Saturday 18th of January 2025


the morning after .....

the morning after .....

from Crikey …..

Stimulating hypocrisy from Hockey: Joe's changed tune

the upcoming battle of the aussie woman...

raising kids...

It is 2013, right? Why then, is a woman's status as a mother still relevant to her career potential?

what are you for .....

what are you for ....


Stephen Fry is the kind of person to avoid debating against. He's basically a huge brain piloting a finely tuned public speaking machine. Please note that this clip isn't about Catholics being bad people. In my experience, Catholics themselves tend to be some of the nicest, most caring individuals I have ever met. Fry's anger is directed at the Catholic leadership and policy makers.

in search of a true cost economy ....

in search of a true cost economy .....

Today’s global economy is causing shortages of natural resources (both renewable and non-renewable) as we come to the end of what might be called the Age of Extraction. A true cost, steady state economy, on the other hand, would prevent resource problems by maintaining population and resource consumption well within the carrying capacity of the planet.

the great rattus lie ....

the great rattus lie ....

According to the line flogged relentlessly for the last six years by the federal Coalition and the mainstream media, the Howard-Costello years – 1996 to 2007 – were a period of wonderful money management.

american pie ....

american pie ....

Warning: This story is going to make you very angry.

who ....

who ....

The World Health Organisation (WHO)  has categorically refused in defiance of its own mandate to share evidence uncovered in Iraq that US military use of Depleted Uranium and other weapons have not only killed many civilians, but continue to result in the birth of deformed babies.

bugger the bankers ....

bugger the bankers ....

When I was a lass I was proud of my class, like my father and mother before me

They taught me to fight for my civil rights, but it’s always the same old story –

men for all seasons .....

men for all seasons .....

Our present leaders are paying the price for the dishonesty of Bush and Blair

catching-up with Jayson Dropkic ....

caching-up with jayson dropkic ....

Sonic waves from Queen's We Will Rock You are splitting the very air apart when I find the new senator at his country home somewhere to the north-west of Narrabri.

the management of the empire



An empire is not a monolith. Humans are not robots.



bin laden died in vain...

The CIA has begun delivering weapons to rebels in Syria, ending months of delay in lethal aid that had been promised by the Obama administration, according to U.S. officials and Syrian figures.

barack o'bomber ....

barack o'bomber ....

If President Obama is serious about ridding the world, and not just Syria, of chemical weapons, he and America’s closest allies in the Middle East should lead the way.

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