Saturday 1st of March 2025

Canberra going to the dogs

Since the states and the the territories are run by Labor governments and the Federal government is only the resulting amalgam of the state's union declared in 1901, I would propose here that the states in a joint agreement declare independence forthwith and form a new federal body.

The way Johnnee's government is going about bulldozing ideas and people is beyond belief! And totally unacceptable. When they get full control of the senate, it will be goodbye to an already moribund democracy since the Labor party is unable to unsnooker itself.

And only an equally outrageous act can get rid of this pox on the Australian landscape. The states have to stand firm and cut off supply to the federal government forthwith. See, the states slowly lost their bargaining power by being conned in the "federal" GST. In fact that money is the states' money but now it's controlled by Canberra. The states have to collect that tax themselves NOW and redistribute it amongst themselves as they see fit. In a way, simply bypass Canberra.

The legality of this? Who cares.

The federal government is acting more and more like a Fascist organisation. A bunch of elected generals, boots full of their own self importance and turning this country into an imitation Hitlerian dictatorship.

A new Capital? Sure in Griffith or Wagga Wagga. Why not the Gold Coast or Freemantle. But delete that Canberra-thing from the maps. Turn it into a principality in the middle of nowhere if we have to, with Johnnee the first and hopefully the last in that dynasty of spruikers and peddlers.

The present Federal mantra is to blame everyone else, to take exclusive credit for all the good things, to bash workers in the ground via many devious means including uncertainty of employment, keep the "things-that-batter" at home (remember that one when Downer-the-clown was the leader of the Liberals?), do noises about ludicrous pay to top executives but give them plenty more by way of massive tax cuts, enforce a "Christian" morality which is elastic enough to participate in the murder of 100,000 people in Iraq, have a concentration camp policy, evict legitimate new Australians, fudge the records, claim environmental credibility when chopping more trees, digging more holes and giving the major industries huge sums of money that won't see daylight. The list goes on and on.

Is this the future of our democracy? or is it just a bad patch?

Yes, Canberra is overrun with extreme psychopaths. And that won't change for a while. So we have to act soon.

We might have to call the ghost buster team to defend democracy from these gangsters. Sorry I mix my images here but you know what I mean.

When Al Capone is in charge of the Government and too many people support his actions, it shows that amongst us, there are a too many devious thieves who line their pockets, red necks who hate other races than their own, and too many stupid people out there who buy the cheap and nasty soap via short term loosy promises of gold and destroy their future in the process.

The corruption of ideals and of the moral "morality" is gigantic in which the Canberanean usurpers keep moving the goal posts faster that the game is played.

Surviving we can, but oh boy can we say good bye to our humanity.

Re: Canberra to the dogs

Hi Gus, a pre-emptive strike against the regime of "King Johnny" by the states? Love it! I'm all for regime change in Australia.

Lizzie Windsor would not be amused however! Not to mention uncle George and cousin Tony.

A coalition of the willing would have to be formed to return King Johnny to the throne.

Those of us that didn't like foreign intervention in our domestic affairs would have to be labled as insurgents and ruthlessly dealt with.

Sounds somehow familar doesn't it?


Hey Gus, you have some good ideas. Can we get the States to do it by June 30? Please say yes as what's coming scares me.

For instance ASIO demanding the interrogation and incarceration rights they have had for three years to be permanent. Apparently it is illegal for anyone else to make statements to the Senate Committe making that decision. Sounds fair to me.

The terrorists have already won. Don't our "leaders" know that. To me they are now the terrorists.

Perhaps a peaked cap and little mo for Bonsai would be useful. Wonder if he could grow one by July 1?

A few Cuban Cigars!

From the New York Times

NEW YORK (AP) -- Former investment banker Frank Quattrone [|struck a deal ] Tuesday with prosecutors to [|dismiss his long-running criminal case], saying he will resume a career that paid him up to $120 million a year for taking fledgling Internet companies public at the height of dot-com mania.
''A sunny day!'' a triumphant Quattrone said outside U.S. District Court in Manhattan with a giddiness normally reserved for wedding days.
Moments earlier, the government let go of a case it had pursued for three years through two trials. The deal calls for the charges to be dismissed after one year if Quattrone stays out of trouble.
Quattrone's first trial ended in a deadlocked jury, but prosecutors landed a conviction the second time around. The verdict on charges he obstructed a government probe of stock offerings and an 18-month prison sentence were tossed out by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in March. Quattrone never served a day in prison.
The government had claimed Quattrone, 50, slyly urged 400 technology investment bankers he supervised from the Palo Alto, Calif., offices of Credit Suisse First Boston Corp. to destroy files when he learned about multiple investigations. He always said he did not. The firm has since changed its name to Credit Suisse (USA) Inc.
Timothy J. Coleman, a white collar crime expert at Dewey Ballantine and a former federal prosecutor, said Quattrone has received the same punishment as someone who smuggled a few Cuban cigars into the United States.
''If he holds up his end of the deal, it will be as if the case never happened,'' he said. Meanwhile, prosecutors have achieved their purpose of alerting corporate America through a series of trials of high-profile people, including Martha Stewart, he said.
''Corporate America gets it,'' he said, citing changes businesses have made. ''The fact the government is not going to get a felony conviction against Quattrone is not going to cause corporate America to regress and say, 'Let's get back to what we were doing before.'''

Read more at the NYT
Gus: whatever this all means... you be the decider...