Tuesday 21st of January 2025


My Turn Next

One day I'll be Leader, and on that day you'll learn
I've had enough of taking your guff, so now it is my turn
Fuck your thoughts and feelings, fuck your mortal soul
I'm the one that's telling you - I'm now in control

Every day I wake up with a psychic morning glory
Nothing's gunna happen till I start to write the story
and none of that can happen till my thinking in the shower
my daily meditation on the concept of Power

cruising to the death penalty...


cruising to the death penalty

In December, when a mentally ill Texas man convicted of murder was poised to be executed—and a number of prominent conservatives were calling to postpone the killing—Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) declined to criticize the pending execution.

mister magic .....

mister magic .....

minister for women .....

minister for women .....

on team building .....

on team building .....

from Crikey …..

Not the most important part of the story, but terrible Tony is back. Or is he?

The "lifestyle choice" remarks are either a new disaster come from speaking his true mind or a calculated insult, designed to get an effect.

coal hearted killer ....

coal hearted killer .....

On Saturday, 7th March, Richard Denniss joined Alan Jones and Peter Martin in speaking at a rally of more than 1200 people at Bowral, NSW. The crowd were gathered to show their concern over consequences of coal mining operations proposed in the Southern Highlands.

hubcaps, smoke and mirrors....


You will need to go a very long way and look very carefully to find a worse decision than yesterday’s one to restore Automotive Transformation Scheme funding until the car industry shuts up shop in 2017.

Some decisions are bad policy but good politics, or vice versa. Some are good decisions but are poorly implemented, or vice versa.

keeping us safe .....

keeping us safe .....

"lifestyle choices" .....

"lifestyle choices" .....

Once again Tony Abbott kicks an own-goal with all the aplomb of a determined suicide-bomber.

the liberal (CONservative) catholics that had infiltrated the Labor party piss on workers, once more...

stalwarts tell fibs...

When Martin Ferguson (left in the toon) retired from parliament, he was lauded by Tony Abbott with fond tears in his eyes, as "representing "old Catholic Labor" (which Tony Turdy contemplated with B A Santamaria's DLP) or such... Since then, Ferguson has joined the "corporates".

a sea change for the most insensitive dorky incompetent bullying costly prime minister ever in this fair country...



The Federal Opposition is demanding the Prime Minister apologise after he suggested it is a lifestyle choice to live in remote indigenous communities.

allegories of bad government: submarines, national security and the Gillian Triggs affair .....

 submarines, national security and the Gillian Triggs affair .....

The structure and working of the machinery of government rarely corresponds with perfect administrative form. Mind you, apart from the sound common sense of God and the aesthetics of former prime minister Paul Keating, few things get close to perfection. Even William Shakespeare and Piero della Francesca probably had off days.

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