Saturday 11th of January 2025

chalk and cheese

wuz robbed

After watching Julia's and Tony's speeches on the box, I can say Julia was statesperson-like while Tony was still haggling about his "moral" victory and Julia's government's competency. Tony showed a very junior amateurish, possibly doglike, attitude. Does not Tony read the economic international praise heaped on the Labor government or is he interested only in banging his fists on the door till he gets in???..

One interesting factor was the Canberra press room appeared "disappointed" that Julia got the gig... If one compares the applause to her and that given to Tony one can notice a fairly biased media — a media that, in general apart from a few exceptions, has tirelessly tried to prop up Tony and bury Julia all along, thus influencing voters in unfair ways...

Yet of the two leaders, Julia showed the most generous yet steel-trap mind leadership quality while Tony tends to be tight-arse, vague as usual and appeared like a brat — a clever kid, but definitely not PM material...

tony the brat...

Abbott claims that he has won more seats and more votes is a crock...

May be on paper but many Labor voters went to the GREENS and came baclk to Labor... Thus Green and Labor votes may out-do the votes of the Liberal-National coalition.

gimme a call...

Personally speaking (writing), I prefer to see an intelligent left-leaning unionistic fair-go red-haired atheist woman — who is living in a de-facto relationship, who understands the risk of global warming with a firm Swan budget expenditure — lead this country forward, rather than see a left-handed opportunistic right-wing catholic pugilistic sinner who adores an anglican queen — with an 11 billion dollars hole in his red budgie smugglers the string of which would be in the hands of Joe — take this country somewhere with bile. I hope the independents saw that too.

But no-one is perfect and, as Tony Abbott is planning to make her life as miserable as a dog infested with flees can be annoying, I would urge Julia to soon have discreet frank and amicable talks with Noel Pearson. If she and her minions do not understand what I mean, check this out or gimme a call.

the flees are barking mad...

The insults have started to fly from Coalition frontbenchers furious at being snubbed by the independents who backed Labor into government.

Just weeks after their leader, Tony Abbott, pledged a "kinder, gentler polity" as he sought to woo the independents, his senior troops came out all guns blazing today, attacking the legitimacy of Julia Gillard's administration.

Liberal Senator George Brandis told ABC Radio the Labor government had "as much legitimacy as the Pakistani cricket team".

His colleague, Christopher Pyne, the opposition's manager of business in the House of Representatives, said the alliance between Labor, Greens MP Adam Bandt and independents Andrew Wilkie, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor, was like "putting the mongoose and the cobra together".

Mr Pyne singled out Mr Windsor and Mr Oakeshott - whose support tipped Labor into office - saying their decision offended commonsense.

"What went wrong yesterday is that common sense didn't prevail ... it defied commonsense," Mr Pyne told the ABC.

He ridiculed Ms Gillard's suggestion of letting "the sun shine in" to illuminate political proceedings, saying he wanted to continue to put the spotlight on what had been a bad government.


Gus : these Rabid-Lib mongrels should vent their bile at Tony Abbott for having LIED during the elections.... But these Libs are liars themselves about the value of the Labor Government which for all intent and purposes has been hailed as the best government in the world in regard to the GFC (global financial crisis). Meanwhile Tony had an 11 billion dollars hole in his undies.

The previous Labor government WAS NOT a bad government. We are in the best position possible compared to say Europe and the USA.

Moreover these barking mutts don't have any idea about global warming — which has a 99  per cent chance of being responsible for the record heat wave in Russia and having helped Australia secure a massive increase in grain export — but next year, we might see a "gobal warming event" like the droughts that wiped out the rice industry in Australia a couple of years ago... We have to be prepared...

Woof!!! Woof!!..

Good on you Gus, I have enjoyed this day immensely.

Nevertheless I intend to zero in on your advice to the P.M. to have serious talks to Noel Pearson regarding some almost Apartheid legislation by the Bligh Queensland government.  And while we’re at it Gus – the same should apply to the WA Premier for his Abbott type approach to the take-over of Aboriginal land in his state.  I believe that they are both wrong and ripping up the principle of Mabo.

Firstly, let me explain that I haven't had much affection for Noel Pearson since it was acknowledged that he was on the Howard Government pay roll.  That would have automatically made my skin crawl if Noel had then argued against commercializing of native land perhaps for mining.

While I am still not au fait with all of the political facts and fictions in that dispute, I have learned some interesting takes in your article and, as such, I believe that Julia had better defuse that situation with her well known mediation skills.

As a person involved in the unhappy years, I joined the Navy with a part Aborigine nicknamed “Smokey” and his surname was Duguid.  How I wish I could meet him again.

With all of the to’s and fro’s regarding who really owns the land, no one in their right mind can say other than the Koories.   Over the years these people have been over abused; over indulged; exploited and generally treated as a “black hearted medieval race”.  A major problem - and the resolution?

Racism is very much alive in the various Koori tribes.  For example, many years ago, when the elders discovered that a woman of their tribe had given birth to a white man’s child, the punishment was to kill the child with a blow to the temple or the woman would have to leave her tribe. Hence the race was still pure.

Conversely, we have seen the “civilized” improvement in children who later claimed to be the “stolen generation”. While this was an act of good faith for the welfare of those children, many of whom went on to be very intelligent activists, the sponsors of these biased claims failed to include the young white people of my era who were forcefully taken from their parents as “uncontrollable” and punished by being locked up in places like Mittagong boys home and many other “facilities” - my younger brother was one.  As far as I know, these places are still used without any racist claims.

According to scientists, the Aborigine (original)race can be eliminated by assimilation – if that is so - it is bad in two ways.  Firstly, this would effectively remove these people and their thousands of years of history into yet another lost race.

Conversely, while ever our governments try to salve their consciences for the misdeeds of our forebears, by paying money to the "original land owners" in one way or another, that program will never succeed.

Either the Koori elders of their various tribes want land that is only theirs, and that has already happened with Mabo, then they should revert perhaps slowly to the same conditions as they had when the white people arrived. Or do they want only the best of both worlds?

At the moment, full benefits are given to people who are as white as I am and must be close to “assimilation” but, when does that happen?  “Too hard basket?”

If it is cruel to take their land from them - then at least compromise.  If returning to their original tribal ways entirely is their wish, then we should helpt them.

At the moment, with all of the good will of a lot of good people - never the twain shall meet.

Separate and honor the laws of each other - with the proviso that one can cross over if that is their choice - period.




And so Murdoch has at least caused confusion.

I was pleased to note that people of public trust have clearly accused the Murdoch and his "the australian" as untrustworthy and control freaks using privileges to the advantage of whoever Murdoch chooses to support.

Like so many others who have access to some form of blog, I have been sickened by the diatribe of misinformation and downright insulting garbage that the Murdoch cronies have used in order to - bring an absolute divisive and arrogant politician - from a well-earned position of derision and distrust - so well established by the "Mad Monk" himself - to the point of almost taking over the Lucky Country!!!!

As sure as modern medicine is discovering that some very small gene is guilty of causing immense pain and death to ordinary people, Tony Abbott has been elevated by the corrupt power of the Murdoch media to be the most dangerous politician in contemporary Australia.

All Service personnel should join me in condemning this warmonger profiteer and force the government to de-register Murdoch’s claim to the title THE AUSTRALIAN.

That refers to me – but he speaks not for me - nor the servicemen and women of my country – he destroys the belief in being entitled to the truth – it conjures up a picture of what Australia is really something that it is not at all.

Some of us think that Murdoch’s verbal attack on Australian democracy has been stalled or is merely re-charging its batteries but, I can assure those who think reason and use logic, that while Abbott can still sit back and play the compassionate dictator, the fascist News Ltd and News Corp have not yet satisfied their political lust in Australia.

It is reasonably simple – can Murdoch accept defeat in his demands of who should govern Australia (besides him) – or can he use his normal methods of coercion to cause this government of the people to collapse into a typical Liberal/National party turmoil and claim “unstable”?

This would give him another tilt at control.  Abbott’s ego is at its peak because he thinks that he brought the Coalition together when the truth is that Murdoch did.

I love my country and I hate its parliament being manipulated by and for the benefit of pressure groups, especially when they are non-Australian.

If, Australians of all political persuasions genuinely want the ELECTED people to govern our future – remember – Journalists are not elected.




The Evil power of the Murdoch media.

The danger of the uncontrollable Murdochracy in our small population has never been so obvious as it was during the assassination of the Labor Government over the last year.  I agree with the retiring expert Mr. Cameron that the Labor campaign was the worst ever but - who can tell us the real truth?  Who can remind us of the excellent performance and achievements of the Rudd/Gillard government over three years - the last year of which was blotted out by the Murdoch media?

The presumed lack of intelligence of the middle to lower class of Australians was an ever present target of the "born to rule educated elite" like that abomination George Brandis and his counterparts in what is loosely called the “Coalition front bench”.

Twelve months ago Kevin Rudd and his experienced front bench were the toast of all advanced world economies including the World Bank; the IMF and the OECD - BUT what do they know says the uncontrollable Murdoch media?

Hundreds of thousands of jobs were created by Labor’s financially balanced plans which worked in more than 90% of improvements in Schools; most of the intended supply of computers to school children (that really upset the elite) the insulation of houses where the only fault was created by shonky business opportunists who had also misused the Howard solar panel plan. 

Funny that – according to the Murdoch media as I recall during the Howard plan - not one upset or fire was reported by the media and yet, with the change of government, the same people doing the same job suddenly became incompetent and were found to be using faulty material – both before and after the government change.

How many of us feel that we are entitled to know that there is investigations and prosecutions in the pipeline of the shonkies whose incompetence caused the death of four young and inexperienced casual employees?

How many of us are entitled to know that two newly elected Coalition MPs who breached the rules of standing for Federal election are quietly being considered by the High Court of Australia? 

They are former Campbelltown Mayor Russell Matheson, the new Liberal member for Macarthur who breached Federal law by not resigning his position on council before election, and is even promising to stay on the Liverpool council despite serving in the Federal Parliament.  What say you Murdoch?

 And George Christensen, the new CLP member for Dawson, only formally quit the Mackay Regional Council last week after it was clear he’d scored a political promotion. What rules?

Both of these chaps fall foul of section 44 (iv) of the Constitution which prohibits anyone enjoying and office of profit under the crown from nominating for Federal Parliament.  Can Murdoch buy them off the charge?

By my calculation the Constitutional law is clear and should demand two by-elections a change of which can only disadvantage Murdoch’s choice for government.  If lost by Murdoch, as they should be, it would make the Federal seats for Labor 76 - a majority of its own without independents or those “catch me if you can" greens.

It would also cut the chains of a hung parliament to the benefit of all.

If this situation was in the reverse – Murdoch; Abbott and his protective spokespersons would continue to exacerbate the anti-Government bias and demand, with appropriate pressure, that “no one is above the law”. What about us?

Fair dinkum. Wake up Australia. NE OUBLIE.



The silly buggers...

A surge in full-time jobs has cut the unemployment rate from 5.3 to 5.1 per cent.

The Bureau of Statistics figures show 53,100 full-time jobs were created in August, with part-time employment easing by 22,100, leaving a net gain of 30,900 positions (seasonally adjusted).

That beat the median economist forecast in Bloomberg's survey that was for 25,000 jobs to have been created in August, although there was a wide range in forecasts, from only 6,000 up to 55,000 jobs added.

Economists were, on average, expecting the unemployment rate to dip from 5.3 to 5.2 per cent.

The real strength was in the detail of the figures, with the predominance of full-time job creation boosting aggregate monthly hours worked by 0.9 per cent to 1.594 billion.

In more stable trend terms, the unemployment rate remained steady at 5.2 per cent over August.


Gus: I believe the Federal Reserve honchos are not impressed: they might have to increase interest rates to stop people finding jobs... The silly buggers...

Hopefully the rabid journos will see that Australian Labor Party's labour environment is not that bad and start to realise that Abbott can crap-on as much as he likes, Labor's polcies WORK considering the rest of the world is still on tenderhooks with unemployment hovering at 10 per cent in Europe and in the USA, or in the doldrums with unemployment at about 20 per cent such as in Spain...

From what my moles are telling me, I believe that it's not a pretty sight in Alan Jones' office. He supported Abbott to the hilt and kicked Labor as much as could in his editorials... One day I hope he will wake in fright to his errors, including that about climate change.... In my dreams... See toon at top and there too...