Saturday 11th of January 2025

evolution rots your teeth...


Democratic candidate Chris Coons, who is vying to defeat Republican rival Christine O'Donnell in Delaware's U.S. Senate race, is out with a new attack ad targeting the conservative hopeful on a host of controversies that have rocked her campaign.

Running with the theme music of the 1960's television show "The Twilight Zone," the 30-second seeks to highlight some of the Tea Party favorite's most infamous lines.

"Christine O'Donnell says a lot of strange things," says a narrator before footage of O'Donnell herself is injected into the attack. "I'm not a witch... Evolution is a myth... Scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully-functioning human brains!"

The ad's narrator then chimes back in and say, "Huh?" The culmination of the spot then zeroes-in on the work Coons has been doing on behalf of voters in his state.

Analysis conducted by HuffPost Pollster suggests that Coons is favored to become Delaware's next senator at the culmination of the state's midterm election race.


Gus: beware in Delaware... There are a lot of nutcases prepared to believe in O'Donnell, especially in a country where god and guns are bedfellows...

monkey business...

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." - John Kenneth Galbraith.

church and state...

Separation of president and creator

By David Waters

Conservative Christian conspiracy theorists are anxiously reporting that President Obama has omitted the word "Creator" from his paraphrasing of the Declaration of Independence in public speeches THREE times in the past few weeks.

"We are way past believing that this could be unintentional or accidental," frets Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the American Family Association. "...The President of the United States is deliberately stripping our Christian heritage from us right before our very eyes.

As we all know from reading our Texas-approved American history books, the authors of the Declaration used the terms "Creator" and "Nature's God" intentionally to avoid the use of Christian language or imagery. "Properly understood," On Faith co-moderator Jon Meacham wrote in American Gospel, "the God of public religion is not the God of Abraham or God the Father or the Holy Trinity."

Or Obama? It does seem a bit strange that a deeply religious man who taught constitutional law, when reciting what historian Joseph Ellis calls "the most potent and consequential words in American history," would leave out that one particular word.

Did he forget? Was the president just in a hurry? Three separate times?

In an Oct. 18 speech at a Democratic fundraiser in Maryland, Obama referenced the Declaration's most famous passage: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that each of us are endowed with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Notice he didn't use the phrase "endowed by their Creator." He made the same omission in a Sept. 15 speech at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's 33rd Annual Awards, and at a Sept. 22 speech at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City.


Gus: Aaaaaahhhh, for a Julia's atheism, away from all this illusionary nonsense...