Thursday 16th of January 2025

One for those who remember "A Fair Go mate"

This is from the SMH Heckler column, If Heartlessness is Hip, Count Me Out

Here's an extract:

As in that famous final scene in Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, I feel like I should be running through the middle of the traffic on George Street, screaming, "They're here! They're here!" Only this time it wouldn't be our fellow citizens being taken over by emotionless aliens from outer space we'd need to be alerted to, but the arrival in our society of something much worse. It is the dawning of the cool conservatives, as lovely an oxymoron as you are likely to find. Suddenly it is "cool" not to care.

A good piece for discussion.

Anti-discrimination laws

The ALP is onto legal anomalies in regard to Same Sex Super.

Does anyone know if there is an action centre for pressuring the various governments to get on with reforms?

a fair go mate.

It would seem that way  Daemon, but they say what goes aroung comes around. If you don't care now you pay for it later. It likes ones health bank account environment.  I wonder if the don't-cares will some day say  "ha, what happened".

I would like to challenge every one out there that reads these pieces to have a say. After all it's your country too you know.  You may not agree but that doesn't matter. It's a free country at the moment so go for it. Have your say. Don't be afraid. Stand up and be counted. It does not matter what you stand up for - just do it.

Fair go

I can't help but quietly laugh.

100,000 on the streets of Melbourne protesting the emasculation of collective bargaining as a force in the workplace yesterday, are saying "we didn't vote liberal", or are they saying "we didn't know"?

Either way, Australia is sliding rapidly towards its well earned position as Americas lap dog, led by the liberal support of business.

Interestingly, the less than 100 workers rule, as I understand it, is the biggest single grouping in business, therefore is where the biggest damage can be done. Taken on the numbers, less than 10% of business employs over 100 people which means the people about to be hit hardest by the ruling on individual contracts are the mortgage belt concernees, who haven't as a group demonstrated anything like the intellect needed to understand that if a 0.25 % increase in mortgage cost will see you to the wall, you are in the wrong house, simply because you can't afford it.

I know I'm not all that smart, but I reckon the 24% of our income spent on rent, is in the long term a better investment healthwise, than a mortgage for the same dollar cost for the next 25 years.

But that's just my opinion.