Friday 17th of January 2025


helping .....

twistig the knife .....

My Global Mail colleague Michael Bowers once had the pleasure of talking to one of Kevin Rudd’s primary school teachers, and learned that even back then, Kevin was a little know-it-all.

yet another self-inflicted wound .....

yet another self-inflicted wound .....

from PoliticOz ….

a black hole in the budget ….

curtain calls .....

curtain calls ....

Former NSW mines minister Ian Macdonald secretly controlled a ­Singapore coal trading company which was set up in May 2008 six days after he asked the mines department for information about coal tenements over a farm owned by Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid.

lasagnas from the glue factory...


Mischief by Gus...

Findus UK said Saturday it was taking legal advice after early results from its internal investigation "strongly suggest" that the presence of horsemeat in its frozen beef lasagne meals was "not accidental".

the road to hell .....

the road to hell ....

One score years ago and 10, I was in a remote country town waiting patiently for a meeting to finish, then for another meeting to start and finish, so that I could hold a meeting with the people I had come to see. They were, of course, Aborigines of the more conscientious type, which is to say that if they had wanted they could have spent all day, every day, 365 days a year at meetings, mostly with bureaucrats.

buggywhip meet automobile .....

buggywhip meet automobile .....

Something interesting is happening in Australia.


jekyll & all hide ....

jekyll & all hide ....

The Coalition has been telling us for a year or more now that they have all their costed election policies in the can.

''By the end of next week we'll have the policies for an election campaign,'' the shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey, said last June on the ABC's Q&A.

haven't we seen this before?...

us storm...

Flights and Trains Canceled as Storm Heads to Northeast


As a major winter storm made its way up the Atlantic Coast on Thursday, local authorities from New York City to Maine began to make preparations for what forecasters said could be the heaviest snowfall for some cities in the Northeast in a century.

deaf, dumb & blind kids .....

deaf, dumb & blind kids ....

Over the past four decades, of all the reasons people over a certain age have given for their becoming radicalized against US foreign policy, the Vietnam War has easily been the one most often cited. And I myself am the best example of this that you could find. I sometimes think that if the war lovers who run the United States had known of this in advance they might have had serious second thoughts about starting that great historical folly and war crime.

banality of evil ....

banality of evil .....

by my friend, Dr Vacy Vlazna

The St Clair Swindle, or How Things Get Done.

Given the NSW Shennagans being uncovered by their ICAC last week, you have to wonder how many similar situations across the country exist. In South Australia we don't have an ICAC yet, and when we do we probably won't be allowed to hear what happens.

Over recent years I've been a proud supporter of a group of locals trying to save their community-bequeathed park from being bulldozed for housing in a dodgy land-swap.  In that time I've seen the leader of the protesters become elected as the Council's Mayor!

whither democracy .....

whither democracy ....

Like most, I believe in democracy. But I also believe in capitalism, and though the two have usually been seen in the West as a good fit, of late I'm having doubts.

Every society has to use some system for organising production and consumption, and I know of none better than leaving it largely to private enterprise.

the drone ranger ....

the drone ranger ....

Civil liberties groups have slammed the legal reasoning behind the Justice Department "white paper" by pointing out that it redefines the meaning of "imminent" threat.

through the looking-glass darkly ....

through the looking-glass darkly ....

Obama Administration Claims Power To Authorize Pre-emptive Cyberwar Strikes

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