Saturday 11th of January 2025

arse-up policies...

malcolm head in...

From Gerard Henderson...

Turnbull must learn to pull his head in

So far, Turnbull has not followed traditional protocols. Last week, following the calls of BHP Billiton's chief executive, Marius Kloppers, for a carbon tax, Turnbull went into tweet mode. On Wednesday, he described Kloppers's address as "very thoughtful". The next day Turnbull tweeted his support for an emissions trading scheme or a carbon tax and indicated his lack of enthusiasm for reducing carbon emissions by regulation - the Coalition's policy. Turnbull spoke out about his climate change opinions on Radio National.

These comments excited Costello, among others. But the fact remains Turnbull lost the Liberal Party leadership last December because a majority of his colleagues disagreed with his support for Rudd Labor's proposed emissions trading scheme. After Abbott defeated Turnbull by one vote, Abbott moved a motion on the ETS drafted by Kevin Andrews. In a secret ballot, MPs supported Abbott's opposition to the legislation by 54 to 29 votes.

In other words, Turnbull had been trying to force through the party room legislation opposed by two-thirds of his colleagues. The Nationals were also against an emissions trading scheme, so in any joint meeting of the Coalition, some three-quarters would have disagreed with Turnbull's position. Any leader would need more political skills than Turnbull has to prevail in the face of such opposition.


Gus: well I ask you... Policy before earthly reality!... Traditional protocols before proper understandings! That's the Libshit way...

Of course the paradigm here is that, although Turnbull is on the money, he should shut up and not contradict his mis-policied ubber leader who kicked him out on that very point. It's a necessary Liberal premise that it's better to be wrong and unified, than being properly informed... This applies of course to the Liberal-Murdoch bullshit factor. At least Turnbull was trying to do something about climate change that involved a bit more than giving flowers to people who fart less...

The Marius Kloppers support for a carbon tax would have been glorious vindication for Malcolm but it would also vindicate the government — a position which of course under the "Policy-before-Reality-Abbott-dictum" is anathema. 

Turnbull is far far more intelligent than Abbott.

But he does not have the gall nor the skill to lie like Abbott. Nor does he have the rabid dog gnarl.

Lies and gnarl that nearly got Abbott across the line, with the help of the super-steroids from uncle Rupe and his dung beetles. The Liberal party is a conglomerate of rabid-right climate change deniers. On this issue alone they should have lost 70 seats. We will rue the day they even got a look in. Because let's face it, as I have mentioned here for a long time, China is doing far more to deal with climate change than Australia is even "thinking" about.

And we need to do something about it.

But Turnbull has been given the poison-ivy to challenge a better Australian broadband when everyone and their dogs and their flees know that cable is more reliable, more efficient and much faster than a dickydick hybrid.  It's more expensive but should Australia have been the size of Denmark, we'd been already laughing way ahead of the rest of the world... Within the Libshoddy Party, Turnbull is on a losing streak with these very issues...

He's got to do something unnatural to him... Lie.

He'd be better switching sides or become an independent. He does not need a rabid Abbott to tell him the lies he should spruik. He does not need the support of right-wing rat-bags to survive. Mind you, he might still dream of toppling Abbott one day and leading the Liberals to victory... Silly boy.

Does he really want to lead a party whose best asset is a Joe Hockey while the rest is a rehash of has-been and a bag of green-horn yapping puppies who don't know yet which end of the digestive track is the one that...

And Turnbull had retired once I guess because he knew Tony was going to hang-on to the leadership like a maniac. Another three years of crummy scroogey bad stupid Liberal policies? Sure one can lie about their values... but butt.

Com'on Malcolm... Do something valuable for yourself and FOR THE COUNTRY. SWITCH SIDES — or at least become "fully" independent. Many people would give you the keys to the lodge... in their dreams, of course. With Abbott, you're on a rough dead end with no glory but knives in your back pushing you to do the wrong things.

Liberals whom Tim Costello loves...

Turnbull may become a team player. Or he may become yet another Liberal who spends much time criticising the party he once led - in the tradition of the late John Gorton, Malcolm Fraser and John Hewson. They are the kind of Liberals whom Tim Costello loves.

Gerard Henderson is executive director of The Sydney Institute.


A "team player" in a team of crooked bats and cheaters? Turnbull is more honest than that.

Tim Costello is far more perceptive than stick-in-the-mud rule Henderson.

hey mal!...

Key Shadow Ministers believe Malcolm Turnbull must be confronted at Wednesday's Shadow Cabinet meeting over his continued support for a carbon tax.

The lot for this difficult task should fall to Shadow Environment Minister Greg Hunt say his colleagues. They want Hunt to make plain to Turnbull that he is to stay away from the issue of climate change altogether. The area is to be reserved for Hunt and he should say as much, according to his backers.

This is not a turf war. This issue goes to the heart of Coalition stability and Tony Abbott's leadership. Note there is no pressure for Abbott to bring on the discussion with Turnbull about his repeated comments in favour of a carbon price, despite those comments putting him in clear breach of Abbott's policy of "direct action" industry measures to combat growth in emissions.

But make no mistake. If Hunt can be persuaded to take up the cudgels inside the Shadow Cabinet - and he should - he will be acting as Abbott's proxy. The fact is the Opposition Leader cannot tolerate Turnbull's repeat offences on climate change.

To let the issue linger, to give Turnbull a long leash, will simply eat away at Abbott's leadership. To deal with the issue now will be an act of strength. To wait will be to act from a potential position of weakness.

Turnbull, to be fair to him, is in a diabolical personal and policy fix.


Gus: no liberal spirit in the Liberal Party... Malcolm should become an independent... and go with his personal beliefs rather than LIE and compromise himself with stupid policies.

the turnbull all bull solution .....

Since 1991, the telecom companies have pocketed an estimated $320 billion --- that's about $3,000 per household.

This is a conservative estimate of the wide-scale plunder that includes monies garnered from hidden rate hikes, depreciation allowances, write-offs and other schemes. Ironically, in 2009, the FCC's National Broadband plan claimed it will cost about $350 billion to fully upgrade America's infrastructure.

The principal consequence of the great broadband con is not only that Americans are stuck with an inferior and overpriced communications system, but the nation's global economic competitiveness has been undermined.

In a June 2010 report, Europe's Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) ranked the U.S. 15th on broadband subscribers with 24.6 percent penetration; the consulting group, Strategy Analytics, is even more pessimistic, ranking the U.S. 20th with a "broadband" penetration rate of 67 percent compared to South Korea (95 percent), Netherlands (85 percent) and Canada (76 percent). Making matters worse, Strategy Analytics projects the U.S. ranking falling to 23rd by year-end 2010.

But these are just overall statistics. Today, people in Japan, Korea, Europe and other countries get broadband services that are 100-mbps services in both directions for what we pay for inferior, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber line (ADSL), while in Hong Kong companies have started to offer 1-gigabit speeds.*

Part of the reason for this is these countries have sunk more fiber optical cable into the ground and connected more homes to the next-generation grid. According to the OECD, the U.S. ranks 11th with only 5 percent fiber penetration, compared to Japan (54 percent), Korea (49 percent) and European OECD countries (11 percent).

Another reason for the woeful state of U.S. broadband is that we have one of the slowest networks in the world. According to the technology company, Akamai, the U.S. ranked 22nd globally in average connection datarate speed, averaging only 3.8-mbps in Q-4 2009. In comparison, Korea's average datarate was nearly three-times faster (11.7-mbps), Hong Kong more then double (8.6-mbps) and Japan was at 7.6-mbps. A surprise to many, Romania had an average rate of 7.2-mbps and Latvia clocked at 6.2-mbps.


Grand cons regularly screw Americans. Millions bet the lottery that never pays off; millions go to Las Vegas and Atlantic City hoping for the big score and leave with empty pockets; and millions bet big-time on a housing run-up and lost big, big time. Hustlers offer a zillion get-rich schemes over TV and the Internet that people accepted either out of naivety, greed or desperation. But one of the greatest -- and little reported -- scams perpetuated on the American public is the broadband con.

The scam was simple. Starting in 1991, Verizon, Qwest and what became AT&T offered each state -- in true "Godfather" style -- a deal they couldn't refuse: Deregulate us and we'll give you Al Gore's future. They argued that if state Public Utility Commission (PUCs) awarded them higher rates and stopped examining their books, they would upgrade the then-current telecommunications infrastructure, the analog Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) of aging copper wiring, into high-speed and two-way digital optical fiber networks.

How the Phone Companies Are Screwing America: The $320 Billion Broadband Rip-Off