Sunday 19th of January 2025


pining for uplifting culture...


culture shapes our destiny.

We are in need of smartness. Desperately. Desperately seeking smartness...

knuckle-dragging .....

knuckle-dragging .....

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has once again distanced himself from Liberal senator Cory Bernardi after the backbencher called for a new debate on abortion, railed against ''non-traditional'' families and called for more flexible industrial relations laws.

deceitful seasoning...

guns of sorrow


From the outrageous Murdoch media influence to the untold Saudi's control over al Qaeda, most of us, decent fair minded people, are taken for a ride...

yet another class struggle .....

another class struggle .....

The history of capitalism has running through it a history of alcohol.

Alcohol appeared at the beginnings of class society, with beer jugs found in the late Stone Age. Wine and beer existed in class society in Egypt, beer being brewed in the home. While most gods were local, Osiris, the god of wine, was worshiped across the country.

remembering "rattus" .....

remembering "rattus" .....

A recent poll asked people in Britain how many Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The answers they gave were shocking.

go along with the nice destruction of the planet...

cost recovery

A threat to impose a fee for consular support after Australian activist Colin Russell was detained in Russia has opened the prospect of broader charges for government support of thousands of Australians who find themselves in trouble overseas.

On Friday foreign affairs minister Julie Bishop said the activities of the Australian government on behalf of Mr Russell had cost tens of thousands of dollars, and she would look very closely at recovering the costs.

"Of course cost recovery can be an important part of providing consular support," she said.

keeping who safe .....

keeping who safe .....

You, like most Americans, are friendly and like to mind your own business. You have 2.3 kids, a mortgage, and a loving spouse.

But, this is the 21st Century. A grand era of technology. Buck Rogers and H.G. Wells would be so proud of our technological advancements.

the bleeding obvious .....

the bleeding obvious .....

Loose ends tend to clutter our lives and, supposedly, a new year is a good time to tidy them up or burn them to cinders.

hey george ....

hey george .....

tony abbott's downhill run .....

tony abbott's downhill run ....

Tony Abbott will be having a great holiday.

He is no doubt luxuriating in one of France’s snowfield resorts – built by collaboration between business and strong unions.

would you kill the fat man .....

would you kill the fat man .....

At 4:13 in the morning on June 13, 1944, there was an explosion in a lettuce patch 25 miles southeast of London.

the dark ages .....

the dark ages .....

The Abbottite heresy grows not just wickeder but crazier by the day.

public enemy no 1 .....


public enemy no 1 .....

Over 12 years into the so-called "Global War on Terror," the United States appears to be striking terror into the hearts of the rest of the world.

I believe in Santa too .....

I believe in Santa too .....

Almost everyone on the left is paying close attention to Tim Wilson’s appointment to the Human Rights Commission. Even I have written about this outrage, this outrage I tell you.

It is a sideshow compared to what is happening in the Australian Tax Office.

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