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Blogsteam awstrayla ....
bending bananas in queensland...
Jones says 'nice to hear' from Newman and 'sidekick' Seeney
On his show this morning Jones acknowledged he had received the statement of claim.
"stick wiv me..." said the turd to the shoe..."Stick with me, Abbott pleads" is the headline of the Sydney Morning Herald on this glorious global warming day of the 23rd of January in the godly graceful year of 2015...
It's barely 8:30 (summer time) in the morning and the temperature is already above long-term MAXIMUM average. With the BoM, and the various news outlet, it's hard to know. The SMH posts 27 on its mast head, with a maximum of 28 — the ABC posts 25.9 with a maximum of 30, while the weather chart of the SMH shows it's 25.3 with a maximum of 29...
eating your young .....When people say they have no politics, it means that their politics aligns with the status quo. None of us are unbiased, none removed from the question of power.
seriously down-under .....
You might think life here in America is expensive. But it turns out that when compared to the rest of the world, the U.S. doesn't even make the list of the 20 most expensive countries to live in.
fighting the old new world order and smelling the flowers when grandma is away...
root causes .....
an entitlement called privilege .....America is the most unequal country in the developed world. We also pay the lowest taxes among all developed nations. Is there a connection?
JFK to 911: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick …..Francis Richard Conolly's well-reasoned documentary chronicles the rise of the moneyed elite and the means employed to control history and undermine democratic institutions since WWI. It is a long film - three and half hours - and worth every minute. ==========
looking after one's own on planet weirdo in company of e-technologies and the occult...Swedenborg ... went into a little inn in Bishopsgate Street, and was eating his dinner very fast when he thought he saw in the corner of the room a vision of Jesus Christ, who said to him, "Eat slower". This was the beginning of all his visions and mysterious communications.
joe's big jump...Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has seized on a comment by the Treasurer that people could soon live until they are 150, describing it as Joe Hockey's "Sarah Palin" moment. Mr Hockey made the comments earlier today while arguing the case for budget cuts and to explain why Australians should pay more for their health care.
there's a bear in my soup .....How many insults does the European Union expect Russia to bear without consequences? Ethnic cleansing of Russian people by the Brussels-backed Kiev regime, a refugee crisis on Russia’s borders, economic sanctions based on groundless accusations hurting Russian society – and now this – the neo-Nazi cabal that seized power in Ukraine with CIA backing last year has repeatedly been found guilty of siphoning off Russia’s natural gas exports to the EU.
je suis tonee ....It’s been 18 months since Tony Abbott lost his job as Leader of the Opposition & that’s surely time enough for him to have worked-out what he should be doing as Prime Minister: playing head of government, leading the party that holds the majority of seats in the House of Representatives & acting as chief adviser to the Governor-General.
the boiling frog...Anthony Albanese has attacked the Coalition’s record on climate change following new data showing 2014 was the hottest year on record. The Labor frontbencher says Tony Abbott can no longer ignore the evidence on climate change.
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