Saturday 18th of January 2025


wire to the node ....

wire to the node ....

from politicoz ….

The Liberal Party will be unsurprised by the mass resignation of the NBN Co’s board.

in search of asylum ...

in search of asylum ....

from politicoz …

forget syria ....

forget syria ....

We are now within two months of what may be humankind’s most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

There is no excuse for not acting. All the resources our species can muster must be focussed on the fuel pool at Fukushima Unit 4.

lessons of war .....

lessons of war ....

With tens of thousands killed and millions of lives destroyed by nearly twelve years of US war in Afghanistan, there is no possible number that accurately reflects the carnage

yankee credibility ....

yankee credibility ....

Jon Stewart Takes on John McCain Syria iPhone Poker Play

some people kill themselves...


Figures released by the Victorian Coroner reveal an addiction to gambling has been linked to 130 suicides over the past 12 years.

hunt — the minister for denialism...

him !
How far will the climate purge go?

it's much worse...

minister for women

an oaf to the people of australia...

preparing for knighthood...


YESTERDAY ‒ Wednesday, 18 September 2013 ‒ the newly minted Australian Prime Minister Abbott returned to the past by swearing allegiance to the Queen whereas both Prime Ministers Rudd and Gillard, on taking office, swore allegiance to Australia.

after hammering labor relentlessly, murdoch now tries to puncture sydney's bikes...

clover bike
Cyclists across Sydney have sprung to the defence of Sydney's Lord Mayor Clover Moore in the face of a Daily Telegraph campaign against bike paths.

the santamaria-zation of australia...

catholic boys...

The old Catholic-based Democratic Labor Party — a product of Labor's split of the 1950s — is "alive and well and living inside the Howard Government", Health Minister Tony Abbott says.

telling it like it is .....

telling it like it is ....

In what passes for democracy in Australia, the vilest of the vile has won.

Labor lost because for six years it ruled, just like the Liberals before it, for the big end of town and did nothing to advance the interests of its working class supporters.

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