Saturday 1st of March 2025

Talking to myself #2

Prime Minister John Howard has outlined sweeping changes to the laws governing Australian workplaces. I DON'T HAVE TO BELONG TO THE STREET SWEEPERS' UNION ANYMORE Under the changes, businesses with up to 100 employees would be exempt from unfair dismissal laws. PEOPLE WHO ARE SACKED NOT TO BE COUNTED AS UNEMPLOYED There will be new arrangements for setting minimum wages, with the establishment of a new Fair Pay Commission. THE WORD MINIMUM HAS BEEN REDEFINED TO MEAN BELOW SEA LEVEL That role would be taken away from the Industrial Relations Commission. WHO NEEDS LAWYERS WHEN YOU CAN USE A GOOD OLD BOOT. Awards would be simplified, with long service leave, notice of termination, superannuation and jury duty no longer covered. EVERYBODY WHO'S NOT AN EXECUTIVE IS RECLASSIFIED AS A WORKING POOR Mr Howard says the Government will move towards a single national industrial system, with or without the support of the states. BUGGER THE STATES, BUGGER THE FEDERATION, HAIL KING JOHNNEE ! "Australia needs a workplace system geared to the future, not to the past," he said. WE ARE MOVING FROM 1956 TO 1922 (POSSIBLY 1898) BC) Mr Howard says the reforms are historic. THEY ALREADY EXIST IN HISTORY BOOKS UNDER SLAVERY "These reforms Mr Speaker, are based on principles that balance freedom and fairness and that have underpinned the Liberal and National parties' historic contribution to changing the culture of workplace relations in this country," he said. WHIP-CRACKING UNDERPINNING THE GLORIOUS CULTURE OF PHARAOHS.

Howard's record

John Howard's record will guarantee that no one will be worse off under his new IR reforms. Or so he says.

I guess that record would be a vinyl 78?

Perhaps Vera Lynn singing The White Cliffs of Dover?

a 'core' record

A 'core' record exemplified by the hole in the centre of the vinyl John: an empty space just like his 'non-core' promises!!

No Guarantee from Howard

John, Sorry to upset the cart but I am a sub-editor and therefore I need to correct when things are incorrect.

Taken from Parliament and the 7.30 Report John Howard did the opposite to what you say. He will not guararatee his IR Plan. First is Stephen Smith on the 7.30 Report, Thursday night criticising John Howard.

STEPHEN SMITH: (John Howard) can't have it both ways. His approach is to reduce wages and reduce entitlements, and what he's doing on the no-disadvantage test, and what he's doing on the allowable matters is proof of that. Ask yourself this simple question: if no-one's going to be worse off, why won't he give the guarantee? Why has he consistently refused, as the Treasurer has, as the Minister for Workplace Relations has, why have they all consistently refused to guarantee, including today, that no individual Australian employee will be worse off as a result of these changes?

JOHN HOWARD (IN PARLIAMENT, 2005): Can I, Mr Speaker, simply say to the Member for Perth, as I said to the Leader of the Opposition: my guarantee is my record, Mr Speaker.

Which John, Len?

Hi Len.  Don't know if your post was directed to me or John R, but isn't that what we both said?