Sunday 19th of January 2025


even the holy see ....

even the holy see .....

UN demands Holy See "immediately remove all known and suspected child sexual abusers" among clergy.

reflections on our culture of entitlement .....

reflections on our culture of entitlement ....

from Crikey .....

"The age of entitlement is over, the age of personal responsibility has begun."




weddings parties anythink...


weddings parties anythink...

Local entrepreneurs are being encouraged to play cupid to Indian couples to help connect the south Asian country's $14 billion wedding market to Australia's tourism industry.

a dangerous idealogue .....

a dangerous idealogue .....

Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s address to the World Economic Forum in January delivered a plain, pragmatic message.

keeping up appearances .....

keeping up appearances ....

from politicoz ….

The fight to frame the debate around SPC Ardmona continues apace, and it's central to a broader ideological battle.

nose down...


pig's arse...

They were appointed in the spirit of austerity to identify billions of dollars to hack from government spending.

But the Abbott government's audit commissioners have been accused of failing to walk the walk on what they are taking from the public purse.

Audit chairman Tony Shepherd has so far been paid $25,000 for the equivalent of 17 days' work.

the never-ending story...

the never-ending story...


Our manic obsession with never-ending economic growth is driving our planet to ruin, writes Dr Adnan Al-Daini.

le chocolatier...



A Liberal backbencher has accused Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey of lying about union conditions at SPC Ardmona.

chip, chip-away ....

chip. chip-away .....

from Crikey ….

How Victoria is quietly riding roughshod over basic freedoms

Victoria's Parliament is poised, without much fanfare or scrutiny, to pass a bill that would drastically increase police powers and severely curtail our basic human rights.

the smoke & mirrors of tokenism .....

the smoke & mirrors of tokenism .....

a letter to Adam Goode from John Passant …..

Dear Adam

Congratulations on being awarded Australian of the Year.  Your contributions on and off the football field are great and deserving of recognition.

inequality .....

inequality .....

Surprise, surprise, a one percenter thinks we are not all created equal.



1.   Investor Peter Schiff: 'We are not all created equal. I am worth way more than you.'

welfare myths .....

welfare myths .....


Labor has accused the Abbott government of exaggerating Australia's welfare spending to justify cuts, pointing to new figures which show the nation spends less than most other developed nations.

Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews this week warned that ''relentless'' growth in spending on welfare payments was ''unsustainable''.

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