Wednesday 15th of January 2025


playing god .....

playing god .....

Physicists the world over are tremendously excited at this week's discovery of the long-sought Higgs boson, an interesting subatomic particle. It might hold the secrets of the universe, we're told, which is why the vulgar media have taken to calling it the God particle.

selling his shorts...



Mitt Romney is betraying his calling.

He brings to the presidential race a record of accomplishment to which few White House contenders can lay claim: W. Mitt Romney knows how to make money.

Some may argue that a money-making ability alone is no qualification to be president. I agree that having a high net worth is insufficient reason to be declared presidential timber.

crop contamination...


Australia's system of organic certification will come under intense scrutiny when two neighbouring farmers do battle in the Western Australian Supreme Court in a test case on genetically modified crop contamination.

the hearts of men .....

the hearts of men .....


The father of a young Olympic archery hopeful sat directly behind one of his daughter's rivals as she attempted to qualify and made a grunting noise after every shot, a Sydney court has heard.

the dollipotts...


the inhibited list .....

the inhibited list .....

from Crikey …..

US increases harassment of WikiLeaks, Assange associates

the dollipotts...


the power of hyperbole .....

the power of hyperbole .....


from Crikey ..... 

Want some facts to counter the carbon tax beat-up?

Check out this infographic, which compares the cost of the carbon price with other items of household expenditure.

murder by contempt .....

murder by contempt .....

For Kwementyaye Briscoe, Wednesday January 4 was just another too-hot day in a too-short life.

wind turbine syndrome .....

wind turbine syndrome I .....

Noise and vibration coming from large turbines are behind an increase in heart disease, migraine, panic attacks and other health problems, according to research by an American doctor

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