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Blogsthe goliath of hypocritical hasbara …..Is he a smooth-talking, disingenuous, cunning salesman who knows that everything he asserts about Israel being in danger of annihilation and not having a Palestinian partner for peace is propaganda nonsense, or, does he really believe what he says?
nuances...nuances Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been forced to defend George Brandis in Parliament after the Senate passed a motion declaring him "unfit to hold the office of Attorney-General" over the Government's criticism of Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs.
neo-fascism...the difference between fascism and neo-fascism From John Pilger
buying votes with a fridge, while selling goods they steal from you...Up to 60,000 households will get interest-free loans or discounts on new washing machines, fridges and water heaters under an ambitious $61.5-million election pledge by the Baird government to boost energy efficiency. Under the policy, tradespeople will also be able to offer upfront discounts on the purchase and installation of energy-efficient air conditioners and heaters. Environment Minister Rob Stokes said that, for the first time, gas appliances would be included in the energy savings scheme, recognising rising gas prices in NSW. Almost half of the funds - $26.8 million - will go to help low-income households cut their power bills by purchasing expensive but very efficient whitegoods and major appliances.
retiring royalThe Evening Standard newspaper said the Prince would complete a six-week secondment to an Australian military unit before he leaves the army. Following his secondment, the Prince is expected to join his father Prince Charles at the 100th anniversary Anzac Day dawn service in Gallipoli.
the answer is yes...
Is Capitalism Destroying Our Planet?
the question is...
The popular ABC program is considering implementing what is effectively a Twitter-based "truth-o-meter". Or as executive producer Peter McEvoy puts it: "Tony asks someone about the budget. We could then ask [viewers via Twitter]: 'Is this politician answering the question or dodging the question?"' The results of this snap poll might then be flashed on screen and conveyed to Jones. And if viewers decide the panelist is talking through their hat, Jones could inform them of this, then insist on a clear and direct reply.
hypocrite, incompetent, playing politics and both...
from the governmental excuse book..."I cannot find them, I am sorry. I had them on a notepad." With that bumbling, mumbled apology on Tuesday, the Attorney-General's Department's new secretary, Chris Moraitis, may have spared himself and his minister, George Brandis, from a criminal investigation. How so? Without Moraitis' missing notes, the Australian Federal Police is powerless to act on Labor's urging that it investigate whether Brandis sought to bribe the Human Rights Commission president, Professor Gillian Triggs, into resigning.
good government .....
welfare made incrementally simple, by slow simplifying dummies...
Social Services Minister Scott Morrison says wholesale changes to the welfare system are "necessary", but he has signalled they will be introduced slowly and in stages.
The Greek Tragedy - Some things not to forget, which the new Greek leaders have not ….from the The Anti-Empire Report
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