that he and his fellow Zionists have been treated badly by the people that he has exploited should indeed be covered by a chapter in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

When I first tried to read the comprehensive Protocols and absorb its teachings it left me nun the wiser. Even though I could understand the ultimate objectives, the psychology left me confused.

After all, the actions of the Zionists have been, since 1897, not very clandestine and the last 60 plus years have given at least every nation of the Middle East plenty of reasons for a bitter hatred of the Zionists as they have so richly deserved by their uncivilized behaviour.

I found a translation of the Protocols more to my abilities of understanding and I offer them as an example of why Murdoch and his Zionists must continue the fallacy that they and they alone, are the persecuted on Earth while enjoying favouritism throughout the western world and being able to shame the once powerful US.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a document which should be read by all.  No other single document provides us with such a clear understanding of why the world is gradually moving towards a One World Government, controlled by an irreproachable hidden hand. In The Protocols, we are given clear insights as to why so many incomprehensible political decisions are made in both local, national and international politics, which seem to continually work against the favor of the masses and in favor of the vested interests of the banking/industrial cartel -- the global power elite.

The average person normally reacts with outrage and horror today at the very suggestion that there may be a conspiracy as grand as The Protocols. But the average person has absolutely no information on which to base his or her opinion. The reaction to exposure of this ancient conspiracy is merely a pre-programmed Pavlovian reaction, created and instilled by the very perpetrators of the same ancient conspiracy. And today, very few will dare speak above a whisper of that all-encompassing oppression of mankind.

It is extremely rare today to find information about the ancient conspiracy, due to the mass censorship of the printed word, and the unwillingness of the general population to consider as a possibility something which they have been brought up since birth to see as outrageous and ridiculous. Each generation is born into a world of greater and greater censorship and illusion.

As you read further, please try to keep an open mind, and realize that your initial reaction has been conditioned over years of newspaper and television exposure.  What you're about to read will shock you. (End of quote).

To be continued.  NE OUBLIE.


Does Zionist Methods complement the Protocols?

History of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion  Mk II.

In the interests of keeping this explanation brief, I have provided highlights only in the chequered and colorful history of The Protocols.  For a more detailed discussion, please refer to the book Waters Flowing Eastward by Mrs L. Fry.

In 1884 the daughter of a Russian general, Justine Glinka, was in Paris obtaining secret political information to be communicated back to Russia.  She employed a Jewish assistant, Joseph Schorst, a member of the Miz-raim Lodge in Paris. Schorst offered to obtain for her a document of great importance to Russia, on payment of 2,500 francs.

She forwarded the French original, accompanied by a Russian translation, to the Tsar in St Petersburg, but it was suppressed by those under obligation to wealthy Jews.  The Tsar never received it, and Glinka was eventually banished to her estate in Orel.

Glinka gave a copy to Alexis Sukhotin, who showed the document to two friends, Stepanov and Professor Sergius A. Nilus; the former had it printed and circulated privately in 1897; the second,  Nilus, published it for the first time in Russia in 1901, in a book entitled The Great Within the Small. At about the same time, a friend of Nilus, G. Butmi, brought a copy to England, where it was apparently deposited in the British Museum on August 10, 1906. [Ed: The British Museum deny ever having received a copy of the Protocols.]

Meantime, through Jewish members of the Russian police, minutes of the proceedings of the Basle congress in 1897 had been obtained and these were found to correspond with the Protocols.

In January 1917, Nilus prepared a second edition, revised and documented, for publication. But before it could be put on the market, the revolution of March 1917 had taken place, and Kerenskii, who had succeeded to power, ordered the whole edition of Nilus' book to be destroyed. In 1924, Prof. Nilus was arrested by the Cheka in Kiev, imprisoned, and tortured; he was told by the Jewish president of the court, that this treatment was meted out to him for "having done them incalculable harm in publishing the Protocols". Released for a few months, he was again led before the GPU (Cheka), this time in Moscow and confined. Set at liberty in February 1926, he died in exile in the district of Vladimir on January 13, 1929.

A few copies of Nilus's second edition were saved and sent to other countries where they were published: in Germany, by Gottfreid zum Beek (1919); in England, by The Britons (1920); in France, by Mgr. Jouin in La Revue Internationale des Societes Secretes, and by Urbain Gohier in La Vieille France; in the United States, by Small, Maynard & Co. (Boston 1920), and by The Beckwith Co. (New York 1921). Later, editions appeared in Italian, Russian, Arabic, and even in Japanese.

The Protocols gained widespread recognition upon their translation into English, in 1920. They soon became notorious. Esteemed newspapers such as The Times and The Morning Post (whose Moscow correspondent Victor E. Marsden was responsible in 1921 for the translation used in this document) covered the story in numerous articles, much to the chagrin of world Jewry, who immediately began the propaganda bandwagon rolling. They not only denied that the Protocols were a Jewish plot, but also that there was any plot whatsoever. The latter was quite clearly false to all educated men and women of the time. "Probably so much money and energy were never before in history expended on the effort to suppress a single document." The period of 1920 "marks the end of the time when the Jewish question could be impartially openly discussed in public." (Douglas Reed -- "The Controversy of Zion").

End of quote.  NE OUBLIE.



Why Do the Jewish Powers hate the world?

Digressing somewhat, as long as the Jewish people on earth allow and support the methods of the Zionists, they will be tarred with the same brush.  I believe that they should make it clear to the world that they, the majority, do not receive any favours from the elite.

It is difficult for me to understand how a race (or religion) of people can be so indoctrinated in a policy/belief that does not stand any measure of scrutiny as to its benefit to all mankind. But then the Protocols only favour the Jewish people (Zionist that is) and while their elite have prospered I don't believe that the Jewish citizens of so many other nations have accrued the wealth that political power can create.

The history of the Hebrew/Canaanites is not one of conciliation or compassion but, from the days of the Golden Sheep, there has been a tendency for that tribe to take advantage of a situation whereby, joining together and accumulating their wealth can make them a force to be reckoned with.

But that is only the tip of the iceberg.  The actions of the Jewish (Zionist) Organizations have since WW II exploited the argument that they are suffering from a war against them by the entire world and have been since (I believe) their records of time since the Roman Diaspora.

Is this sort of diversion intended to avoid responsibility for their involvement in WW I as a recognised participant in the US foreign policies that caused the loss of millions of lives and crushed their own ally, Germany.

Do their advocates consider that the foreign policies in the unstable Middle East is in everyone’s best interests – or – do they admit to the pressure they put on western nations to continue a bloody war with no end?

It is perhaps a back-handed compliment to his geneology for Murdoch to claim that the world is at war with his race.  With a world population of some tens of millions, there must be sound reasons for such a defensive stand by the world in general.

“It is better to be loved or hated than ignored.”  NE OUBLIE.



The World must Defend Itself against Zionism now.

Is Rupert Murdoch Ignorant or An Agent of Zionist Deception?

By Alan Hart

01 November, 2010

It is true that in the eyes of many if not most peoples of the world (and probably many of their governments behind closed doors) Israel is increasingly being seen as a pariah state. But that’s a consequence of Israel’s policies and actions, war crimes and all.

In a recent speech at an ADL (Anti-Defamation League) dinner, Rupert Murdoch, arguably the most influential mainstream media chief on Planet Earth, made some extraordinary statements which must be challenged. But first it’s necessary for us all to be clear about what ADL’s role is.

Its proclaimed objective is to “fight anti-Semitism”. In reality its main purpose under the leadership of Abe Foxman is to smear, harass, silence and preferably destroy those of all faiths and none who are critical of Zionism in action – critical of Israel’s policies in general and its contempt for international law in particular; and critical of the awesome power of the Zionist lobby, in America especially.

In his speech Murdoch said his own perspective on the evil of anti-Semitism was “simple”. He put it this way (my emphasis added):

“We live in a world where there is an ongoing war against the Jews. For the first decades after Israel’s founding, this war was conventional in nature. The goal was straightforward – to use military force to overrun Israel.”

That was Murdoch’s carefully understated way of endorsing Zionism’s assertion that for the first decades of its life Israel lived in danger of annihilation, the “driving into the sea” of its Jews. As I document in detail through the three volumes of the American edition of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Israel’s existence was never, ever, in danger from any combination of Arab force. Zionism’s assertion to the contrary was the cover that allowed Israel to get away where it mattered most (in America and Western Europe) with presenting its aggression as self-defense and itself as the victim when, actually, it was and is the oppressor.

The main event during the period in which Murdoch asserted that the Arabs were trying to “overrun” Israel was the 1967 war. Zionism’s story of it, which the mainstream media still peddles to this day, is that Israel went to war either because the Arabs attacked first or were intending to attack. Both, the either and the or, are Zionist propaganda nonsense. It was a war of Israeli aggression.

I don’t expect Murdoch to pay any attention to what the Gentile me has to say on the subject, but if he is not an agent of Zionist deception (i.e. if he is merely ignorant), he ought to consider what various Israeli leaders have said. I quote them in America Takes Sides, War With Nasser Act II and the Creation of Greater Israel, Chapter 1 of Volume Three the American edition of my book, which is sub-titled Conflict Without End?

I preface the quotes of Israeli leaders with this observation.

“If the statement that the Arabs were not intending to attack Israel and that the existence of the Jewish state was not in danger was only that of a goy, it could be dismissed by Zionists as anti-Semitic conjecture. In fact the truth the statement represents was admitted by some of the key Israeli players – after the war, of course. Before we look at what actually happened in 1967 and why, here is a short summary of some pertinent, post-war Israeli confessions.”

In an interview published in Le Monde on 28 February 1968, Israeli Chief of Staff Rabin said this: “I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions which he sent into Sinai on 14 May would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it.”

On 14 April 1971, a report in the Israeli newspaper Al-Hamishmar contained the following statement by Mordecai Bentov, a member of the wartime national government. “The entire story of the danger of extermination was invented in every detail and exaggerated a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territory.”

On 4 April 1972, General Haim Bar-Lev, Rabin’s predecessor as chief of staff, was quoted in Ma’ariv as follows: “We were not threatened with genocide on the eve of the Six-Days war, and we had never thought of such a possibility.”

In the same Israeli newspaper on the same day, General Ezer Weizman, Chief of Operations during the war and a nephew of Chaim Weizman, was quoted as saying: “There was never any danger of annihilation. This hypothesis has never been considered in any serious meeting.”

In the spring of 1972, General Matetiyahu Peled, Chief of Logistical Command during the war and one of 12 members of Israel’s General Staff, addressed a political literary club in Tel Aviv. He said: “The thesis according to which the danger of genocide hung over us in June 1967, and according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war.” In a radio debate Peled said: “Israel was never in real danger and there was no evidence that Egypt had any intention of attacking Israel.” He added that “Israeli intelligence knew that Egypt was not prepared for war.”

In the same program Chaim Herzog (former DMI, future Israeli Ambassador to the UN and President of his state) said: “There was no danger of annihilation. Neither Israeli headquarters nor the Pentagon – as the memoirs of President Johnson proved – believed in this danger.

On 3 June 1972 Peled was even more explicit in an article of his own for Le Monde. He wrote: “All those stories about the huge danger we were facing because of our small territorial size, an argument expounded once the war was over, have never been considered in our calculations. While we proceeded towards the full mobilisation of our forces, no person in his right mind could believe that all this force was necessary to our ‘defense’ against the Egyptian threat. This force was to crush once and for all the Egyptians at the military level and their Soviet masters at the political level. To pretend that the Egyptian forces concentrated on our borders were capable of threatening Israel’s existence does not only insult the intelligence of any person capable of analyzing this kind of situation, but is primarily an insult to the Israeli army.”

The preference of some generals for truth-telling after the event provoked something of a debate in Israel, but it was short-lived. If some Israeli journalists had had their way, the generals would have kept their mouths shut. Weizman was one of those approached with the suggestion that he and others who wanted to speak out should “not exercise their inalienable right to free speech lest they prejudice world opinion and the Jewish diaspora against Israel.”

It is not surprising that debate in Israel was shut down before it led to some serious soul-searching about the nature of the state and whether it should continue to live by the lie as well as the sword; but it is more than remarkable, I think, that the mainstream Western media continues to prefer the convenience of the Zionist myth to the reality of what happened in 1967 and why. When reporters and commentators have need today to make reference to the Six Days War, they still tell it like the Zionists said it was in 1967 rather than how it really was. Obviously there are still limits to how far the mainstream media is prepared to go in challenging the Zionist account of history, but it could also be that lazy journalism is a factor in the equation.

For those journalists, lazy or not, who might still have doubts about who started the Six Days War, here’s a quote from what Prime Minister Begin said in an unguarded, public moment in 1982. “In June 1967 we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us, We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”

My own favourite Israeli quote is the one I use to draw the Prologue to Volume One of my book to a conclusion. In 1980 I had a number of conversations with the best and the brightest of Israel’s Directors of Military Intelligence, Major General (then retired) Sholmo Gazit. Over coffee one morning I said to him: “I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s all a myth. Israel’s existence has never, ever, been in danger.” He replied: “The trouble with us Israelis is that we’ve become the victims of our own propaganda.”

In his speech to the ADL dinner, Murdoch said that phase two of the “ongoing war against the Jews” (after the failure to “overrun” Israel by force) was “terrorism” He seems to have no idea of reality on this front either.

One of a number of summary truths about terrorism is this. In Palestine that became Israel, it was the Zionists who turned to terrorism first – to drive out the occupying British and then the indigenous Arabs.

Murdoch spoke of the terrorists targeting Israelis at home and broad – “from the massacre of Israeli athletes at Munich to the second intifada.” Fact: All but two of the Israeli athletes in Munich were killed by German security forces after Israeli Defense Minister Dayan insisted, against Prime Minister Golda Meir’s own best judgement, on a shoot-out to prevent a negotiated end to the hostage drama. Fact: The second intifada, which PLO Chairman Arafat was doing his best to prevent, was provoked by Ariel Sharon to improve his prospects of becoming prime minister by seeing off a challenge from Netanyahu.

A second summary truth about Palestinian terrorism is this. The Palestinians were not and are not “at war with the Jews”. Black September’s Munich operation, for example, was terrorism for a public relations purpose – to draw the attention of the world to the fact that the Palestinians existed, were occupied and oppressed and in need of some justice.

A summary truth about general Arab and wider Muslim terrorism is this. It is primarily a response of the weak and oppressed to Israel’s arrogance of power and insufferable self-righteousness; to the impotence, corruption and repression of Arab and other Muslim regimes which are correctly regarded by their masses as little more than puppets of America-and-Zionism; and to the deadly double-standard of Western foreign policy – in particular its unconditional support for Israel right or wrong. (In at least one respect the Arab and other Muslim masses have much more wisdom than Western leaders. They, Arab and Muslims masses, know that unconditional support for Israel right or wrong is not in anybody’s best interests, not even those of Israel’s Jews).

According to Murdoch “the war against the Jews” has now entered a new phase. “This,” he said, “is the soft war that seeks to isolate Israel by delegitimizing it. The battleground is everywhere – the media… multinational organizations … NGOs. In this war, the aim is to make Israel a pariah.”

It is true that in the eyes of many if not most peoples of the world (and probably many of their governments behind closed doors) Israel is increasingly being seen as a pariah state. But that’s a consequence of Israel’s policies and actions, war crimes and all.

What Murdoch sees as the rise of anti-Semitism is, in fact, the rise of anti-Israelism. The danger for the Jews of the world is that it will be transformed into violent anti-Semitism at a foreseeable point in the future if the Zionist state is not called and held to account for its past crimes and is allowed by the major powers to go on committing new ones.

It is a fact that prior to the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust, most Jews were opposed to Zionism’s colonial enterprise. One of their fears was that Zionism would one day provoke anti-Semitism if it was allowed by the big powers to have its way. As I never tire of writing and saying, this fear was given a fresh airing by Yehoshafat Harkabi, Israel’s longest serving Director of Military Intelligence. In 1986 he published a remarkable book, Israel’s Fateful Hour. It contains this warning (my emphasis added):

Israel is the criterion according to which all Jews will tend to be judged. Israel as a Jewish state is an example of the Jewish character, which finds free and concentrated expression within it. Anti-Semitism has deep and historical roots. Nevertheless, any flaw in Israeli conduct, which initially is cited as anti-Israelism, is likely to be transformed into empirical proof of the validity of anti-Semitism. It would be a tragic irony if the Jewish state, which was intended to solve the problem of anti-Semitism, was to become a factor in the rise of anti-Semitism. Israelis must be aware that the price of their misconduct is paid not only by them but also Jews throughout the world.

Nearly a quarter of a century on I think it can and should be said that Israel’s “misconduct” has become the prime factor in the equation that could transform anti-Israelism into anti-Semitism.

If I had the opportunity to address Mr. Murdoch directly, I would say to him the following. If you really care about the Jews (I mean the Jews as people as opposed to their money), you would put your media empire at the service of the truth of history.

I would also tell him that when I joined ITN (Independent Television News) as a very young reporter many years ago, its great editor-in-chief, Geoffrey Cox, gave me the mission statement in one short sentence. “Our job is to help keep democracy alive.”

I would then say to Murdoch that my charge today is (generally speaking) that the mainstream media has betrayed democracy. And I would add, “You, sir, are the greatest betrayer, traitor, of them all.”

Alan Hart is a former ITN and BBC Panorama foreign correspondent. He is author of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. He blogs at and tweets via

Also Read

Hiding Truth Behind Euphemisms, Omissions,
Slanders And Lies: A Reply To Rupert Murdoch

By William A. Cook

A critical analysis of Rupert Murdoch’s recent speech before the ADL




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read more of Chris Floyd...

the attack would be thoroughly investigated...


The Israeli army says it has suspended a senior officer who was videoed striking a foreign peace activist in the face with an assault rifle in an apparently unprovoked attack.

The footage, shot by a Palestinian cameraman, was posted on YouTube and then rebroadcast by Israeli television stations.

It shows Lieutenant Colonel Shalom Eisner walking up to a man taking part in a bicycle ride in the Jordan valley near Jericho, and without warning, hitting him in the face with his M-16 automatic weapon.

The activist, said to be Danish, collapses and is carried off by fellow protesters.

The attack was condemned by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and military chief of staff Benny Gantz said the attack would be thoroughly investigated and treated with the utmost severity.

see toon at top... Ah, the price of videoed evidence...